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2.1:Emerald token guide

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This is a guide to the locations of all emerald tokens in SRB2 v2.1. There are 28 emerald tokens in total, which are hidden throughout the non-boss acts of each zone. If you collect a token and finish the level, you will be warped to a Special Stage where you can attempt to earn a Chaos Emerald.

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Greenflower Zone Act 1

Token #1
After the first Star Post, as you come to the first lake, turn right before the bridge and look at the wall to the right of the patch of flowers. The discolored part is breakable by a spindash, or by touching if you're Knuckles. Behind the wall is a small cave containing the token. Jump up to grab it.

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Greenflower Zone Act 2

Token #1
At the opening leading to the large valley near the end, jump over the row of diagonal yellow springs and into the water below. Along the right outer wall of the room you should find an underwater entrance to a cave. Walk into the cave and jump up several ledges until you reach a yellow spring, which takes you above the water's surface to a platform containing the token.

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Techno Hill Zone Act 1

Token #1
This token is located in the large factory near the end of the stage. Climb on top of the pipe structure with the gas jets until you reach the highest one with the diagonal yellow spring. Instead of turning right to use it, jump down towards the thin vertical pipe in front of you. You will land on small piece of pipe containing the token. A gas jet is located just underneath the token to send you back up.

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Token #2
Enter the underground tunnel near the end and follow it until you get to the factory room with the large slime pool. The token is located at the bottom of the slime pool on the far end of the room. It's too far down to reach with a normal jump, so in order to gain enough downward momentum, you must jump from the high beam spanning the room near the entrance. To reach it, jump onto the pillar in the center of the room. From there, you can reach a small corridor to your right that leads to the beam. When jumping from the beam, make sure to have enough forward momentum so that you reach the token before the slime makes you rise back up again. A Whirlwind Shield may be helpful here, but is not required.

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Techno Hill Zone Act 2

Token #1
Once you get to the Star Post where the second path split merges, turn around. Get on top of the platform with the diagonal red spring behind the Star Post by using the gas jet in the pipe to the left of it. Normally, the spring will send you to the high platform ahead of the Star Post. Instead of landing there, strafe to your left while you are in the air and fall into the slime by the dark grey wall. In a shallow hole deep underneath the slime lies the token, surrounded by a circle of rings.

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Deep Sea Zone Act 1

Token #1
This token is located on top of one of the tall pillars in the large semicircular room with the V-shaped statue. The easiest way to get to it is to take the route with the gargoyle puzzles, which ends at the high platform with the V-shaped statue. From there you can jump down to the pillar with the token.

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Token #2
This token is located in the waterslide at the end of Knuckles' route, next to the right wall.

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Token #3
Take the lower path at the start and exit the big underwater room using the staircase at the top. Jump in the water after the Star Post, and then go towards the wall to your right. The token is hidden in a crevice in the corner of the room, underneath one of the platforms above the water's surface.

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Deep Sea Zone Act 2

Token #1
Take the left path at the beginning and follow it until you get to a room with a bridge, just before the first Star Post and the entrance to the waterslide. Go into the water to your right and look for a hole in the floor, which leads to an underwater cave containing the token.

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Token #2
After exiting the bustable block maze on the right path, walk up to the wall to you right. Then, turn around and bust all the blocks adjacent to the wall to reach the token.

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Token #3
At the path split in the waterslide maze near the end, turn right. Jump off to your left as soon as possible and walk through a room filled with stalactites to enter a cave. To your left is a small waterslide leading to the exit. Enter it and jump off to your left. You should see an opening to a room containing the token.

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Castle Eggman Zone Act 1

Token #1
Take the right path at the beginning. After descending the large wooden staircase, turn around and walk under it to reach the token.

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Token #2
This token is in the outdoor room with the spinning mace after the last Star Post. After using the row of diagonal yellow springs, turn around and look at the tower to your right to see a small wooden ledge attached to it. Jump to that ledge to find a yellow spring that will propel you to the top of the tower. On the tower is a diagonal red spring that will propel you towards two high cliffs. Use the yellow spring on the lower one to reach the higher one. Jump on the wooden beam to reach the small platforms to the right of it, where you will find the token.

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Castle Eggman Zone Act 2

Token #1
In the last room of Knuckles' secret path, before entering the alcove with the crumbling floor, turn around to see a token floating near the ceiling.

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Token #2
After the first path split rejoins, you will enter a room filled with crates. From there, go forward through the hallway in front of you and enter the last bedroom to your right. Jump on top of the bed's headboard and then turn around and jump to the wardrobes. Spindash through the cracked part of the wall to your right to enter a hidden bedroom. The token can be found on the bed.

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Token #3
In the library section, when you reach the room with the ladder in front of you, climb up the ladder and then jump to the wooden platform to your left. From there, turn around and look up the diagonal wall next to the wooden platform with the ladder to see an opening to a hidden room containing the token. As Tails or Knuckles, you can simply fly or climb up there. As Sonic, you will need a Whirlwind Shield (the nearest one is located in the courtyard with the library entrance). After obtaining one, continue through the upper path in the room with the ladder until you are standing on a floating stone platform and have to jump through a window into an outdoor area. Instead of doing this, look to your left to see another floating stone platform on the other side of the room. Use a spindash-jump or the Whirlwind Shield to reach the platform and turn around to face the opening to the room with the token. Use another Whirlwind jump to reach it.

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Arid Canyon Zone Act 1

Token #1
At the second path split, take the left path and follow it until you get to the chair lift. Step on the chair lift and look down to your left to see a thin ledge with a token. After grabbing the token, walk along the ledge to find a red spring that leads you back to the main path.

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Token #2
Take the forward path at the second path split and follow it until you enter a cave with an oil pit and a large machine in front of you. In the center of the machine is a crate with an Eggman logo. From the small ledges to your right you can jump to the machine and push back the crate. This will cause the machine to start draining the oil in the pit, revealing a secret passage. Enter the passage and follow it. After walking over a wooden bridge with a partially crumbling floor and turning right, there should be a pool of water in front of you. Jump into it, go forward and jump up several ledges to reach an area with the token.

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Token #3
In the same area as the previous token, before jumping into the water, look to your right to see a doorway blocked by a pile of rocks. As Knuckles, you can break these rocks to reveal another token.

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Red Volcano Zone Act 1

Token #1
Take the lower path at the beginning and follow it until you reach a room where the surface of the lava periodically rises and falls. When standing on the last stationary platform in this room, look towards the wall to your left to see a high platform. Fly or climb up there as Tails or Knuckles to find a token.

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Token #2
In the secret outdoor area.

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Token #3
Near the end of the level, where you have to climb up the burning ladder, turn around on the platform before the small rocks floating in the lava. Between the wall behind you and the lava fall to your right is a platform with the token.

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Egg Rock Zone Act 1

Token #1
In the room with the stacked conveyor belts on the left path, instead of turning right at the second split near the center of the room, continue forward to reach a token at the edge of a conveyor belt.

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Token #2
In the room with the horizontally moving platforms on the right path, before jumping to the second platform, you will see a token in front of you. The platform you are standing on leads right into it, but you must grab it as quickly as possible so that you still have enough time to jump to the second platform before the first one disappears.

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Egg Rock Zone Act 2

Token #1
Take the right path after the first Star Post and turn around after reaching the end of the first space room. Attached to the last platform you jumped across is a vertical metal beam, joined with a horizontal metal beam extending to the right. Jump to the horizontal beam and land on it. Then, look to your left to find a token where the two beams meet.

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Token #2
Take the right path after the first Star Post and follow it until you reach the second space room. Jump to the platform with the gravity switch, but don't use it. Instead, look to your left. You should see a ledge on the far side of the pit, behind the gray rock. Jump to the ledge to find a token as well as an air pocket that allows you to refresh your air supply before jumping back.

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Token #3
At the end of the disco room.

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Flooded Cove Zone

Token #1
When entering the room with the floating bustable blocks, turn left and fly above the building that you came from. Continue to your left until you reach a wall with a token next to it.

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Spoilers end here.