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Greenflower Zone Act 1

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Single Player levels
MAP01: Greenflower Zone Act 1









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MAP01, Greenflower Zone Act 1, abbreviated as GFZ1, is the first act of Greenflower Zone, the first zone in Sonic Robo Blast 2 v2.2. It is a very short and easy grass-themed level that is intended to guide new players into SRB2. It features Blue Crawlas and SDURFs as enemies and a few easy obstacles.

The next act is Greenflower Zone Act 2.


First section

You start the level in a small, enclosed area. Walk forward through the rows of flowers to reach a more open area with a waterfall and a river to your right. Cross the bridge over the river and continue forward by running up the slope. There's an emblem here. Follow the U-turn to the left and run up another slope to reach another bridge across the river, now at the top of the waterfall. Cross the bridge and turn right to encounter the first Star Post. Activate it by walking up to and then continue until you reach a path split with bridge spanning over a lake ahead of you and some slopes over the lake on the right.

Bridge path

Climb up the steps to the bridge and cross it to reach the next area. If you fall into the lake, turn around, jump back to the shore and try again.

After the lake, you must navigate through a narrow corridor and jump up some small elevations, avoiding the Crawlas while doing so. After jumping up a small step, you will see a tunnel with the second Star Post in front of you.

Slope path

Run up the first slope, and jump to the next one. Then run up that one and jump to another. There is also a platform with a Super Ring Monitor to your left and another with a spring ahead of it. The spring leads to some cliffs and an emblem. Additionally, there are two pillars emerging from the lake, with two SDURFs around them.

From the spring platform, you can jump on the pillars and reach an platform jutting out of the wall, with the second Star Post to the right, rejoining the paths.

Second section

Walk through the tunnel to reach another outdoor area on the other side. Here you can either go left towards the cliff or right towards the lake.

Cliff path

If you go left, jump up the steps that lead up the cliff. Walk up the small ramp at the top and then jump back down into the valley below. Turn right to see the third Star Post.

Lake path

To the right, go up to the lake and walk carefully around its edge. Should you fall into the lake, you can escape it with a yellow spring in the underwater cave to your left. This will lead you to the top of the highest cliff, allowing you to jump back down into the valley. Otherwise, continue past the fences after the lake and turn right to see the third Star Post.

Final section

After the third Star Post, use the yellow springs to reach the top of the cliff in front of you. Gather some speed to run up the slope to your left and reach the Level End Sign.

Points of interest

Cliffs above the opening area

At the U-turn after the first bridge, you will see a Super Ring Monitor in the corner to your left. There is a small opening behind the monitor that you can spindash into. Behind the opening, a set of red springs will take you up a high ledge. Follow a U-turn to the left to reach a small cave with an extra life. Next to it is a cracked wall which you can break with a spindash. It leads back outside, to the top of the cliffs above the opening area. To your right you will find a small elevation with an Armageddon Shield and a group of Crawlas locked behind bars. You can detonate the Armageddon Shield by pressing the Spin button in mid-jump, destroying the Crawlas and giving you extra points.

As Tails or Knuckles, you can also reach another extra life from here. To the right of the small house and the row of trees, you should see a very high ledge. Fly or climb up to that ledge and walk around its edge to find an extra life monitor hidden behind small bushes.

As Fang or Amy, you have to reach these cliffs in a different way. In the area with the first Star Post, jump up the set of three small elevations to reach a ledge next to a higher cliff. You can reach the top of the cliff with a normal jump as Amy and with a bounce as Fang. From there, you can walk to the area with the Armageddon Shield and the house.

RedXVI secret

After collecting every emblem in the game, a note from RedXVI will appear on the door of the small house mentioned above. Approaching the note will cause the following message to appear: "To everyone who's helped keep this game alive all these years, thank you."

Extra lives

  • In the final area, at the top of the slope that leads to the Signpost, there is a pillar with an extra life which is too high to reach with a jump. Instead of running up the slope, turn around to see a small bridge with horizontal red springs. Spindashing into the springs will launch you high enough up the slope to reach the top of the pillar.


  • After walking out of the starting area, instead of crossing the river, jump into it and enter the cave to the right which it leads into. Inside, you will find a Force Shield encircled by spikes that retract and pop back up. To grab it safely, you can charge a spindash towards it and release it while the spikes are retracted.
  • Jump into the lake after the first Star Post. Walk alongside the bridge until you encounter a downward ramp to your right that leads deeper into the lake. After walking past the two pillars, you should find a trail of rings leading to a small alcove with an Elemental Shield.
  • In the second section, on the slope path, hit the spring to reach the top of a cliff above the corridor area. Turn around to see another cliff with a house on it. Behind the house is an Attraction Shield surrounded by rings and a shallow pool of water.
  • At the path split after the second Star Post, take the lake path. After circling around the lake, you will pass underneath a rocky bridge. Look to your left to see a small cave. Enter that cave to find a Whirlwind Shield. Next to it is a high pillar with a Super Sneakers Monitor. To reach it, press the Spin button in mid-jump to perform a Whirlwind jump, giving you extra height.
  • There is a hole in the overhang directly above the third Star Post. As Tails, fly into it to find an Armageddon Shield.


  • Jump into the river at the start and look towards the bridge. You should see a small gap underneath the bridge with an invincibility monitor. Use a spindash to pass through the gap and grab it.
  • After exiting the tunnel with the second Star Post, take the cliff path. After making it to the top of the cliff, look to your left. You should now see two narrow pillars leading to a high ledge with an invincibility monitor.

Super Sneakers

  • To the left of the first Star Post, there is a small pillar with a Super Sneakers monitor which is too high to reach with a normal jump. You can reach it by either using the small elevations to your left or by jumping off the sloped terrain near it with enough speed.


GFZ1 is by far the shortest Single Player level in SRB2 and can easily be finished in under 30 seconds. After the first Star Post, you can use the small slope just before the lake area to save time. If you jump off at the right moment, you will gain enough height to reach the bridge without having to jump up the steps. At the path split near the end, the lake path is much faster than the cliff path.


Just above Sonic, a set of grey buildings seen amongst the mountains in the skybox.

In the skybox, set pieces from later levels can be seen within the distance. There is a set of grey buildings which presumably belong to Techno Hill Zone, and there are canyons which likely belong to Arid Canyon Zone. These can also be seen in the skybox for Greenflower Zone Act 2.

Technical data