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2.0:Greenflower Zone Act 1

From SRB2 Wiki
Single Player levels
MAP01: Greenflower Zone Act 1








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SRB1 Remake
Special Stages
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Capture the Flag stages
Match stages

MAP01, Greenflower Zone Act 1, abbreviated as GFZ1, is the first act of Greenflower Zone, the first zone in Sonic Robo Blast 2 v2.0. It is a very short and easy grass-themed level that is intended to guide new players into SRB2. It features Crawlas as enemies and a few easy obstacles.


You start the level in a small square area, and the only way to continue is forward. You will enter a larger area with a river in front of you. Cross the bridge over the river and continue forward. The path makes a U-turn and crosses the same river again with a second bridge, leading into an open area. To your right, you will now see the first Star Post. It leads into an area with a bridge that spans over a lake. Climb up to the bridge via the small steps next to it and cross it to reach the next area. If you fall into the lake, turn around and use the platforms in the left corner to jump out of the lake and try again.

After the lake, you must navigate through a narrow corridor and jump up some small elevations, avoiding the Crawlas while doing so. Afterwards, you will enter a corridor with a row of spikes. Jump over the spikes and continue along the corridor to reach the second Star Post. In the following area, you can go either left or right. If you go left, you must jump up a few platforms and then jump down the cliff at the top to reach the Level End Sign. If you go right, either jump over the lake or walk around its edge to reach the Level End Sign. Should you fall into the lake, you can escape it with a yellow spring in the underwater cave to your left. The spring will propel to the top of the cliff. Turn right from there to jump back down to the ending area.

Points of interest

Extra lives

  • To the right of the first bridge, there is an entrance to a cave. In the cave, look at the floor to find a hole in the ground in the middle of the room. Drop down the hole and follow the underwater corridor to an area with an Armageddon Shield. Look up to see a small hole in the ceiling. Fly up there with Tails to reach a small alcove with an extra life.
  • Once you reach the row of spikes, turn back and head down the rightmost corridor. At the end, you need to jump over the path you went through earlier to reach a platform with an extra life.


  • Once you reach the row of spikes, turn around and look to your right. You should see a small opening that leads to a side area of the lake. In front of you is a ledge with a diagonal yellow spring. Jump across the pillars in the lake to reach it. The spring will propel you to a cliff above the corridor area. After landing on the cliff, turn around to see another cliff with a house on it. Behind the house is an Attraction Shield. This shield attracts nearby rings to you, but it will short out in water.


  • Jump into the river at the beginning and charge a spindash aimed towards the center of the bridge. Spin under the bridge to pop an invincibility monitor that makes you invincible for 21 seconds.


GFZ1 is by far the shortest Single Player level in SRB2, and it is possible to finish it in slightly above 10 seconds. To save time, you can skip the U-turn at the beginning by jumping through the cave to your left from the starting area. Be careful to avoid the Crawla on the other side of the cave. To gain speed in long straights, such as the area before the large bridge, get a running start, spin, thok and repeat.

Technical data