Star Post

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Thing type 502, Star Post, is a type of Thing that serves as a checkpoint in Single Player and Race levels. When a specific Star Post is touched, the player will respawn in that location when they die. By default, the respawn location will use the Z position of the Star Post, and the X and Y position where the player was when they touched the Star Post. If the Object Special flag is set, the player will instead respawn at the exact location of the Star Post. The Star Post Activator sector effect can be used to allow players to trigger Star Posts when entering a certain sector rather than touching the Star Post directly. Star Posts do not spawn in Match, Tag or Capture the Flag.

The order of the Star Posts in a level can be determined in two ways: by their Parameter value and by their Angle value. If the Parameter value is used, the first Star Post in a level must have a Parameter value of 0, the second Star Post must have a Parameter value of 1, and so forth. Star Posts that are equal in order (for example if they are on different paths) should have the same Parameter value. In gametypes other than Race, touching a Star Post will activate all Star Posts with a lower or equal Parameter value, even if they were not touched, e.g., touching one with a Parameter of 2 will activate all Star Posts with Parameter values 0, 1 and 2. In Race, the Star Posts must be touched in order to complete a lap.

An alternative way to set the Star Post order is to add 360 to the Star Post's Angle for each successive Star Post. For example, an Angle value between 0 and 359 is equivalent to a Parameter value of 0, an Angle value between 360 and 719 is equivalent to a Parameter value of 1, and so forth. If this method is used, the Parameter value must be set to 0.

Since the maximum Parameter value is 15, the Parameter value can only be used to define up to 16 consecutive Star Posts. If more Star Posts are needed, they can be defined by adding 360 to the Star Post's Angle and counting up the Parameter value again for each successive Star Post, but this time starting from 1. For example, the 16th Star Post has a Parameter value of 0 and an Angle between 0 and 359, the 17th Star Post has a Parameter value of 1 and an Angle between 360 and 719, and the 18th Star Post has a Parameter value of 2 and an Angle between 360 and 719. Using this method, a map can have up to 1365 consecutive Star Posts.

  Thing types – Generic items and hazards [view]
Air Bubble PatchSignpostStar PostSpikeballWall SpikeSpikeSmall MaceBig MaceSmall FireballLarge Fireball