User:MascaraSnake/Example WADs
Ideally, the Wiki should have an example WAD for every linedef type and every sector type in SRB2. Exceptions are effects that don't work in the current version of SRB2 (and thus don't need an example WAD) and effects that require a combination of several linedef and/or sector types to work (in which case one example WAD will suffice for all). Thing types generally don't need example WADs, with a few exceptions.
This article is a list of all the example WADs we have or should have, with a convenient link that leads you directly to the file's page (if it already exists) or an upload prompt (if it doesn't). A blue link means we already have an example file (and you can download it by clicking), a red link means we still need one. If you want to help out, you can supply a missing example WAD, or you can improve on one of the existing ones. If you want to know what makes a good example WAD, I have outlined some guidelines below.
Useful links
- Category:Example WADs – Contains all example WADs used on the Wiki. If you add a new example WAD, please add it to the respective subcategory.
- Category:Pages that need example WADs – A list of all articles that need additional example WADs. If you add the missing example WADs to one of these articles, please remove the {{Needs samples}} template from the article.
- File:Template-samples.wad – You can use this template map as a basis for your example WADs.
Naming convention
To make it easier to find example WADs and identify them from their filename, they should follow a naming convention:
- Filename format:
refers to the type of example WAD: Thing type, linedef type or sector type.- For Thing types:
with XXXX being the four-digit Thing type number. - For linedef types:
with XXX being the three-digit linedef type number. - For sector types:
with XXXXX being the five-digit sector type number.
- For Thing types:
is the name of the effect without capitalization or whitespaces.
- Thing:
- Linedef:
- Sectors:
The "Name" parameter
Regarding the name of the effect, there are a few special conventions:
- If the name has something behind it in parentheses, it is given with a separate underscore (e.g.
). - If there is more than one example WAD for the same effect, give an additional description for each, separated by an underscore (e.g.
). - Trigger linedef executors get an additional
in front of their name (e.g.ex_ld300_trigger_continuous.wad
). - PolyObject linedefs get an additional
in front of their name (e.g.ex_ld482_polyobject_move.wad
). - FOFs get an additional
without underscore in front of their name (e.g.ex_ld100_fofsolidopaqueshadow.wad
) - The phrases "On Level Load", "Tagged Sector", "Tagged Linedef" and "According to Linedef" are removed from the filename for brevity.
What makes a good example WAD?
- Show everything that is important. If an effect has multiple options and can be used in different ways, try to showcase as many of them as is feasible. If necessary, create multiple instances of the same effect, each with different options, so that the user can see all possibilities that the effect has to offer. Of course, it's always better to have an incomplete example WAD than none at all, so if you can only show off the basics of the effect, that's fair enough.
- Keep it simple. The example is about the effect and the effect only. Don't include anything in your level besides the effect you want to demonstrate, such as decoration or another special effect. The level geometry should consist of simple shapes, e.g. squares, triangles or rectangles. Use basic textures such as
. If you need a different texture for emphasis, one-color textures such asREDWALL
are a good choice. Unless the effect requires otherwise, useMAP01
and don't create a level header. Feel free to use File:Template-samples.wad as a basis for your example WAD. - Keep it in one file. Unless there's a good reason for making separate example WADs for the same effect, try to keep everything in one level. An example of a good reason is linedef type 4, the Speed Pad effect. Since it can be used in conjunction with two separate sector types, there are two example WADs, one for each sector type. An example of a bad reason is making a separate example WAD for a sector type that shows its usage in conjunction with FOFs. If the sector type behaves differently for FOFs and regular sectors, you can show both in the same level. Of course, if you feel that the example WAD is getting too cluttered with many different examples of the same effect, feel free to split it.
Linedef types
- File:Ex ld001 persectorgravity.wad
- File:Ex ld002 customexit.wad
- File:Ex ld003 zoomtubeparameters.wad
- File:Ex ld004 speedpad.wad
- File:Ex ld005 camerascanner.wad
- File:Ex ld007 sectorflatalignment.wad
- File:Ex ld008 sectorspecialparameters.wad
- File:Ex ld009 chainparameters mace.wad
- File:Ex ld009 chainparameters chain.wad
- File:Ex ld009 chainparameters chainwithmaces.wad
- File:Ex ld009 chainparameters spring.wad
- File:Ex ld009 chainparameters firebar.wad
- File:Ex ld009 chainparameters custom.wad
- File:Ex ld010 cullingplane.wad
- File:Ex ld011 ropehangparameters.wad
- File:Ex ld011 ropehangparameters static.wad
- File:Ex ld012 rockspawnparameters.wad
- File:Ex ld013 heatwaveeffect.wad
- File:Ex ld014 bustableblockparameters.wad
- File:Ex ld015 fanparticlespawnerparameters.wad
- File:Ex ld020 polyobject.wad
- File:Ex ld022 polyobject parameters.wad
- File:Ex ld030 polyobject wavingflag.wad
- File:Ex ld031 polyobject displacementbyfrontsector.wad
- File:Ex ld040 visualportals.wad
- File:Ex ld050 instantlylowerfloor.wad
- File:Ex ld051 instantlyraiseceiling.wad
- File:Ex ld052 continuouslyfallingsector.wad
- File:Ex ld053 continuousfloorceilingmover.wad
- File:Ex ld054 continuousfloormover.wad
- File:Ex ld055 continuousceilingmover.wad
- File:Ex ld056 continuoustwospeedfloorceilingmover.wad
- File:Ex ld057 continuoustwospeedfloormover.wad
- File:Ex ld058 continuoustwospeedceilingmover.wad
- File:Ex ld059 activatefloatingplatform.wad
- File:Ex ld060 activatefloatingplatform adjustablespeed.wad
- File:Ex ld061 crusher ceilingtofloor.wad
- File:Ex ld062 crusher floortoceiling.wad
- File:Ex ld063 fakeplanes.wad
- File:Ex ld064 appdisappfof.wad
- File:Ex ld100 fofsolidopaqueshadow.wad
- File:Ex ld101 fofsolidopaquenonshadow.wad
- File:Ex ld102 fofsolidtranslucent.wad
- File:Ex ld103 fofsolidsidesonly.wad
- File:Ex ld104 fofsolidnosides.wad
- File:Ex ld105 fofsolidinvisible.wad
- File:Ex ld120 fofwateropaque.wad
- File:Ex ld121 fofwatertranslucent.wad
- File:Ex ld122 fofwateropaquenosides.wad
- File:Ex ld123 fofwatertranslucentnosides.wad
- File:Ex ld124 fofgoowatertranslucent.wad
- File:Ex ld125 fofgoowatertranslucentnosides.wad
- File:Ex ld140 fofintangiblefrombottomopaque.wad
- File:Ex ld141 fofintangiblefrombottomtranslucent.wad
- File:Ex ld142 fofintangiblefrombottomtranslucentnosides.wad
- File:Ex ld143 fofintangiblefromtopopaque.wad
- File:Ex ld144 fofintangiblefromtoptranslucent.wad
- File:Ex ld145 fofintangiblefromtoptranslucentnosides.wad
- File:Ex ld146 fofonlytangiblefromsides.wad
- File:Ex ld150 fofbobbingair.wad
- File:Ex ld151 fofadjustablebobbingair.wad
- File:Ex ld152 fofreverseadjustablebobbingair.wad
- File:Ex ld160 foffloatingbobbing.wad
- File:Ex ld170 fofcrumblingrespawn.wad
- File:Ex ld171 fofcrumblingnorespawn.wad
- File:Ex ld172 fofcrumblingintangiblefrombottomrespawn.wad
- File:Ex ld173 fofcrumblingintangiblefrombottomnorespawn.wad
- File:Ex ld174 fofcrumblingintangiblefrombottomtranslucentrespawn.wad
- File:Ex ld175 fofcrumblingintangiblefrombottomtranslucentnorespawn.wad
- File:Ex ld176 fofcrumblingfloatingbobbingrespawn.wad
- File:Ex ld177 fofcrumblingfloatingbobbingnorespawn.wad
- File:Ex ld178 fofcrumblingfloatingrespawn.wad
- File:Ex ld179 fofcrumblingfloatingnorespawn.wad
- File:Ex ld180 fofcrumblingbobbingrespawn.wad
- File:Ex ld190 fofmovingsolidopaqueshadow.wad
- File:Ex ld191 fofmovingsolidopaquenonshadow.wad
- File:Ex ld192 fofmovingsolidtranslucent.wad
- File:Ex ld193 fofmovingsolidinvisible.wad
- File:Ex ld194 fofmovingintangiblefrombottomopaque.wad
- File:Ex ld195 fofmovingintangiblefrombottomtranslucent.wad
- File:Ex ld200 foflightblock.wad
- File:Ex ld201 fofhalflightblock.wad
- File:Ex ld202 foffogblock.wad
- File:Ex ld220 fofintangibleopaque.wad
- File:Ex ld221 fofintangibletranslucent.wad
- File:Ex ld222 fofintangiblesidesonly.wad
- File:Ex ld223 fofintangibleinvisible.wad
- File:Ex ld250 fofmarioitemblock.wad
- File:Ex ld251 fofmariothwompblock.wad
- File:Ex ld252 fofshatterblock.wad
- File:Ex ld253 fofshatterblocktranslucent.wad
- File:Ex ld254 fofbustableblock.wad
- File:Ex ld254 fofbustableblock knuckles.wad
- File:Ex ld255 fofspinbustblock.wad
- File:Ex ld255 fofspinbustblock effect5.wad
- File:Ex ld256 fofspinbustblocktranslucent.wad
- File:Ex ld257 fofquicksandblock.wad
- File:Ex ld258 foflaserblock.wad
- File:Ex ld259 customfof.wad
- File:Ex ld300 trigger continuous.wad
- File:Ex ld301 trigger eachtime.wad
- File:Ex ld302 trigger once.wad
- File:Ex ld303 trigger ringcountcontinuous.wad
- File:Ex ld304 trigger ringcountonce.wad
- File:Ex ld305 trigger characterabilitycontinuous.wad
- File:Ex ld306 trigger characterabilityeachtime.wad
- File:Ex ld307 trigger characterabilityonce.wad
- File:Ex ld308 trigger raceonlyonce.wad
- File:Ex ld309 trigger ctfredteamcontinuous.wad
- File:Ex ld310 trigger ctfredteameachtime.wad
- File:Ex ld311 trigger ctfblueteamcontinuous.wad
- File:Ex ld312 trigger ctfblueteameachtime.wad
- File:Ex ld313 trigger nomoreenemiesonce.wad
- File:Ex ld314 trigger numberofpushablescontinuous.wad
- File:Ex ld315 trigger numberofpushablesonce.wad
- File:Ex ld317 trigger conditionsettriggercontinuous.wad
- File:Ex ld318 trigger conditionsettriggeronce.wad
- File:Ex ld319 trigger unlockablecontinuous.wad
- File:Ex ld320 trigger unlockableonce.wad
- File:Ex ld321 trigger afterxcallscontinuous.wad
- File:Ex ld322 trigger afterxcallseachtime.wad
- File:Ex ld399 trigger levelload.wad
- File:Ex ld400 setfloorheighttexture.wad
- File:Ex ld401 setceilingheighttexture.wad
- File:Ex ld402 setlightlevel.wad
- File:Ex ld403 movefloor.wad
- File:Ex ld404 moveceiling.wad
- File:Ex ld405 moveflooraccordingtofronttextureoffsets.wad
- File:Ex ld407 moveceilingaccordingtofronttextureoffsets.wad
- File:Ex ld409 changetag.wad
- File:Ex ld410 changefrontsectorstag.wad
- File:Ex ld411 stopplanemovement.wad
- File:Ex ld412 teleport player.wad
- File:Ex ld412 teleport object.wad
- File:Ex ld413 changemusic.wad
- File:Ex ld414 playsoundeffect.wad
- File:Ex ld415 runscript.wad
- File:Ex ld416 startadjustablefireflicker.wad
- File:Ex ld417 startadjustableglowinglight.wad
- File:Ex ld418 startadjustableblinkinglight unsynchronized.wad
- File:Ex ld419 startadjustableblinkinglight synchronized.wad
- File:Ex ld420 fadelightlevel.wad
- File:Ex ld421 stoplightingeffect.wad
- File:Ex ld422 cutawayview.wad
- File:Ex ld423 changesky.wad
- File:Ex ld424 changeweather.wad
- File:Ex ld425 changeobjectstate.wad
- File:Ex ld426 stopobject.wad
- File:Ex ld427 awardscore.wad
- File:Ex ld428 startplatformmovement.wad
- File:Ex ld429 crushceilingonce.wad
- File:Ex ld430 crushflooronce.wad
- File:Ex ld431 crushfloorandceilingonce.wad
- File:Ex ld432 enabledisable2dmode.wad
- File:Ex ld433 enabledisablegravityflip.wad
- File:Ex ld434 awardcustompower.wad
- File:Ex ld435 changescrollerdirection.wad
- File:Ex ld436 shatterfof.wad
- File:Ex ld437 disableplayercontrol.wad
- File:Ex ld438 setobjectsscale.wad
- File:Ex ld439 changetexture.wad
- File:Ex ld440 startmetalsonicrace.wad
- File:Ex ld441 conditionsettrigger.wad
- File:Ex ld442 changeobjecttypestate.wad
- File:Ex ld443 callluafunction.wad
- File:Ex ld444 earthquake.wad
- File:Ex ld445 makefofdisappear.wad
- File:Ex ld450 executelinedefexecutorfromtag.wad
- File:Ex ld451 executelinedefexecutorrandomrange.wad
- File:Ex ld480 polyobject doorslide.wad
- File:Ex ld481 polyobject doorswing.wad
- File:Ex ld482 polyobject move.wad
- File:Ex ld483 polyobject moveoverride.wad
- File:Ex ld484 polyobject rotateright.wad
- File:Ex ld485 polyobject rotaterightoverride.wad
- File:Ex ld486 polyobject rotateleft.wad
- File:Ex ld487 polyobject rotateleftoverride.wad
- File:Ex ld488 polyobject movebywaypoints.wad
- File:Ex ld489 polyobject turninvisibleintangible.wad
- Linedef type 490 uses File:Ex ld489 polyobject turninvisibleintangible.wad
- File:Ex ld491 polyobject settranslucency.wad
- File:Ex ld500 scrollwallfrontsideleft.wad
- File:Ex ld501 scrollwallfrontsideright.wad
- File:Ex ld502 scrollwall.wad
- File:Ex ld503 scrollwall accelerative.wad
- File:Ex ld504 scrollwall displacement.wad
- File:Ex ld505 scrolltexturebyfrontsideoffsets.wad
- File:Ex ld506 scrolltexturebybacksideoffsets.wad
- File:Ex ld510 scrollfloortexture.wad
- File:Ex ld511 scrollfloortexture accelerative.wad
- File:Ex ld512 scrollfloortexture displacement.wad
- File:Ex ld513 scrollceilingtexture.wad
- File:Ex ld514 scrollceilingtexture accelerative.wad
- File:Ex ld515 scrollceilingtexture displacement.wad
- File:Ex ld520 carryobjectsonfloor.wad
- File:Ex ld521 carryobjectsonfloor accelerative.wad
- File:Ex ld522 carryobjectsonfloor displacement.wad
- File:Ex ld523 carryobjectsonceiling.wad
- File:Ex ld524 carryobjectsonceiling accelerative.wad
- File:Ex ld525 carryobjectsonceiling displacement.wad
- File:Ex ld530 scrollfloortextureandcarryobjects.wad
- File:Ex ld531 scrollfloortextureandcarryobjects accelerative.wad
- File:Ex ld532 scrollfloortextureandcarryobjects displacement.wad
- File:Ex ld533 scrollceilingtextureandcarryobjects.wad
- File:Ex ld534 scrollceilingtextureandcarryobjects accelerative.wad
- File:Ex ld535 scrollceilingtextureandcarryobjects displacement.wad
- File:Ex ld540 floorfriction.wad
- File:Ex ld541 wind.wad
- File:Ex ld542 upwardswind.wad
- File:Ex ld543 downwardswind.wad
- File:Ex ld544 current.wad
- File:Ex ld544 current waterslide.wad
- File:Ex ld545 upwardscurrent.wad
- File:Ex ld546 downwardscurrent.wad
- File:Ex ld547 push.wad
- File:Ex ld547 pull.wad
- File:Ex ld600 floorlighting.wad
- File:Ex ld601 ceilinglighting.wad
- File:Ex ld602 adjustablepulsatinglight.wad
- File:Ex ld603 adjustableflickeringlight.wad
- File:Ex ld604 adjustableblinkinglight unsynchronized.wad
- File:Ex ld605 adjustableblinkinglight synchronized.wad
- File:Ex ld606 colormap.wad
- File:Ex ld700 slopefrontsidefloor.wad
- File:Ex ld701 slopefrontsideceiling.wad
- File:Ex ld702 slopefrontsidefloorandceiling.wad
- File:Ex ld703 slopefrontsidefloorandbacksideceiling.wad
- File:Ex ld704 slopefrontsidefloorbyvertices.wad
- File:Ex ld705 slopefrontsideceilingbyvertices.wad
- File:Ex ld710 slopebacksidefloor.wad
- File:Ex ld711 slopebacksideceiling.wad
- File:Ex ld712 slopebacksidefloorandceiling.wad
- File:Ex ld713 slopebacksidefloorandfrontsideceiling.wad
- File:Ex ld714 slopebacksidefloorbyvertices.wad
- File:Ex ld715 slopebacksideceilingbyvertices.wad
- File:Ex ld720 copyfrontsidefloorslope.wad
- File:Ex ld721 copyfrontsideceilingslope.wad
- File:Ex ld722 copyfrontsidefloorandceilingslope.wad
- File:Ex ld799 settaggeddynamicslopevertextofrontsectorheight.wad
- File:Ex ld900 translucentwall 90.wad
- File:Ex ld901 translucentwall 80.wad
- File:Ex ld902 translucentwall 70.wad
- File:Ex ld903 translucentwall 60.wad
- File:Ex ld904 translucentwall 50.wad
- File:Ex ld905 translucentwall 40.wad
- File:Ex ld906 translucentwall 30.wad
- File:Ex ld907 translucentwall 20.wad
- File:Ex ld908 translucentwall 10.wad
- File:Ex ld909 fogwall.wad
Sector types
- File:Ex st00001 damage.wad
- File:Ex st00002 damage water.wad
- File:Ex st00003 damage fire.wad
- File:Ex st00004 damage electrical.wad
- File:Ex st00005 spikes.wad
- File:Ex st00006 deathpit cameramodifications.wad
- File:Ex st00007 deathpit nocameramodifications.wad
- File:Ex st00008 instantkill.wad
- File:Ex st00009 ringdrainer floortouch.wad
- File:Ex st00010 ringdrainer nofloortouch.wad
- File:Ex st00011 specialstagedamage.wad
- File:Ex st00011 specialstagedamage fof.wad
- File:Ex st00012 spacecountdown.wad
- Ramp Sector and Non-Ramp Sector use File:Ex ramp nonramp sectors.wad
- File:Ex st00015 bouncysector.wad
- File:Ex st00016 triggerlinedefexecutor pushableobjects.wad
- File:Ex st00032 triggerlinedefexecutor anywhereinsectorallplayers.wad
- File:Ex st00048 triggerlinedefexecutor floortouchallplayers.wad
- File:Ex st00064 triggerlinedefexecutor anywhereinsector.wad
- File:Ex st00080 triggerlinedefexecutor floortouch.wad
- File:Ex st00096 triggerlinedefexecutor emeraldcheck.wad
- File:Ex st00112 triggerlinedefexecutor nightsmare.wad
- File:Ex st00128 checkforlinedefexecutoronfofs.wad
- File:Ex st00144 eggtrapcapsule.wad
- File:Ex st00144 eggtrapcapsule noboss.wad
- File:Ex st00160 specialstagetimeringsparameters.wad
- File:Ex st00176 customglobalgravity.wad
- Sector type 512 uses File:Ex ld541 wind.wad and File:Ex ld544 current.wad
- Sector type 1024 uses File:Ex ld530 scrollfloortextureandcarryobjects.wad and File:Ex ld533 scrollceilingtextureandcarryobjects.wad
- Sector type 1280 uses File:Ex ld004 speedpad.wad
- File:Ex st04096 starpostactivator.wad
- File:Ex st04096 starpostactivator fof.wad
- File:Ex st08192 exitsector.wad
- File:Ex st08192 specialstagegoal.wad
- File:Ex st08192 ctfflagreturn.wad
- File:Ex st12288 ctfredteambase.wad
- File:Ex st12288 ctfredteambase fof.wad
- File:Ex st16384 ctfblueteambase.wad
- File:Ex st16384 ctfblueteambase fof.wad
- File:Ex st20480 fansector.wad
- File:Ex st24576 supersonictransform.wad
- File:Ex st28672 spinner.wad
- Sector type 32768 uses File:Ex ld003 zoomtubeparameters.wad
- Sector type 36864 uses File:Ex ld003 zoomtubeparameters.wad
- File:Ex st40960 circuitfinishline.wad
- File:Ex st40960 circuitfinishline fof.wad
- Sector type 45056 uses File:Ex ld011 ropehangparameters.wad
- File:Ex st49152 intangibletothecamera.wad