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From SRB2 Wiki

Ok, I created it.

I created it...

Yeah, Segmint. Forgot to put that down in my first comment.

You seem to have a bit of the general formatting down wrong, as in the titles and such. I'd fix it, but I don't know much about the standard formatiing anyways to begin with. :X --Spazzo 05:03, 29 March 2007 (PDT)

EDIT: Oh, and why did we exactly need to know that you created it? Just curious. - Spazzo

QUESTION: does this exist in srb2jte? oh, and do you need to collect all emeralds, beat very hard, and beat ultimate all on the same saved file? -anonamous

Yes, it can be done in SRB2JTE. The second meeting with RedXVI requires all emeralds (not sure about the first one). You have to beat Ultimate for all three, which is done by beating Very Hard three times. You don't need to save. ~ Blue Warrior 12:37, 2 June 2007 (PDT)

RedXVI in Me?

Is He in ME Because if you go into SOC Editor and edit things theres an item called PXVI And if you edit it so you can place him he is wearing a wierd suite please respond.

Yes he is. We're gonna wait a while before putting the info up, though. ~Kaysakado  •  Talk  •  21:18, 4 August 2009 (UTC)

Can you guys on my talk tell me please its one of the only unlockables I need left

Easter egg?

I was playing through SRB2 as Tails today in CEZ2, and as per usual with all 7 emeralds I took the path with RedXVI. When I reached the room that he's in, he didn't give the usual speech and then whisk me off to NAGZ like he normally does. Instead, he didn't say anything until I almost reached the steps in front of where he stands. Then, the words "I, Pope Rededict XVI proclaim AJ & Amy Husband & Wife on this day May 16, 2009" appeared on the screen. Also, I recieved 9999 rings for some reason.

Needless to say, I found this a little strange, and took a screenshot. The colors on it look like an LSD trip, but the text is readable: http://s599.photobucket.com/albums/tt71/Pittsburghistan/?action=view&current=RedXVIeasteregg.jpg&newest=1

Has anyone else had this happen, and is it Wiki worthy? -The Desert Fox

This happens when you have unlocked NAGZ in the Secret Level Select. Feel free to add the information to the article. --SpiritCrusher 10:07, 13 February 2010 (UTC)

Knuckles The Echidna says

I was not carried alone I gained 9999 rings in, but also I already had unblocked…

RedXVI In Demo 4.35

So, I was playing through the old versions and I found RedXVI in Demo 4.35's CEZ2, where Sonic's 1.09.4 emblem is. Touching him hits you (or kills you if you have no rings/shield) and displays the message "THAT'S FOR BUGGERING ME IN MY FANGAME, MADVENTURE! NOW SOD OFF!" and disappears. It doesn't seem to be mentioned in any other page on this Wiki, would it be worth mentioning? Not sure if he appears in the other 4.0 demos.

(Also, there seems to be a little easter egg, touching him as SS or with Sissy Mode ON crashes the game with a message saying "'User' didn't understand SodOff_ 1" and asks you to download MAdventure on a now broken link) --Stixter (talk) 01:19, 19 August 2014 (CDT)

Nice find! Of course this is worth mentioning. I can also confirm that this easter egg is featured in all versions of Demo 4. --SpiritCrusherTalkContribs 03:44, 19 August 2014 (CDT)