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SRB2 Wiki talk:Copyrights/SRB2 World

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Where can we find the archive? ~Kaysakado  • Talk 05:41, 2 December 2007 (PST)

That's actually a good question. Does anyone remember the URL of the original SRB2 World? "lawrencegearheadz" or something...? I found it intact on Archive.org's WaybackMachine. That's where you'd find it. I have the content unpackaged, but I don't have the original package. --Digiku talk 06:00, 2 December 2007 (PST)

Haha, I was right: [1]

Anyways, here's the archive for download: http://srb2wiki.sepwich.com/lw-archive.7z

It's in 7Z format, so you'll need 7-Zip to extract it: http://www.7-zip.org

We could probably redistribute the SRB2 World archive without a hitch. As far as I can tell, a441 doesn't claim copyright on the site's content other than with Lumpmod, which contains its own distribution terms. Should be alright, though. I'll cut to the chase and link it on the page. --Digiku talk 06:10, 2 December 2007 (PST)

Found it! ~Kaysakado  • Talk 06:19, 2 December 2007 (PST)

EDIT: Wow, so many things I did wrong. First the broken formatting, then the posting it right after you, then it turns out my link was corrupted, etc.

EDIT2: Your link was corrupted as well. =s And yes, I did open it with 7-zip.

You're right. It's odd that it doesn't work. WaybackMachine might've cropped the file or something; I dunno. Anyways, I'll see what I can package up later. What do you need the package for, anyways? (Just curious) --Digiku talk 07:36, 2 December 2007 (PST)

Nothing in particular, just out of curiosity. And don't say "curiosity killed the cat," because I'm a human, not a cat. ~Kaysakado  • Talk 07:45, 2 December 2007 (PST)

"Curiosity killed the Kaysakado!" :)

Anyways, try this. I just repackaged it. --Digiku talk 15:30, 2 December 2007 (PST)

I deleted the copyright statement, since we don't use any SRB2 World content on this site anymore. We are still hosting the ZIP archive, however, as it seems. I don't know if we should keep that or remove it. --SpiritCrusherTalkContribs 13:18, 27 July 2010 (UTC)