Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers/Chart of characters
This chart contains all characters currently available for Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers, sorted by their stats.
Official characters have portraits; names in bold are starter characters, names in italics are unlockable characters.
Characters with a in front of their name contain (optional) Lua
scripts. Only characters released onto the Message Board are listed here
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A | B | C |
D | E | F |
G | H | I |
Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers categorizes characters in a "class" depending on their stats, where each ninth of the stat grid has its own letter class. Ironman characters are considered as Class J.
[Toggle all collapsibles]
Ironman Characters
Characters with the SF_IRONMAN
flag set, which will make them shapeshift into non-Ironman characters and take on their stats under certain circumstances. While most of the time Ironman Characters will be in a shapeshifted state where they do not use their own stats, an Ironman's stats will still have a slight effect during Position.
Heavy Magician (Speed 5, Weight 5)
Serathiel (Speed 3, Weight 9)
Blackhead (Speed 5, Weight 2)
Tellware (Speed 2, Weight 3)
() Mimic (Speed 5, Weight 5)
Xanmalgamation (Speed 5, Weight 5)
Starters Ditto (Speed 2, Weight 3)
Spoilers end here. |
Off-Chart Characters
Characters with stats that are not possible without additional Lua scripts, as stats lower than 1 or higher than 9 will automatically round up or down as needed.
CaseOh (Speed 0, Weight 15)
Alternate Mechanic Characters
Characters using Lua for significant gameplay alterations, including alternative physics, etc.
Lysander (Speed 5, Weight 5, changes speed/weight with random timing.)
Akuii (Speed 7, Weight 5, weight is equal to amount of rings held, from 0 to 20.)
Demon Core (Speed 9, Weight 9, boost speed is increased in general but character explodes upon bumping into or hitting something.)
Tanooki Mario (Speed 5, Weight 2, stats temporarily change to Speed 0, Weight 40 when Fast Falling, reverting back to normal after a few seconds of being on the ground. Additionally, the character doesn't bounce upon landing from a Fast Fall.)