Kikyo is an IRC bot developed by me that serves three extremely different purposes; It serves as #Srb2fun's spam protection bot, stopping many annoyances in the channel; it serves to host games of Mafia in #SRB2Mafia; and it hosts games of Trivia in #SRB2Trivia as well.
Flood Protection (#Srb2fun)
On #Srb2fun, Kikyo acts as a simple bot designed to deter and eliminate unwanted spam.
!strikes <username (optional)>
If you're an operator, this shows a list of all people who currently have one strike or more in the channel, or if given a parameter, a specific user's strikes. If you are not, this simply shows your own strikes.
Gives help on all available commands and or settings. Available to operators only.
!set <setting> <value>
Changes the settings of the Flood Protection bot if necessary; will also give quick help on a setting if used alone. Available to operators only. The available settings are as follows:
ignore_ops <on/off>
Ops are ignored by the flood bot, and can spam as much as they like if this is on. If it's off, they're subject to the same limits as everyone else.
alert_ops <on/off>
Sends an @#channel notice whenever someone triggers any form of spam protection.
flood_check <on/off>
Enables or disables checking for users flooding the channel.
flood_lines <lines>
The number of lines it takes for the bot to kickban a person from the channel.
flood_time <seconds>
The amount of time (in seconds) that the number of lines must be said in -- in slightly easier to understand terms; if spam_lines and spam_time are both set to 6, anyone saying 6 lines in any 6 second period will be kicked/banned.
caps_check <on/off>
Enables or disables checking for users saying consecutive lines in ALL CAPS in the channel.
caps_lines <lines>
The number of continuous lines that match the filter's settings it takes for the bot to kickban a person from the channel.
caps_length <text length>
The minimum length of text for it to be checked for caps. If it is below this, the line is completely ignored. (Note that this means typing two consecutive lines in all caps and typing "ok" will NOT reset the bot's counter for how many consecutive lines you have typed that match its criteria.)
caps_percent <percent 0-100>
How much of the text must be in caps for the check to "pass" and increment the bot's internal count for how many lines that person has typed in caps. Note that this only include alphabetic characters: "AAAA aaaa A a !! ~~ !!" is treated as 50%, as any non-alphabetic character is ignored by the check.
strike_1_length <seconds>
This is how long the person is banned for on their first offense. -1 is a permanent ban.
strike_2_length <seconds>
This is how long the person is banned for on their second offense. -1 is a permanent ban.
strike_3_length <seconds>
This is how long the person is banned for on their third offense. -1 is a permanent ban.
strike_4_length <seconds>
This is how long the person is banned for on their fourth offense. -1 is a permanent ban.
strike_5_length <seconds>
This is how long the person is banned for on their fifth offense and above. -1 is a permanent ban.
strike_removal_time <seconds>
If a user doesn't trip the spam protection in this many seconds, their strikes are reduced by one.
Mafia (#SRB2Mafia) <inoperative>
On #SRB2Mafia and a couple of partner channels, Kikyo acted as a bot playing an IRC based game of Mafia. However, this feature was indefinitely suspended on 5/4/2010.
Trivia (#SRB2Trivia) <inoperative>
On #SRB2Trivia, Kikyo acted as a bot playing an IRC based game of Trivia, featuring questions related to SRB2 and similar topics. However, this feature was indefinitely suspended on 5/4/2010.