Linedef type 66
Linedef type 66, Move Floor by Displacement, is a type of linedef special which is used to move the floor of every tagged sector by changing the floor height of the linedef's front sector. It behaves in a similar manner to displacement plane scrollers (linedef types 512, 515, 522, 525, 532, and 535), but instead of scrolling the plane, it changes its height.
On its own, this linedef will not move the tagged sector's floor. Rather, the floor will move whenever the floor of the control sector moves, which can done by using linedef executors. The length of the control linedef determines how the movement of the control sector floor is translated to the target sector floor. A value of 256 means the movement is translated 1:1, i.e., the target sector floor always moves the same distance as the control sector floor. Lower values mean the target sector floor moves slower, higher values mean it moves faster. If Flag [6] / Not Climbable is set, the target sector floor moves in the opposite direction of the control sector floor.
If this linedef is used in conjunction with linedef type 400, the target sector floor will immediately jump to the specified height. If this linedef is used in conjunction with linedef type 403, the floor will move continuously until the control sector floor reaches the given height. If this linedef is used in conjunction with linedef type 405, the floor will only move as long as the linedef executor is being continuously triggered.
- Example file: ex_ld066_movefloorbydisplacement.wad (MAP01)
How to use |