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Thing type 501, Signpost, is a type of Thing that is placed at the ending of most Single Player levels. It is a sign that displays a picture of Eggman at first, but when the player completes the level, the sign spins around and stops to show a picture of the player's character. The signpost does not spawn in Match, Tag, or Capture the Flag.

The sign itself is merely for decoration; it is not responsible for ending the level. To end the level, the player must enter an exit sector. Any signposts that are located inside the exit sector will then start spinning. Signposts that are not located inside an exit sector will not spin. However, if there are no signposts at all in the exit sector, all signposts located elsewhere in the level will spin at once.

The icon that is displayed on the sign after it stops spinning depends on the character that is played and is set by that character's SIGN frame. Custom characters should usually supply their own signpost icon. If none is supplied, the sign will use a generic 'CLEAR!' icon. The color of the sign's background depends on the skin color of the character – see List of skin colors > Skin color opposites for more details.

The table below displays the different pictures the signpost shows for each of the six main characters after it has finished spinning, the default 'CLEAR!' icon used when custom characters lack a SIGN frame, as well as the picture of Eggman it initially displays:

Character Eggman Sonic Tails Knuckles Amy Rose Fang Metal Sonic Generic

  Thing types – Generic items and hazards [view]
Air Bubble PatchSignpostStar PostSpikeballWall SpikeSpikeSmall MaceBig MaceSmall FireballLarge Fireball