Linedef type 20

Linedef type 20, PolyObject – First Line, is a type of linedef special which is used on a PolyObject sector to make the game recognize it as such. For more information on setting up PolyObjects, see PolyObject tutorial.
Only one of these is needed per PolyObject. Assign this linedef action to one of the linedefs on the sector you want to be used as a PolyObject, and set the tag to the PolyObject's ID (which is the Angle of the corresponding PolyObject Spawn Point). Any further properties of the PolyObject are set via linedef type 22, PolyObject Parameters. If no Parameters linedef is used, the PolyObject will use default settings. Among other things, it will be tangible and opaque, and its flats will not be rendered.
- Example file: ex_ld020_polyobject.wad (MAP01)
How to use |
Linedef types – PolyObjects | [view] | |
First Line • Parameters • Waving Flag • Displacement by Front Sector • Angular Displacement by Front Sector |