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This page covers Wikitext, the formatting used to write articles throughout the site. It carries the ability to make text bold, link to pages, among others. This page is a helpful, brief primer describing wikitext.

Very important rules

  1. Always sign your name when posting a comment on a talk page. Use four tildes: "~~~~".
  2. Always use the Preview button before saving a page.
  3. Read the Manual of Style, which covers preferred rules not mentioned here.

Text style

Use apostrophes to make text bold or italic.

Description Code
Italic text ''Italic text''
Bold text '''Bold text'''
Mixed text '''''Mixed text'''''


Internal links

Enclose words in double square braces to make a link to an article on this site. Separate the link from the displayed text with a vertical bar ("|"). Use a pound sign ("#") to link to a specific section:

Description Code
Levels [[Levels]]
SRB2 Levels [[Levels|SRB2 Levels]]
NiGHTS 2D track [[NiGHTS#2D track|NiGHTS 2D track]]
Images [[#Images|Images]]

External links

Enclose words in single square braces to make a link to another website. Separate the URL from the caption with a space (" ").

Description Code
[1] [http://www.srb2.org]
Sonic Robo Blast 2 [http://www.srb2.org Sonic Robo Blast 2]

Article sections

Enclose text with equal signs to divide an article into sections.

==Main section==


See also: Image Formatting

Upload an image using the upload file link found in the main menu.

Use this code to add an image to the article:



[[Image:Title.png|frame|none|Title screen]]


Title screen


See also: Table Formatting

All table code needs to be the first character on the line. It's also highly recommended to use the wikitext table syntax on the far right, since that is what's universally used on the Wiki.

Result HTML equivalent Code
Start a table <table> {|
New column heading <th> !
Column heading on same line </th><th> !!
New cell <td> |
New cell on same line </td><td> ||
New row <tr> |-
Close table <table> |}
Header1 Header2
data data
data data
<table class="wikitable"><tr>
{| class="wikitable"
! Header1 !! Header2
| data1
| data2
| data3 || data4


All list code needs to be the first character on the line.

Description Code
Ordered list item #
Unordered list *
Indent :
  1. Step A
  2. Step B
    • Hint
  3. Step C
    1. Substep
    2. Substep
  4. Step D
Note text
# Step A
# Step B
#* Hint
# Step C
## Substep
## Substep
# Step D

: Note:
:: Note text


See also: Template Help

Enclose a template in double curly braces to have it transcluded to the page.


When editing templates, inside the template file, e.g., Template:Note, access parameters with triple curly braces.

{{{1}}} {{{2|default}}}


Use redirects to have one article automatically forward the read to another. In this example, SRB2 automatically redirects to Sonic Robo Blast 2:

#REDIRECT [[Sonic Robo Blast 2]]


Add articles to a category by adding a category link at the bottom of the article:

[[Category:Sonic Robo Blast 2]]

Display the category as a normal link by adding a colon:

[[:Category:Sonic Robo Blast 2]]

Category:Sonic Robo Blast 2

Other code

Description Code
Make text display as is <nowiki>text</nowiki>
Make text display with font used for code. <code>text</code>
Make text display with whitespace. <pre>text</pre>
Show text on the template page, but not on transcluded pages.
Useful for template usage instructions.
Show text on transcluded pages, but not on the template page.
Useful for templates that add articles to categories.
Add a horizontal bar. ---- or <hr/>
Add your signature. ~~~~
Insert a line break. <br/>
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