Linedef type 30
Linedef type 30, PolyObject – Waving Flag, is a type of linedef special which is used to make parts of a PolyObject shift forward and backward, creating a ripple effect. In v2.0 and v2.1, this linedef type was used to make the flags in Castle Eggman Zone Act 2 wave back and forth. Since v2.2, Object-based waving flags are used instead.
This linedef should be given a tag corresponding to the ID of the wanted PolyObject. The angle of the linedef determines the direction of the waving effect. The length of the linedef determines the wave effect's speed (1 fracunit of the linedef length equals 1 fracunit per tic of speed), and the front texture X offset determines how many fracunits to shift back and forth.
For this effect to work the way it does in v2.1's CEZ2, certain sides of the PolyObject should be split up by several vertices, to create waving points. This effect specifically requires the PolyObject to have an even amount of vertices to work, rather than an odd amount.
- Example file: ex_ld030_polyobject_wavingflag.wad (MAP01)
How to use |
Linedef types – PolyObjects | [view] | |
First Line • Parameters • Waving Flag • Displacement by Front Sector • Angular Displacement by Front Sector |