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User:MascaraSnake/Example WADs

From SRB2 Wiki

Ideally, the Wiki should have an example WAD for every linedef type and every sector type in SRB2. Exceptions are effects that don't work in the current version of SRB2 (and thus don't need an example WAD) and effects that require a combination of several linedef and/or sector types to work (in which case one example WAD will suffice for all). Thing types generally don't need example WADs, with a few exceptions.

This article is a list of all the example WADs we have or should have, with a convenient link that leads you directly to the file's page (if it already exists) or an upload prompt (if it doesn't). A blue link means we already have an example file (and you can download it by clicking), a red link means we still need one. If you want to help out, you can supply a missing example WAD, or you can improve on one of the existing ones. If you want to know what makes a good example WAD, I have outlined some guidelines below.

Useful links

  • Category:Example WADs – Contains all example WADs used on the Wiki. If you add a new example WAD, please add it to the respective subcategory.
  • Category:Pages that need example WADs – A list of all articles that need additional example WADs. If you add the missing example WADs to one of these articles, please remove the {{Needs samples}} template from the article.
  • File:Template-samples.wad – You can use this template map as a basis for your example WADs.

Naming convention

To make it easier to find example WADs and identify them from their filename, they should follow a naming convention:

  • Filename format: ex_type_name.wad
  • type refers to the type of example WAD: Thing type, linedef type or sector type.
    • For Thing types: ex_tXXXX_name.wad with XXXX being the four-digit Thing type number.
    • For linedef types: ex_ldXXX_name.wad with XXX being the three-digit linedef type number.
    • For sector types: ex_stXXXXX_name.wad with XXXXX being the five-digit sector type number.
  • name is the name of the effect without capitalization or whitespaces.


  • Thing: ex_t0102_stupiddumbunnamedrobofish.wad
  • Linedef: ex_ld001_persectorgravity.wad
  • Sectors: ex_st00001_damage.wad

The "Name" parameter

Regarding the name of the effect, there are a few special conventions:

  • If the name has something behind it in parentheses, it is given with a separate underscore (e.g. ex_ld061_crusher_ceilingtofloor.wad).
  • If there is more than one example WAD for the same effect, give an additional description for each, separated by an underscore (e.g. ex_ld004_speedpad_nospin.wad).
  • Trigger linedef executors get an additional trigger_ in front of their name (e.g. ex_ld300_trigger_continuous.wad).
  • PolyObject linedefs get an additional polyobject_ in front of their name (e.g. ex_ld482_polyobject_move.wad).
  • FOFs get an additional fof without underscore in front of their name (e.g. ex_ld100_fofsolidopaqueshadow.wad)
  • The phrases "On Level Load", "Tagged Sector", "Tagged Linedef" and "According to Linedef" are removed from the filename for brevity.

What makes a good example WAD?

  • Show everything that is important. If an effect has multiple options and can be used in different ways, try to showcase as many of them as is feasible. If necessary, create multiple instances of the same effect, each with different options, so that the user can see all possibilities that the effect has to offer. Of course, it's always better to have an incomplete example WAD than none at all, so if you can only show off the basics of the effect, that's fair enough.
  • Keep it simple. The example is about the effect and the effect only. Don't include anything in your level besides the effect you want to demonstrate, such as decoration or another special effect. The level geometry should consist of simple shapes, e.g. squares, triangles or rectangles. Use basic textures such as GFZROCK. If you need a different texture for emphasis, one-color textures such as REDWALL are a good choice. Unless the effect requires otherwise, use MAP01 and don't create a level header. Feel free to use File:Template-samples.wad as a basis for your example WAD.
  • Keep it in one file. Unless there's a good reason for making separate example WADs for the same effect, try to keep everything in one level. An example of a good reason is linedef type 4, the Speed Pad effect. Since it can be used in conjunction with two separate sector types, there are two example WADs, one for each sector type. An example of a bad reason is making a separate example WAD for a sector type that shows its usage in conjunction with FOFs. If the sector type behaves differently for FOFs and regular sectors, you can show both in the same level. Of course, if you feel that the example WAD is getting too cluttered with many different examples of the same effect, feel free to split it.

Linedef types

Sector types

Thing types