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2.1:Greenflower Zone Act 2

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Single Player levels
MAP02: Greenflower Zone Act 2








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MAP02, Greenflower Zone Act 2, abbreviated as GFZ2, is the second act of Greenflower Zone, the first zone in Sonic Robo Blast 2 v2.1. Compared to the first act, GFZ2 is longer and more diverse, being set in a tall valley with high cliffs and much vertical variation, and featuring multiple paths. It is slightly more difficult than GFZ1, but still very easy.


You start the level in a narrow valley with high cliffs to your left and right. Run forward, avoiding the Crawlas in your way. After crossing a small river via a wooden bridge, the path makes a right turn, followed by a left turn where you have to pass between two fences. After another left turn, you will come to a staircase with a row of diagonal springs at the top. Use the springs to reach the ledge on the other side, where you will find the Star Post. If you missed the ledge, you will land back in the area after the small river and must try again.

After the Star Post, jump over the row of spikes in front of you. You will enter a cave where the floor is covered by a shallow layer of water. Continue through the cave and follow its right turn to reach a row of red springs. Use the springs to be propelled up a ledge and into another outdoor area. Walk up to the cliff with the waterfall on the other side of this area, avoiding the corral filled with Crawlas in the center. Next to the cliff, between the waterfall and a Super Ring Monitor, you will find a diagonal yellow spring. Jump on the spring and then stop moving, as it leads to two other springs, each of them propelling you higher until you reach the top of the cliff. After landing, the entrance to another cave with the second Star Post will be to your left. After walking through the cave, you will reach an opening lined with diagonal yellow springs that leads into a large valley. You now have two possibilities to continue.

Upper path

Jump on the springs and aim to land on the high cliff in front of you. Walk across the cliff, avoiding the hole in the floor. On the other side, you will see another set of ledges in front of you. Jump to the lowest one and climb to the top. From there, jump to the platform with the tree trunk and walk into the cave in front of you. On the other side of the cave, you will reach an outdoor area with the Level End Sign.

If you wanted to take the upper path but landed in the valley by accident, you can get back to the upper path by using a set of platforms attached to the initial cliff. These platforms will lead you into a cave inside the cliff which contains a red spring that will propel you to the top.

Lower path

Jump over the springs and down into the valley below. Try to land on the grass area in front of you. If you missed and fell into the water, there will be a platform with a spring nearby to get you back up. From the grass area, you will see a lake in front of you with a platform in the middle. Jump onto this platform and across the lake to reach the third Star Post and the entrance to a cave.

Walk into the cave and jump up the next two ledges. In the next area, an exit to another outdoor room is located on a high ledge to your right. To reach it, jump across the platforms in front of you. In the outdoor room, walk forward until you reach a small lake. Walk across the lake via the grassy bridge and jump to the platform with the small tree trunk. Take the diagonal yellow spring on the tree trunk, which leads into another spring that will propel you up to the river feeding the lake. After bouncing off the second spring, move slightly to your right to land on the platform next to the river. From there, continue forward until you reach a row of yellow springs that lead up to the Level End Sign.

Points of interest

Hidden cave

There is a hidden cave in this level that contains an Armageddon Shield and eight Super Ring Monitors. It can be most easily reached as Tails or Knuckles; Sonic has to perform to some fairly difficult monitor bouncing to reach it.

In the starting area, jump into the first pool of water to your right to find a yellow spring. Use this spring to propel yourself up to the high ledge right next to you. Grab the Whirlwind Shield on this ledge, which you will need to get through the next section. Now walk across the ledge until you see a diagonal yellow spring. Instead of taking it, use the Whirlwind Shield to jump up to your right. Turn immediately right again and jump up the next ledge in the same way. The corridor in front of you leads to an open field with a large platform in the middle. Walk around it and take the yellow springs to get up to it. Use the Whirlwind Shield to jump to the ledge in front of you, turn left and take the red spring in the corner.

You will reach a cliff at the very top of the level. A narrow ridge leads to your left. Follow it and you will come to a large, pole-like wall. Walk around to the other side of it and look up to see an opening in the wall. This is the hidden cave. As Tails or Knuckles, you can simply fly or climb up to it, but it is too high up to reach directly as Sonic. Instead, you must go back to the cliff that you reached via the red spring. To the right of it, you should see a waterfall feeding a small pool of water with two SDURFs. Inside this pool of water is an Elemental Shield Monitor. Jump into the pool, hit the monitor and steer towards the area with the cave. You will come over an area containing a corral with several Crawlas. Try to land on one of the Crawlas and then move further towards the wall with the cave. Move around the wall and thok into the cave.

Extra lives

  • In the large valley near the end of the level, take the upper path and look to your left from the first cliff. You should see an opening in the wall below you. Jump and thok/fly/glide to this opening to reach a cave with an extra life.
  • When entering the cave with the second Star Post, there will be a hole in the ceiling to your right with three platforms beneath it. As Tails or Knuckles, fly or climb up that hole to reach a small alcove containing an extra life.


  • In the first pool of water to your right in the starting area, there is a yellow spring. Take it and land on the high ledge right next to you, where a Whirlwind Shield is located.
  • At the end of the starting area, where the path turns right, there is a moving platform that leads up to a platform with an Attraction Shield. Alternatively, look behind the platforms to your left at the starting point to see a diagonal yellow spring with a row of rings in front of it. Take this spring to be propelled up to a small ledge with another diagonal yellow spring. This is the first in a chain of springs that will eventually lead you to the cliff with the Attraction Shield. Do not move while on the spring chain or you will miss the next spring.
  • In the outdoor area before the cave with the second Star Post, you can see a waterfall coming down in front of you. Jump into the pool under it to find an Elemental Shield.
  • In the same pool, use the yellow spring to propel yourself up the waterfall and then follow the river against the current. When passing the second riverbank, look up in front of you to see a ledge high above you. Fly or climb up there to find several rings, a Super Sneakers Monitor and a Force Shield.
  • In the large valley near the end of the level, take the lower path. After landing in the grassy area, there will be several platforms to your left, two of which contain tree stumps. The smaller one contains a Force Shield.
  • In the large valley near the end of the level, take the upper path. After walking to the end of the first cliff, instead of jumping to the ledges in front of you, look down to the left to see another ledge attached to them that contains an Attraction Shield, as well as a yellow spring that you can use to get back up.

Super Sneakers

  • Look behind the platforms to your left at the starting point to see a diagonal yellow spring with a row of rings in front of it. Take this spring to be propelled up to a small ledge containing a Super Sneakers monitor.
  • If you take the lower path at the end, a Super Sneakers monitor is hidden next to the staircase in the cave.


  • In the cave after the first Star Post, instead of turning right, drop down into the underwater area in front of you. To your right is an invincibility monitor.


  • At the beginning of the level, jump into the first pool of water to your right and use the spring to propel yourself up to the high ledge right next to it. Use the diagonal yellow spring on the other end of this ledge to propel yourself over the wall in front of you and to your right. You will land in the area with the first Star Post.
  • At the path split near the end of the level, take the upper path, which is much shorter.

Technical data