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List of graphics

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This is a list of all miscellaneous graphics used in SRB2.


Graphic name(s) Description Picture
CONTSPOT The spot where the player stands on in the Continue screen.
CONTNUM0–CONTNUM9 The numbers 0 to 9, shown in the countdown of the Continue screen.
CONTSTAR A big star, used to surround the countdown in the Continue screen.
CONTINS A small star, used on the Special Stage score tally screen as a character's fallback continue icon if they do not have their own.


Graphic name(s) Description Picture
Ultimate Mode (unused)
ACRED01 Drawing of Sonic running, used in the credits of Ultimate Mode in past SRB2 versions. They have since been unused.
ACRED02 Sonic's jaw dropping while Tails tries to close it, used in the credits of Ultimate Mode in past SRB2 versions. They have since been unused.
ACRED03 Drawing of Tails flying and looking down, used in the credits of Ultimate Mode in past SRB2 versions. They have since been unused.
ACRED04 Drawing of Tails flying and carrying Sonic, used in the credits of Ultimate Mode in past SRB2 versions. They have since been unused.
ACRED05 Drawing of Sonic, Tails and Eggman, used in the credits of Ultimate Mode in past SRB2 versions. They have since been unused.
ACRED06 Sonic walking, used in the credits of Ultimate Mode in past SRB2 versions. They have since been unused.
ACRED07 Sonic and Metal Sonic ("Metal Sonic is the EGGINATOR"), used in the credits of Ultimate Mode in past SRB2 versions. They have since been unused.
ACRED08 Eggman sitting on an ACME rocket, used in the credits of Ultimate Mode in past SRB2 versions. They have since been unused.
ACRED09 Sonic and Dr. Eggman, used in the credits of Ultimate Mode in past SRB2 versions. They have since been unused.
ACRED10 Sonic saying "Thbth bpthbpt! BEEP! BEEP!", used in the credits of Ultimate Mode in past SRB2 versions. They have since been unused.
ACRED11 Drawing of Sonic by a river, used in the credits of Ultimate Mode in past SRB2 versions. They have since been unused.
CREDIT01 Sonic skidding and giving a thumbs up, used in the Credits sequence.
CREDIT02 Tails in mid-air, used in the Credits sequence.
CREDIT03 Knuckles clenching his fists, used in the Credits sequence.
CREDIT04 Dr. Eggman standing, used in the Credits sequence.
CREDIT05 Tails configuring a Jetty-Syn, used in the Credits sequence.
CREDIT06 Knuckles sleeping on the Master Emerald, used in the Credits sequence.
CREDIT07 Amy waving with a Flicky, used in the Credits sequence.
CREDIT08 Fang looking at a robot part, used in the Credits sequence.
CREDIT09 Metal Sonic standing, used in the Credits sequence.
CREDIT10 Metal Sonic hovering, used in the Credits sequence.
CREDIT11 Sonic raising his finger up, used in the Credits sequence.
CREDIT12 Sonic waving, used in the Credits sequence.
CREDIT13 Sonic giving a thumbs up, used in the Credits sequence.


Graphic name(s) Description Picture
GOTITA An emblem with a picture of a star on it.
GOTITB An emblem with a picture of a spade on it.
GOTITC An emblem with a picture of a heart on it.
GOTITD An emblem with a picture of a diamond on it.
GOTITE An emblem with a picture of a club on it.
GOTITF An emblem with a picture of a trophy on it.
GOTITG An emblem with a picture of a shield on it.
GOTITH An emblem with a picture of a Chaos Emerald on it.
GOTITI An emblem with a picture of some Invincibility sparkles on it.
GOTITJ An emblem with a picture of an Armageddon Shield symbol on it.
GOTITK An emblem with a picture of a chain on it.
GOTITL An emblem with a picture of a sun on it.
GOTITM An emblem with a picture of a moon on it.
GOTITN An emblem with no picture on it.
GOTITO An emblem with a picture of a loop symbol on it.
GOTITP An emblem with a picture of a Bumper on it.
GOTITQ An emblem with a picture of the letter A on it.
GOTITR An emblem with a picture of a Ring on it.
GOTITS An emblem with a picture of a crown on it.
GOTITT An emblem with a picture of a sand timer on it.
GOTITU An emblem with a picture of Sonic on it.
GOTITV An emblem with a picture of Tails on it.
GOTITW An emblem with a picture of Knuckles on it.
GOTITX An emblem with a picture of Metal Sonic on it.
GOTITY An emblem with a picture of Fang on it.
GOTITZ An emblem with a picture of Amy on it.
NEEDIT A black diamond signifying the missing Emblem.


Graphic name(s) Description Picture
EMBOX1 Emerald Box 1 icon (Green)
EMBOX2 Emerald Box 2 icon (Purple)
EMBOX3 Emerald Box 3 icon (Blue)
EMBOX4 Emerald Box 4 icon (Light blue)
EMBOX5 Emerald Box 5 icon (Orange)
EMBOX6 Emerald Box 6 icon (Red)
EMBOX7 Emerald Box 7 icon (Gray)
EMBOX8 Emerald Box 8 icon (Black)
CHAOS1 Large Chaos Emerald 1 icon (Green)
CHAOS2 Large Chaos Emerald 2 icon (Purple)
CHAOS3 Large Chaos Emerald 3 icon (Blue)
CHAOS4 Large Chaos Emerald 4 icon (Light blue)
CHAOS5 Large Chaos Emerald 5 icon (Orange)
CHAOS6 Large Chaos Emerald 6 icon (Red)
CHAOS7 Large Chaos Emerald 7 icon (Gray)
CHAOS8 Large Chaos Emerald 8 icon (Yellow Lines)
TEMER1 Tiny Chaos Emerald 1 icon (Green)
TEMER2 Tiny Chaos Emerald 2 icon (Purple)
TEMER3 Tiny Chaos Emerald 3 icon (Blue)
TEMER4 Tiny Chaos Emerald 4 icon (Light blue)
TEMER5 Tiny Chaos Emerald 5 icon (Orange)
TEMER6 Tiny Chaos Emerald 6 icon (Red)
TEMER7 Tiny Chaos Emerald 7 icon (Gray)


Graphic name(s) Description Picture
ENDBGSP2 The Earth below.
ENDBGSP3 The Earth below (slightly more seen).
ENDBGSP0 The stars in the sky.
ENDBRDR0 A screen border, with blue coming out as the color gets closer to the middle.
ENDBRDR1 A screen border, with gray coming out as the color gets closer to the middle.
ENDBRDR2 A screen border, with purple coming out as the color gets closer to the middle.
Egg Rock
ENDERGK0 The Egg Rock.
ENDEGRK1 The Egg Rock, glowing as it's about to be destroyed.
ENDEGRK2 A destroyed Egg Rock.
ENDEGRK3 Outer pieces of a destroyed Egg Rock.
ENDEGRK4 Inner pieces of a destroyed Egg Rock.
ENDEGRK5 The Egg Rock, with no power.
Escape Pod
ENDESCP0–ENDESCP3 The Escape pod, burning as it enters the atmosphere.
ENDESCP4 The Escape pod.
ENDXPLD0–ENDEXPLD3 Explosions coming from the Egg Rock.
ENDGLOW0–ENDGLOW1 A glowing Egg Rock.
ENDGLOW2–ENDGLOW3 A glowing Black Rock.
ENDFWRK0–ENDFWRK2 A firework with Dr. Eggman's face, shown in the Bad Ending.
ENDFWRK3–ENDFWRK5 A firework with a star, shown in the Good Ending as a character's fallback firework if they do not have their own.
ENDSPKL0–ENDSPKL2 Sparkles which circulate the Chaos Emeralds in the Good Ending.


Loading these from WADs will not modify SRB2.

Graphic name(s) Description Picture
CRFNT033 The ! symbol, used in the Credits sequence.
CRFNT046 The . symbol, used in the Credits sequence.
CRFNT050 The number 2, used in the Credits sequence.
CRFNT051 The number 3, used in the Credits sequence.
CRFNT065–CRFNT090 The letters A through Z, used in the Credits sequence.
LTFNT033 The ! symbol, used in the level startup sequence.
LTFNT034 The " symbol, used in the level startup sequence.
LTFNT038 The & symbol, used in the level startup sequence.
LTFNT039 The ' symbol, used in the level startup sequence.
LTFNT044 The , symbol, used in the level startup sequence.
LTFNT045 The - symbol, used in the level startup sequence.
LTFNT046 The . symbol, used in the level startup sequence.
LTFNT048–LTFNT057 The numbers 0 to 9, used in the level startup sequence.
LTFNT063 The ? symbol, used in the level startup sequence.
LTFNT065–LTFNT090 The letters A through Z (uppercase), used in the level startup sequence.
LTFNT097-LTFNT122 The letters a through z (lowercase), used in the level startup sequence.
NTFNO031 The letter Ú, used in the Character Select menu as an outer border.
NTFNO033 The ! symbol, used in the Character Select menu as an outer border.
NTFNO035 The # symbol, used in the Character Select menu as an outer border.
NTFNO038 The & symbol, used in the Character Select menu as an outer border.
NTFNO039 The ' symbol, used in the Character Select menu as an outer border.
NTFNO044 The , symbol, used in the Character Select menu as an outer border.
NTFNO045 The - symbol, used in the Character Select menu as an outer border.
NTFNO046 The . symbol, used in the Character Select menu as an outer border.
NTFNO048–NTFNO057 The numbers 0 through 9, used in the Character Select menu as an outer border.
NTFNO063 The ? symbol, used in the Character Select menu as an outer border.
NTFNO065–NTFNO090 The letters A through Z, used in the Character Select menu as an outer border.
NTFNO095 The _ symbol, used in the Character Select menu as an outer border.
NTFNO126 The ~ symbol, used in the Character Select menu as an outer border.
NTFNT031 The letter Ú, used in the Character Select menu as an inner border.
NTFNT033 The ! symbol, used in the Character Select menu as an inner border.
NTFNT035 The # symbol, used in the Character Select menu as an inner border.
NTFNT038 The & symbol, used in the Character Select menu as an inner border.
NTFNT039 The ' symbol, used in the Character Select menu as an inner border.
NTFNT044 The , symbol, used in the Character Select menu as an inner border.
NTFNT045 The - symbol, used in the Character Select menu as an inner border.
NTFNT046 The . symbol, used in the Character Select menu as an inner border.
NTFNT048–NTFNT057 The numbers 0 through 9, used in the Character Select menu as an inner border.
NTFNT063 The ? symbol, used in the Character Select menu as an inner border.
NTFNT065–NTFNT090 The letters A through Z, used in the Character Select menu as an inner border.
NTFNT095 The _ symbol, used in the Character Select menu as an inner border.
NTFNT126 The ~ symbol, used in the Character Select menu as an inner border.
STCFN022 The infinity symbol, used for miscellaneous menu graphics.
STCFN023 Two arrows pointing vertically, used for miscellaneous menu graphics.
STCFN024 Two arrows pointing horizontally, used for miscellaneous menu graphics.
STCFN025 A music note, used for miscellaneous menu graphics.
STCFN026 An arrow pointing upwards, used for miscellaneous menu graphics.
STCFN027 An arrow pointing downwards, used for miscellaneous menu graphics.
STCFN028 An arrow pointing towards the left, used for miscellaneous menu graphics.
STCFN029 An arrow pointing towards the right, used for miscellaneous menu graphics.
STCFN030 A center dot symbol, used for miscellaneous menu graphics.
STCFN031 The letter ú, used for miscellaneous menu graphics.
STCFN033 The ! symbol, used for miscellaneous menu graphics.
STCFN034 The " symbol, used for miscellaneous menu graphics.
STCFN035 The # symbol, used for miscellaneous menu graphics.
STCFN036 The $ symbol, used for miscellaneous menu graphics.
STCFN037 The % symbol, used for miscellaneous menu graphics.
STCFN038 The & symbol, used for miscellaneous menu graphics.
STCFN039 The ' symbol, used for miscellaneous menu graphics.
STCFN040 The ( symbol, used for miscellaneous menu graphics.
STCFN041 The ) symbol, used for miscellaneous menu graphics.
STCFN042 The * symbol, used for miscellaneous menu graphics.
STCFN043 The + symbol, used for miscellaneous menu graphics.
STCFN044 The , symbol, used for miscellaneous menu graphics.
STCFN045 The - symbol, used for miscellaneous menu graphics.
STCFN046 The . symbol, used for miscellaneous menu graphics.
STCFN047 The / symbol, used for miscellaneous menu graphics.
STCFN048-STCFN057 The numbers 0 to 9, used for miscellaneous menu graphics.
STCFN058 The : symbol, used for miscellaneous menu graphics.
STCFN059 The ; symbol, used for miscellaneous menu graphics.
STCFN060 The < symbol, used for miscellaneous menu graphics.
STCFN061 The = symbol, used for miscellaneous menu graphics.
STCFN062 The > symbol, used for miscellaneous menu graphics.
STCFN063 The ? symbol, used for miscellaneous menu graphics.
STCFN064 The @ symbol, used for miscellaneous menu graphics.
STCFN065-STCFN090 The letters A through Z (uppercase), used for miscellaneous menu graphics.
STCFN091 The [ symbol, used for miscellaneous menu graphics.
STCFN092 The \ symbol, used for miscellaneous menu graphics.
STCFN093 The ] symbol, used for miscellaneous menu graphics.
STCFN094 The ^ symbol, used for miscellaneous menu graphics.
STCFN095 The _ symbol, used for miscellaneous menu graphics.
STCFN096 The ` symbol, used for miscellaneous menu graphics.
STCFN097-STCFN122 The letters a through z (lowercase), used for miscellaneous menu graphics.
STCFN123 The { symbol, used for miscellaneous menu graphics.
STCFN124 The | symbol, used for miscellaneous menu graphics.
STCFN125 The } symbol, used for miscellaneous menu graphics.
STCFN126 The ~ symbol, used for miscellaneous menu graphics.

Title screen

Graphic name(s) Description
TTBANNER Title screen banner graphic
TTWING Title screen wing graphic
TTSONIC Title screen "SONIC" graphic
TTSWAVE1 and TTSWAVE2 Sonic waving hand animation
TTSWIP1 Sonic preparation graphic #3
TTSPREP1 and TTSPREP2 Sonic preparation graphics #1 and #2
TTSPOP1–TTSPOP7 Sonic appearing animation
TITLESKY Title screen sky background graphic

Menu graphics

Menu graphics starting with M_ loaded from WADs will not modify SRB2.

Graphic name(s) Description Picture
Menu header text graphics
M_CONTRO "Setup Controls" graphic
M_MULTI "Multiplayer" graphic
M_OPTTTL "Options" graphic
M_PICKG "Select Game" graphic
M_PICKP "Choose Player" graphic
M_VIDEO "Video Options" graphic
M_SECRET "Extras" graphic
M_SPLAYR "Setup Player" graphic
M_SOUND "Sound Options" graphic
M_DATA "Data Options" graphic
M_SCREEN "Screenshot Options" graphic
M_SERVER "Server Options" graphic
M_ATTACK "Record Attack" graphic
M_NIGHTS "NiGHTS Mode" graphic
M_STATS "Statistics" graphic
M_PANDRA "Pandora's Box" graphic
M_ADDONS "Add-on Options" graphic
M_RATHON "Marathon Run" graphic
M_SLIDEL Slider left end graphic
M_SLIDER Slider right end graphic
M_SLIDEM Slider middle graphic
M_SLIDEC Slider cursor graphic
M_THERML Big slider left end graphic (unused)
M_THERMR Big slider right end graphic (unused)
M_THERMM Big slider middle graphic (unused)
M_THERMO Big slider cursor graphic (unused)
Save slot menu
M_LSLEFT Save slot description box left end graphic
M_LSCNTR Save slot description box middle graphic
M_LSRGHT Save slot description box right end graphic
CONTINS Continues icon graphic
GFZROCK box (unused)
BRDR_B GFZROCK box bottom-middle border graphic
BRDR_BL GFZROCK box bottom-left corner border graphic
BRDR_BR GFZROCK box bottom-right corner border graphic
BRDR_L GFZROCK box left border graphic
BRDR_MM GFZROCK box middle graphic (unused)
BRDR_MT GFZROCK box top-middle graphic (unused)
BRDR_R GFZROCK box right border graphic
BRDR_B GFZROCK box top-middle border graphic
BRDR_BL GFZROCK box top-left corner border graphic
BRDR_BR GFZROCK box top-right corner border graphic
M_CURSOR Menu cursor graphic
BLANKLVL Level select placeholder graphic
EMBLICON Large emblem icon graphic
Add-ons menu
M_FWAD WAD file icon graphic
M_FPK3 PK3 file icon graphic
M_FSOC SOC file icon graphic
M_FLUA Lua file icon graphic
M_FTXT Text file icon graphic
M_FCFG CFG file icon graphic
M_FFLDR Folder icon graphic
M_FBACK Up arrow graphic
M_FSRCH Search graphic
M_FNOPE "No Results" graphic
M_FSAVE "Can save" graphic
M_FSEL File selection graphic

STJR Eggman cutscene

Graphic name(s) Description
WAHH1–WAHH4 Eggman opening mouth
FEEDIN Eggman with mouth open (side view)
PUREFAT1 "PURE FAT" truck body
PUREFAT2 "PURE FAT" truck door
PUREFAT3 "PURE FAT" truck wheel cover
TYRE00–TYRE15 "PURE FAT" truck wheel animation

Intro cutscene

Graphic name(s) Description
INTRO1 "Two months had passed since..."
INTRO2 "As it was about to drain the rings"
INTRO3 "What Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles..."
INTRO4 "About once every year, a strange..."
INTRO5 "Greenflower Mountain was gone..."
INTRO6 "It was only later that he had an idea..."
INTRO7 "I'm just finding what mission obje..."
DRAT "Curses! Eggman yelled. That ridiculous..."
SGRASS1 "Before beginning his scheme, Eggman decided to give Sonic..." (Bright background)
SGRASS2–SGRASS4 "Before beginning his scheme, Eggman decided to give Sonic..." (Sonic face animation)
SGRASS5 "Before beginning his scheme, Eggman decided to give Sonic..." (Dark background)
WATCHING "We're ready to fire in 15 seconds, the robot said..."
ZOOMING "Meanwhile, Sonic was tearing across the zones..."
REVENGE "You're not quite as dead as we thought, huh?..."
SONICDO1 "Easy! We go find Eggman and stop his..."
SONICDO2 "Tails, what *ARE* you doing?"
BRITEGG1 and DARKEGG1 Eggman flashing animation (Small)
BRITEGG2 and DARKEGG2 Eggman flashing animation (Medium)
BRITEGG3 and DARKEGG3 Eggman flashing animation (Large)
RUN1 and RUN2 Sonic running animation (Body)
PEELOUT1 and PEELOUT2 Sonic running animation (Legs)
TAILSSAD "Eggman took this as his cue and blasted off..."
ROID0000–ROID0034 Black Rock animation
RADAR "Just then his scanner blipped as the Black Rock..."
CONFRONT "We'll see... let's give you a quick warm up, Sonic!"

Credits font

The game's credits font. Graphic names are of the format CRFNTxxx, where xxx is the character's ASCII code (in decimal).

Graphic name(s) Description
CRFNT046 .
CRFNT051 3
CRFNT065–CRFNT090 A–Z (Letters)

Level title font

The game's level title font. Graphic names, excluding act numbers, are of the format LTFNTxxx, where xxx is the character's ASCII code (in decimal). Loading these from WADs will not modify SRB2.

Graphic name(s) Description
LTFNT033 !
LTFNT039 '
LTFNT048–LTFNT057 0–9 (Numbers)
LTFNT065–LTFNT090 A–Z (Letters)
TTL00–TTL09 0–9 (Act number font)

Heads up font

The general font used throughout the game. Graphic names are of the format STCFNxxx, where xxx is the character's ASCII code (in decimal). Loading these from WADs will not modify SRB2.

Graphic name(s) Description
STCFN031 ú (for Credits name)
STCFN033 !
STCFN034 "
STCFN035 #
STCFN036 $
STCFN037 %
STCFN038 &
STCFN039 '
STCFN040 (
STCFN041 )
STCFN042 *
STCFN043 +
STCFN044 ,
STCFN045 -
STCFN046 .
STCFN047 /
STCFN048–STCFN057 0–9 (Numbers)
STCFN058 :
STCFN059 ;
STCFN060 <
STCFN061 =
STCFN062 >
STCFN063 ?
STCFN064 @
STCFN065–STCFN090 A–Z (Uppercase letters)
STCFN091 [
STCFN092 \
STCFN093 ]
STCFN094 ^
STCFN095 _
STCFN096 `
STCFN097–STCFN122 a–z (Lowercase letters)
STCFN123 {
STCFN124 |
STCFN125 }
STCFN126 ~

Tiny font

The game's tiny font. Graphic names are of the format TNYFNxxx, where xxx is the character's ASCII code (in decimal). Loading these from WADs will not modify SRB2.

Graphic name(s) Description
TNYFN031 ú (for Credits name)
TNYFN033 !
TNYFN034 "
TNYFN035 #
TNYFN036 $
TNYFN037 %
TNYFN038 &
TNYFN039 '
TNYFN040 (
TNYFN041 )
TNYFN042 *
TNYFN043 +
TNYFN044 ,
TNYFN045 -
TNYFN046 .
TNYFN047 /
TNYFN048–TNYFN057 0–9 (Numbers)
TNYFN058 :
TNYFN059 ;
TNYFN060 <
TNYFN061 =
TNYFN062 >
TNYFN063 ?
TNYFN064 @
TNYFN065–TNYFN090 A–Z (Uppercase letters)
TNYFN091 [
TNYFN092 \
TNYFN093 ]
TNYFN094 ^
TNYFN095 _
TNYFN096 `
TNYFN097–TNYFN122 a–z (Lowercase letters)
TNYFN123 {
TNYFN124 |
TNYFN125 }
TNYFN126 ~

Level complete screen

Level complete screen graphics starting with YB_ loaded from WADs will not modify SRB2.

Graphic name(s) Description
Single Player/Co-op
INTERSCR Background graphic (Optional)
INTERSCW Background graphic – wide (Optional)
YB_RING "Ring Bonus" graphic
YB_TIME "Time Bonus" graphic
YB_GUARD "Guard Bonus" graphic
YB_PERFE "Perfect Bonus" graphic
YB_TOTAL "Total" graphic
Special Stage
CEMERALD "Chaos Emeralds" (unused)
GOTEMALL "Got Them All!" graphic (unused)
NOWSUPER "Sonic can now be Super Sonic" graphic (unused)
SPECTILE Special Stage complete background graphic
YB_LINK "Link Bonus" graphic
YB_SCORE "Score" graphic
YB_CONTI "Continues" graphic
RESULT "Results" graphic

HUD graphics

HUD graphics starting with SBO or RRINGS loaded from WADs will not modify SRB2.

Graphic name(s) Description
SBORINGS "Rings" graphic
SBOSCORE "Score" graphic
STLIVEX Lives "x" graphic
STLIVEBK Life icon background graphic
RRINGS "Rings" graphic (Red)
SBOTIME "Time" graphic
SBOCOLON Colon graphic for time
SBOPERIO Period graphic for time (centiseconds)
STTMINUS Minus sign for Large numbers
STTNUM0–STTNUM9 0–9 (Large numbers)
TINYNUM0–TINYNUM9 0–9 (Small numbers)
GETALL "Get x Rings" graphic for Special Stages
TIMEUP "Time Up" graphic for Special Stages
HOMING1 Emerald Hunt radar graphic (Gray)
HOMING2 Emerald Hunt radar graphic (Blue)
HOMING3 Emerald Hunt radar graphic (Green)
HOMING4 Emerald Hunt radar graphic (Yellow)
HOMING5 Emerald Hunt radar graphic (Orange)
HOMING6 Emerald Hunt radar graphic (Red)
SUPERICO Default Super form life icon graphic ("S")
CROSHAI1–CROSHAI3 First person mode crosshair graphics
TOKNICON Special Stage token graphic
NGHTLINK "Link" graphic
NGTNUM0–NGTNUM9 0–9 (Numbers)
BLUESTAT Mid-screen Ideya Capture health bar piece (Blue – for depleted parts of Capsule's health)
BYELSTAT Mid-screen Ideya Capture health bar piece (Yellow – 1st quarter of full health)
YELSTAT Mid-screen Ideya Capture health bar piece (Light orange – 2nd quarter of full health)
ORNGSTAT Mid-screen Ideya Capture health bar piece (Dark orange – 3rd quarter of full health)
REDSTAT Mid-screen Ideya Capture health bar piece (Red – 4th quarter of full health)
NBRACKET Bracket graphic surrounding ring and Ideya Capture icons
NHUD1–NHUD12 Ring icon animation
NSSHUD Blue Sphere icon (for Special Stages)
MINICAPS Ideya Capture icon graphic
NARROW1–NARROW8 Arrow animation
NARROW9 Arrow (Non-animated version)
NREDAR1–NREDAR8 Arrow animation (Red)
DRILLBAR Drill bar graphic
DRILLFI1 Drill bar fill – normal (Green)
DRILLFI2 and DRILLFI3 Drill bar fill – flashing (Gray and Red)
CAPSBAR Ideya Capture health bar graphic
CAPSFILL Ideya Capture health bar fill (Blue)
MINUS5 "-5" graphic
GRADE0 "F" Grade graphic
GRADE1 "E" Grade graphic
GRADE2 "D" Grade graphic
GRADE3 "C" Grade graphic
GRADE4 "B" Grade graphic
GRADE5 "A" Grade graphic
GRADE6 Rainbow "A" Grade graphic
NGRTIMER Time icon (for NiGHTS Mode)
RACE1 "1" graphic for countdown
RACE2 "2" graphic for countdown
RACE3 "3" graphic for countdown
RACEGO "GO!" graphic for countdown
CURWEAP Weapon cursor graphic
RINGIND Red ring icon graphic
BNCEIND Bounce Ring icon graphic
AUTOIND Automatic Ring icon graphic
BOMBIND Explosion Ring icon graphic
SCATIND Scatter Ring icon graphic
GRENIND Grenade Ring icon graphic
RAILIND Rail Ring icon graphic
TAGICO "IT" graphic
RFLAGICO Red flag graphic
BFLAGICO Blue flag graphic
RMATCICO Red team icon graphic
BMATCICO Blue team icon graphic
GOTRFLAG Red flag obtained icon graphic
GOTBFLAG Blue flag obtained icon graphic
NONICON Flag taken graphic


Graphic name(s) Description
CONSBACK Console background (see con_backpic)/SRB2 start-up graphic ("Sonic Team Junior Presents")
GAMEQUIT Exiting SRB2 screen
HELPM01 and HELPM02 "Multiplayer" help screens
HELPN01–HELPN03 "NiGHTS Mode" help screens
SRB2BACK Multiplayer results/Record Attack screen background
MISSING Used when a graphic is missing