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Talk:Sector-based spike tutorial

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Sector-based spikes on FOFs

I think there can be a work-around to this, though I haven't been successful in making sector spikes yet. I think you may be able to use vertical offsets on the midtextures. You can then use an invisible solid fof surrounding the midtextures and have it use spike damage. I put this here, because I am unsure if this technique is good/works the same way as a ground sector spike works. Torgo 14:46, 3 February 2009 (UTC)

Jazz has found the workaround, and no, you cannot use Spike Damage on FOFs. It won't work. –SonicMaster 18:41, 3 February 2009 (UTC)

I have a popup spikes sample WAD that I can upload if you want. Check it to see if it works(as I cannot right now): http://www.mediafire.com/?tuyjyjntztm Blahblahbal 18:51, 15 January 2010 (UTC)

Glitches in OpenGL

Care to elaborate what glitches they cause? The missing floor flat glitch has been fixed in 2.0.6, and they don't float since midtextures were fixed in 2.0.5. --SpiritCrusherTalkContribs 14:26, 2 June 2010 (UTC)