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Azure Temple Zone

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Single Player levels
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MAP42: Azure Temple Zone




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MAP42, Azure Temple Zone, abbreviated as ATZ, is the third challenge stage in Sonic Robo Blast 2 v2.2, which is unlocked by completing the second challenge stage, Aerial Garden Zone. The stage is set entirely underwater, taking place in a submerged temple. It features very difficult platforming that requires extreme precision, which is made feasible by the player's slowed-down physics underwater.

Glaregoyles, which are gargoyles that shoot green flames at fixed intervals, are prominently featured in Azure Temple Zone. They are used to create gauntlets with complex firing patterns that the player must dodge, as well as for puzzles in which the player has to line up the Glaregoyles to hit special targets that open doors. The stage also features the Buggle as an enemy, which behaves similarly to the Buzz but is surrounded by an air bubble. If the player destroys the bubble, they can breathe air from it, but will be vulnerable to hazards.

Azure Temple Zone was submitted to the Single Player division of the May/June 2012 OLDC as a teaser for the then-upcoming Version 2.1, in which it was first featured. It won its division with a score of 8.50.


First section

You start the level in an outdoor underwater area. In front of you is the entrance to the temple, with a Buggle floating in front of it. After killing the Buggle, its bubble will start floating upwards, allowing you to grab it for air. Inside the temple are two Glaregoyles and the first path split: You can either go left or right.


Follow the corridor until you reach a room with a Buggle and a staircase leading downwards. Two Glaregoyles are shooting towards you from the bottom of the staircase. Wait for a pause in their fire to descend and quickly move out of their way. In the next room, you will find two beams that are floating up and down between the walls and a bottomless pit beneath them. Step on the first one, ride it to the top and jump to the second one. Then turn around to see a ledge with an exit. Jump to it and walk through the hallway until you drop down through a hole in the floor.

You will land in a room with similar beams to the previous one, but this time, their undersides are covered in spikes and their tops crush against the ceiling at the highest point. The first beam is right in front of you. Behind it, the room bends to the right, and the next beam is behind that bend. You need to jump on the first beam and then jump around the corner to the next one before you are crushed. At its lowest point, the second beam is approximately at the same height as the ceiling above the first one. The ceiling is higher after the bend, so jump on the right side of the first beam, so you can jump off around the corner without hitting the ceiling. If you feel you're not going to make the jump, you can try to land on the small ledge in the corner and backtrack to try again. However, two Buggles are nearby and will move towards you, so prepare to defeat them immediately after landing.

After landing on the second beam, you must jump to a third beam directly after it. From there, you can reach solid ground again. Follow the corridor until you drop down through a hole in the floor. You will land in a fenced area with only one exit. Go through it to find the first Star Post. The level continues to the left.


This section of the walkthrough assumes you are playing as Sonic, since the platforming in this path is more difficult as him and requires precise use of the thok. As Tails and Knuckles, you can clear many difficult jumps by gliding/flying.

Follow the corridor until you reach a room with a large pit and a small beam on the far side of the room. Jump to the beam with a running start and then thok near the end of your jump to reach it. If you have any excess speed after landing, backpedal to stand still. To your left, you can see the beam continuing, but it's blocked off by a fence. You must jump around the fence in a U-turn to reach the other side. To accomplish this, jump forwards and slightly to your left, then aim the camera mid-jump so you are facing the wall behind the fence, and thok to reach the other side of the beam.

Once you have landed on the beam, you must reach a door on the far side of the room, with only a small peg in-between. You need a thok to reach the beam, but since it's very small, you may not have enough room to backpedal to a standstill. Instead, jump again immediately after landing and jump towards the ledge with the door. Walk through the corridor to reach a fenced area where you can refresh your air, then continue through the next corridor until you reach another room with a pit.

Kill the Buggle and then jump to the beam in front of you. Walk through the hole in the wall and turn around. On the far side of the room are two Glaregoyles that shoot in your direction. You must jump across three pegs to reach the next door, but the second and third peg are in the line of fire from the Glaregoyles. Jump to the first peg and wait until the flame has just passed the second one. Then jump to it and directly to the ledge with the door from there. Follow the corridor until you drop down through a hole in the floor. You will land near the first Star Post. The level continues to the right.

Second section

The room after the Star Post contains several Buggles and air bubble patches. Refresh your air supply and then enter the room to your left. Here you will find two staircases, one leading upwards and one downwards. The path splits here. If you take the upper path, you may still jump down to the lower path at any point in the next room.

Upper path

Four Glaregoyles shoot from the top of the staircase. Position yourself in one of the gaps between their lines of fire and walk up the staircase. Once you have reached the Glaregoyles, turn right. In front of you is a platform guarded by two Glaregoyles that shoot towards you. Wait until the flames have passed the edge of the platform and jump to it, then immediately jump again to the platform behind the Glaregoyles to avoid their next fire. Turn right again to see a platform on the other side of the room. To reach it, you must use the peg between the two platforms, which is guarded by a Glaregoyle. Jump to the peg once the flames have passed it and then to the next platform.

Walk along the platform and turn left to find a similar setup. This time you have to jump over two consecutive pegs to reach the platform on the far side of the room. Jump slowly towards the first peg shortly after the flames have passed the second peg. If you move slowly enough, the flames will pass under you before you land on the first peg. From there, jump over the next flames while they are between the two pegs. Land on the second peg and immediately jump to the platform in front of you. Then turn left and continue forward until you descend a small staircase and enter a small room with a hole in the ceiling and a narrow rim around it. As Sonic or Tails, jump through the hole to reach the second Star Post. As Knuckles, the ceiling is too high for you to reach, unless you have a Bubble Shield and you bounce up with it. Instead, break the bustable wall to your right. You will enter Knuckles's path.

If you continued as Sonic or Tails, walk through the hallway after the Star Post. You will reach a room with a bottomless pit in the center and floating blocks suspended over it that move up and down, crushing against the ceiling. There is a hallway accessible only to Tails on the left which leads to an emblem. Moving pegs with Glaregoyles on them are attached to the wall. On the far side of the room, you should see a trail of rings above one of the floating blocks, which leads up to a hole in the ceiling. You must use the floating blocks to get there while avoiding the fire of the Glaregoyles. First jump to the floating block that is closest to the platform you're standing on. From there, jump to the pillar in the center of the room. Then, jump diagonally to the floating block with the hole in the ceiling when it's at its lowest point. Ride it to the top and enter the room in front of you.

To your right is a hallway with Glaregoyles shooting sideways across it from the walls. Wait for the pauses in their fire to move across it. The steps in the middle of the hallway can be safely stood upon, so stop there before crossing the second half of the hallway. After the hallway, turn right and enter the next room. In front of you will be a hole in the floor, with Glaregoyles shooting across the walls that lead down. If you start jumping when they start shooting, you will fall through the hole during the pause in their fire, reaching the ground safely. Then, walk through the hallway in front of you, which contains the next Star Post.

In the next room, a small pit will be in front of you, with a platform behind it over which a Buggle floats. You can jump to the platform directly, but if you do this, you will hit the Buggle in mid-jump, breathe its air and fall into the pit. Instead, stand on the edge of the pit to make it move towards you and kill it before jumping across. Alternatively, you can move around the pit by using the platform to your right, which is guarded by two Glaregoyles. After having crossed the pit, jump over the peg to your left and you will reach the beginning of another hallway.

This hallway is again guarded by Glaregoyles that shoot sideways across it, but this time a row of Glaregoyles stands on the other end, shooting flames towards you. Move across the hallway slowly, jumping over the flames every time they approach you. Be careful not to jump when you're directly below sideways-shooting Glaregoyles, or their flames will hit you. At the end of the hallway, move to your left into safety. Then turn around and jump into the hole in the floor to the right side of the Glaregoyles. While the tops of the walls are guarded by sideways-shooting Glaregoyles, the lower part is safe, so you can jump down at any time.

After having reached the bottom, you will see another hallway extending to your left. This hallway is similar to the previous one, but this time the Glaregoyles on the other end are elevated, so you can safely stand in the hallway without getting hit. Jumping, however, is dangerous. Move to the elevation in front of you during a pause in the fire of the sideways-shooting Glaregoyles. Then, jump on top of it directly after a set of flames has passed over you. Once you're on top, the Glaregoyles will start to shoot again immediately afterwards, so jump forward and over the next row of flames. Be careful to land directly behind the elevation, right where the air bubble patch is, since the hallway in front of you is not safe.

Turn left and move into the next hallway. This time, you must jump over the flames again, avoiding the sideways-shooting Glaregoyles above you. Turn left immediately after reaching the end of the hallway and jump over the elevation to your safety. After passing through a small corridor to your right, you will come across another elevation. Behind it is a hallway guarded by Glaregoyle fire to your right. Jump on top of the elevation and then into the hallway once the flames reach your view. Turn to your right. You will see that there are two rows of Glaregoyles at the end of the hallway, the higher one behind the lower one. The flames will thus come at you at different heights, with the lower flames coming shortly after the higher flames. Move forward slowly, passing under the higher flames and jumping over the lower ones.

At the end of the hallway, turn right and hide behind the pillar in the center of the next hallway. This hallway is another one where you have to jump over the flames coming at you while avoiding the sideways fire from above. However, the end of the hallway is directly connecting to another one extending to the right. Another row of Glaregoyles sits directly to the left of the ones you moved towards. These Glaregoyles are elevated, so you can pass under them, but you must move a bit to your right, into the next hallway, to get out of the line of fire of the previous ones.

Once you are in a safe spot, turn right and face the new hallway. This is another one where you have to jump over an elevation while avoiding sideways fire at floor level. However, one pair of Glaregoyles sits directly in front of the elevation this time, so you can't stand directly in front of it. Instead, move into the gap between this pair and the previous one, and jump from there. After having passed the elevation, exit through the door to your left. You will enter a room with a death pit and two beams with spiked undersides that move up and down between the walls, crushing against the ceiling. Jump to the first one at its lowest point, then to the second one once you can reach it, and then to the ledge in front of you. Walk up the staircase to your left to reach a hallway with a Star Post. Here the paths rejoin.

Lower path

Move down the staircase and kill the Buggle in front of you. Then turn right and pass underneath the bridge until you reach a peg in front of you. Behind this peg is a gap over which a Glaregoyle shoots. Stand to the side of the peg and jump over the gap to avoid its fire. After reaching the other side, jump on top of the elevation with the air bubble patch to your left. A row of Glaregoyles shoots at it from across the pit. Directly in front of them is a platform, which in turn is shot at by another row of Glaregoyles from the left.

Jump down from the peg into a gap between the flames and walk to the edge of the current platform (jumping over further rows of flames if necessary). Then, jump across the pit immediately before one row of flames reaches you. You will pass over the next row as well before landing. Immediately after landing, turn left. In front of you is another platform like the current one, also shot at from the left. A row of flames will already be near you after landing, so jump to the next platform immediately. Again, you will pass over another row of flames before landing. Then, turn left again and jump to the walkway to your left, which is safe.

Continue along the walkway, avoiding the sideways fire from Glaregoyles sitting on pillars to the left and right. You will reach a small room with a hole in the ceiling and a narrow rim around it. As Sonic or Tails, jump through the hole to reach the second Star Post. As Knuckles, the ceiling is too high for you to reach, unless you have a Bubble Shield and you bounce up with it. Instead, break the bustable wall to your left. You will enter Knuckles's path.

If you continued as Sonic or Tails, walk through the corridor after the Star Post. You will reach a hallway with beams near the ceiling on which rows of Glaregoyles stand that shoot downwards diagonally. The first row shoots away from you. Walk forward during a pause in their fire and stop beneath the beams in the middle of the hallway, which are safe. Another row is in front of you which shoots towards you. Again, walk forward during a pause in their fire. Walk through the opening to your left to reach a similar hallway. This time, however, a row of Glaregoyles stands on the other end, shooting flames at you on the floor level. Enter the hallway during a pause in their fire and then continue forward slowly. Stand underneath the beams to wait for the diagonal fire to cease and then walk to the next beam quickly, jumping over the approaching flames.

Once you reach the end of the hallway, exit to your right. You will enter a room with a small pit in the center over which a structure of pillars and beams stands. Glaregoyles stand on the beams, shooting diagonal fire from above and below that meets in the middle. Jump through the structure during a pause in their fire to reach the other side. Exit the room to your left to reach a hallway enclosed by fences. Kill the Buggle in front of you to refresh your air and look through the fence to your left. You will see a long hallway with three rows of Glaregoyles stacked on top of each other on the other end. They shoot fire that fills the entire hallway.

You must make your way through this hallway, using small alcoves to its sides for cover. Walk around the fence and wait for a row of flames to reach it. Then cross the hallway to reach the alcove on the opposite side. Turn around and look to your left to see another alcove on the other side. The two alcoves are separated by a gap in the floor. Wait for another row of flames to pass you and then enter the hallway. Quickly jump over the gap to reach the next alcove, grab the air bubble inside then turn around and look to your right. The third and final alcove is further away from you than before, so you need to run as fast as you can to reach it in time. Inside the alcove is another air bubble that you should grab before proceeding. From the last alcove you must reach the exit, which is on the same side as the alcove. Between them is another gap in the floor that you must jump over.

After reaching the exit, you will come across a Star Post. Continue along the hallway to reach a larger room, where you must make your way through platforms over a bottomless pit while avoiding Glaregoyle fire and a wall of Buggles. Turn right after entering the room. In the corner is a platform that you must jump to, but it is shot at by Glaregoyles from the left, so wait for a pause in their fire to jump. After landing, turn left to see two pegs that you must jump across to reach the other side of the room. Jump to the first peg once the flames have reached it, passing over them in the process. Jump to the second peg once the flames have reached that one, and then to the platform with the Glaregoyles. Turn left and jump across two more pegs to reach a higher platform.

From here, turn left again to see a series of pillars that are shot at from two directions, similarly to the ones in the room where the paths split off. The pillars in front of you are blocked off by a wall of Buggles. Trying to jump across will cause you hit one of them, breathe its air bubble and fall into the pit. Instead, you must jump across the pillars. Walk onto the one in front of you once a row of flames has passed it and immediately follow after it by jumping to the next pillar. A row of flames will approach you from the right, so jump over it and the next one to the next pillar. There, follow after the row of flames travelling to the right, jumping over one more pillar to reach a safe platform.

Now turn right to see three narrow beams in front of you. They are attached to the wall, from which Glaregoyles shoot across them. Wait until the first one has shot a flame and then jump to the first beam. Then, jump slowly to the next one shortly before the next flame is shot. If you do it right, you will leave the first beam before being hit by a flame and land on the second one after it has passed. Repeat the process for the third beam. Then jump to the platform in front of you, but jump around the Buggle to avoid hitting it and falling into the pit. Exit through the staircase in front of you.

You will reach a hallway that extends to the right. In front of you is an elevation with gargoyles standing on it. They block the fire of two rows of Glaregoyles on the other side of the hallway, the higher one behind the lower ones. The Glaregoyles are timed so that the upper row shoots fire a few seconds after the lower row. The lower flames are blocked by the Glaregoyles, and the upper flames will fly over them. Jump on top of the gargoyles after the lower flames appear, then immediately go down and turn left to exit the hallway before the upper flames can hit you.

You will enter a similar hallway to the last one, but this time with a longer distance and with additional Glaregoyles that shoot sideways fire from the walls. Jump over the row of gargoyles while the next row of flames is still far away. Now slowly move forward, jumping over approaching rows that are at low heights and passing under the high ones. Be careful not to jump while you are directly below sideways-shooting Glaregoyles, or they will hit you. After reaching the end of the hallway, exit to your left to reach a third one. This one works exactly like the previous one, but the intervals are shorter and the density of sideways-shooting Glaregoyles is higher. After reaching the end of it, turn right to be lifted through a hole in the ceiling by a fan. Turn right and drop down a hole in the floor to land in a hallway with a Star Post. Here the paths rejoin.

Knuckles path (no Bubble shield)

After breaking the bustable wall, you will land in a corridor with a Star Post. Around the corner is a hallway with two beams near the ceiling on which rows of Glaregoyles stand. They shoot downwards diagonally towards the middle of the hallway. Wait until a pause in their fire and then walk across. You will reach a wall extending upwards. A Glaregoyle stands on each side, shooting up flames diagonally. The flames meet in the center of the wall. More Glaregoyles are located on beams higher up, all shooting flames along the wall. Your goal is to climb upwards without being hit by the flames, which will cause you to fall back down.

Cling onto the wall and move upwards until you're directly below the meeting point of the flames. Slightly above you is a beam with two more Glaregoyles that shoot directly sideways. During a pause in the fire of all four Glaregoyles, climb upwards until you reach the next beam. The Glaregoyles on this beam shoot directly sideways, and from above you can see flames coming down diagonally. Move into the spot between the sideways and diagonal flames. You should now be able to see the top of the wall above you. To reach it, you must climb past another pair of sideways-shooting Glaregoyles, whose flames meet roughly in the same spot as the ones moving downwards diagonally. After reaching the top of the wall, move forward and drop down the hole in the floor in front of you. At the bottom, follow the turn of the corridor to the right.

You will enter a room with another wall you have to climb. This time, air bubbles rise up along the wall; you can breathe them while climbing. The first pair of Glaregoyles shoots sideways, and a pair of downwards-moving flames meet slightly above them. Climb past both in one move and continue upwards until you reach two consecutive beams with Glaregoyles shooting diagonally upwards. Continue climbing until you're directly below the meeting point of the lower two flames, then climb past both pairs in one move. The next beam contains sideways-shooting Glaregoyles; simply move past them. As the last challenge before reaching the top, you will encounter three beams: The lowest pair of Glaregoyles shoot upwards, the middle one sideways and the highest one downwards. All flames meet in the same spot, so climb past all of them in one move.

You will reach a small corridor with a Star Post. Turn right to enter a room with a bottomless pit over which several Buggles float. Jump and glide across the pit, but avoid the Buggles, since hitting them will cause you to breathe their air and fall into the pit. Turn left on the other side and walk around the corner to reach another pit. In the corner on the far side of the room is a pillar you can climb on. Glide to it but make sure to stay above the Buggles at the bottom of the pit. After clinging to the pillar, move upwards slightly, press the spin button to detach and turn right. In front of you are five Buggles in an inverse V shape. You must glide under them to reach the ledge behind them.

After reaching the other side, turn left to enter the next room, which is similar to the last one. A row of three Buggles is in front of you, and a climbable pillar is behind them in the corner. If you jump and glide directly, you will hit the Buggles and fall into the pit, so let yourself fall slightly after the jump before gliding. After reaching the pillar, detach and turn left to reach another pillar. Move downwards slightly before detaching and turning left. You must pass through an oval-shaped ring of Buggles to reach a pillar you can stand on, which contains an air bubble patch. Turn right to face a section filled with rows of Buggles, some up high and some down in the pit. If you jump and glide directly, you will pass through the middle unharmed and reach the next climbable pillar. From there, you can already see an O-shaped ring of Buggles to your right. Climb up slightly to line up with its center, then detach and fly through it to reach solid ground.

Exit the room, turn right and break the bustable wall in front of you. You will reach a room with holes in the floor. Jump through one of them and move forward to reach a large room with an opening in the ceiling. Jump down into the center and exit through the door to your left. You will enter a hallway with a Star Post. Here the paths rejoin.

Third section

Walk forward and you will reach a room with two doors. One is already opened; it will lead into a path of further platforming challenges, dubbed the "action path". The other one must be opened by pushing the Glaregoyle in front of it to the left until its fire reaches the crystal in the fenced-off corner. The crystal will start glowing and the door will open. It leads to a path of more puzzle challenges involving Glaregoyles and crystals, dubbed the "puzzle path".

Action path

After an initial hallway, you will reach a room with a basin filled with fans to your left. Use the fans to float up to the ledge in front of you, but be careful to avoid the Buggle. In the next room, you must navigate over a bottomless pit, using fans to keep yourself afloat. Move sideways to adjust your direction in mid-air. The fan basins have fire around the edges, so make sure to always stay far enough above them. The first fan is in front of you. Jump to it, but only stay above it shortly before turning the camera right and moving to the next fan. A portion of the ceiling between the two fans is lowered; if you float up too far, you will hit it and fall into the pit. At the second fan, turn right again and float to the third one. Again, part of the ceiling is lowered and must be avoided. a Buggle floats above the third and last fan, be careful not to hit it.

From the third fan, you can reach solid ground again. In the next room, you must float across more fans, but this time they are all at the same height. Buggles are scattered throughout the room; carefully move around them to avoid getting hit. At the end of the room, you will reach a hallway with a Star Post. This Star Post leads to a short path split between characters, with a narrow gap for characters who can spin, and a breakable floor for characters who can't spin.

Spinning under the narrow gap leads to a hallway with a row of Glaregoyles. In front of you is a corridor with a slightly lowered floor and ceiling. Two rows of Glaregoyles shoot fire into the corridor, but they are offset so that the higher row is slightly behind the lower one. From the far side of the corridor, an identical set of Glaregoyles also shoots into the corridor. You must make your way through while avoiding the flames from both directions. Jump on top of the Glaregoyles and wait for the next set of flames to come towards you from the far side of the corridor. At around the same time it reaches the wall, the Glaregoyles on your side will shoot their own set of flames. Jump into the corridor once the two sets have crossed each other and start moving forward quickly. Try to stay close behind the set of flames moving in your direction to avoid getting hit by the next set. When a set of flames approaches you, jump through the gap between its two rows. Also watch out for the gaps in the floor. If you time your movement correctly, the approaching flames will roughly line up with the gaps in the floor, allowing you to jump past both. At the end of the corridor, immediately move out of the line of fire and spin under a narrow gap to your left to exit.

Busting the breakable floor, either by hammering it as Amy or tail bouncing on it as Fang, leads to an outdoor area to bypass the Glaregoyle hallway. Take a second to admire the view, then proceed through the outdoor area and turn left to encounter a short challenge with springs and Glaregoyles. There is a yellow spring in front of you, but the path it leads you to is interrupted by Glaregoyle fire. To avoid getting hit, jump on the spring immediately after the Glaregoyles above it fire their bullets. The spring will then propel you to a horizontal spring on the wall, then to a downward yellow spring to end the path split.

After the path split ends, walk below the pillars and turn left to reach the edge of a pit. Once more, you must use fans to float across it. Jump to the first fan, and once you're above it, simultaneously backpedal to stay above it and move the camera right. Gain some height to reach the next fan, and from there, float over the fan that stretches from wall to wall. Land on the platform directly behind it, from which several air bubbles fly up. Jump to another fan that stretches from wall to wall in front of you and float to the fan behind it. Turn right and float across two more fans to reach a last fan with a hole in the ceiling above it. This fan is slightly higher than the previous ones, so gain some additional height before floating towards it.

After floating through the hole in the ceiling, continue forward and you will reach an outdoor courtyard. At the end of the courtyard is a building with the Level End Sign.

Puzzle path

Walk through the door into the next room. A closed door is to your right and a fenced-off area with four crystals is next to it. Across the room are four grooves in the floor with Glaregoyles in them. Push the Glaregoyles into position so that each one activates one crystal, opening the door. At the entrance of the next room is a Bubble Shield; grab it so you can perform the next puzzles without having to grab air every 30 seconds. In this room, four Glaregoyles stand in the center and four fenced-off areas, each with a row of three crystals, are located to the sides. Push one Glaregoyle to the side of each row to activate it and open the door.

A top-down view of the crystal grid in the third puzzle room. The Glaregoyles are located around the edges, and the crystals are in the center.

The third room contains another Bubble Shield, in case you lost the previous one. This room contains a large fenced-off area with a grid of crystals in the center, and a Glaregoyle on each of its four sides. For the purpose of this walkthrough, lines of crystals that are parallel to the hallway that you entered the room from will be called columns, and lines of crystals that are orthogonal to it will be called rows. The grid consists of two rows and two columns of four crystals each. Four of the crystals are shared by a row and a column, leading to a total of twelve crystals.

To solve the grid, you must push each Glaregoyle in front of one row or column so that its fire activates it. However, a Glaregoyle only shoots three flames with each shot, so a shot can only activate three crystals before disappearing. If the Glaregoyles are pushed into the wrong places, they will only activate the first three crystals and leave out the last one. However, if a crystal has already been activated by a flame, any other flames will pass right through and can activate more crystals behind it. To activate the entire grid, you must position the Glaregoyles in such a way that the four shared crystals are activated in the right order, allowing flames to pass through them and activate crystals behind them.

There are two valid solutions. You can either push each Glaregoyle to the right row/column (as seen from the Glaregoyle's perspective), or push every Glaregoyle to the left row/column:

  • If you push all Glaregoyles to the right, the ones in the columns will activate the first three crystals and leave out the fourth one, which will be activated as part of its row. The third crystal in each row will be activated by its column first, allowing the flame to reach the fourth one.
  • If you push all Glaregoyles to the left, the third crystal of each row will be activated as the first crystal of its column first, and the third crystal of each column will be activated as the second crystal of its row first. Thus, both the rows and the columns skip one crystal and the flames can thus reach the fourth one.

After activating the entire grid, the door will open. Go through it and continue through the hallway until you reach an outdoor courtyard. At the end of the courtyard is a building with the Level End Sign.

Points of interest

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  • On the upper path of the second path split, before jumping down the hole in the floor that leads to the second Star Post of the path, go back into the small corridor just before it. Behind one of the pillars, obscured by two crystals, there is a small hole in the wall. Spindash through that hole to find a room containing two Super Ring Monitors and a Bubble Shield.
  • On Knuckles' path, directly after climbing up the first wall, turn around to see a Bubble Shield on one of the beams surrounding the room.
  • At the point where the second path split rejoins, turn around and walk down the hallway behind you. You will enter a large room with an opening in the ceiling. In the center of the room is a Bubble Shield.
  • At the end of the passage that leads to the star emblem, you can find an extra life, a Bubble Shield and an Invincibility Monitor.
  • On the puzzle path of the third path split, the second and third room both have a Bubble Shield in plain sight near the entrance.
  • In the large outdoor room at the end of the level, there is a Bubble Shield next to the wall between the two entrances.
  • Immediately before the Star Post on the action path of the third path split, there is a Bubble Shield across the gap to your right.
  • A Bubble Shield is in plain sight in front of you at the start of the level, but is locked behind a fence, and thus cannot be grabbed until the first path split merges. Once you make it to the zone's first Star Post, backtrack behind a set of air bubbles to collect the Bubble Shield.


  • On the upper path of the second path split, after passing the room with the floating blocks, you will enter a corridor guarded by sideways-shooting Glaregoyles. The next-to-last Glaregoyle on the left side of the corridor does not shoot any flames and can be pushed backwards to reveal a passage to an outdoor room. In that room, there is a small peg with an Attraction Shield to your right. Floating above the shield is a cluster of rings. However, if you simply grab the shield, it will immediately short out in the water. To keep it, you need to be protected by invincibility. Turn around to see a high platform attached to the indoor corridor that contains an Invincibility Monitor. As Tails or Knuckles, you can simply fly or climb up there, pop the invincibility monitor and then grab the Attraction Shield while you are invincible. To reach it as Sonic, you need a Whirlwind Shield. The nearest one is located in the room with the floating blocks just before the corridor.
  • In the room where the second path split occurs, if you enter via the upper path, you should see a high ledge to your right that contains a Force Shield. To get to it, continue along the path until you pass the two Glaregoyles shooting towards you. Afterwards, turn around and jump to the ledge with the shield.
  • Directly after the first Star Post on the lower path of the second path split, you will walk through a hallway with two small sets of staircases. Directly before the second staircase, turn left to see a small hole in the wall, between the staircase and the pillar in front of it. Walk through that hole to find a small room containing two Super Ring Monitors and a Force Shield.
  • In the room where the second path split occurs, on the upper path, after the room makes a U-turn, you will see an Armageddon Shield to your left which is guarded by a Glaregoyle. In order to grab the shield without being hit by the Glaregoyle, you can jump to the pillar with the Glaregoyle and push it into the pit, after which you can grab the shield safely.
  • After the first Star Post on the upper path of the second path split, you will enter a room with floating blocks that move up and down over a death pit. From the stationary pillar in the center of the room, turn around and jump onto the floating block next to the wall behind you. It will take you into a small alcove containing a Super Ring Monitor and a Whirlwind Shield.
  • Shortly after the second Star Post on the upper path of the second path split, you must pass a corridor with sideways-shooting Glaregoyles and a row of Glaregoyles shooting directly at you. At the end of the corridor, there is a Whirlwind Shield in plain sight to your right, on a small ledge above a hole in the floor. The ledge is guarded by sideways-shooting Glaregoyles in front of it, so time your jump carefully to avoid getting hit. The ledge itself is safe.
  • At the start of the action path of the third path split, you will enter a room with a basin in the floor that contains fans. Instead of using those fans to reach the ledge in front of the basin, look to the right of the entrance to see an alcove with a Whirlwind Shield. Let the fans propel you up there.
  • In Amy and Fang's exclusive portion of the action path of the third path split, in the outdoor area, jump onto the gargoyles behind the fan. Behind the gargoyles, you will find a Whirlwind Shield.


  • On the right path of the first path split, when entering the second death pit room, walk up to the edge of the platform you are standing on. There is a small indentation in the floor that hides an invincibility monitor.
  • After the first path split rejoins, you will enter a room with a hole in the ceiling and two Buggles in front of you. Walk past the Buggles and turn right. In the next room, look behind the pillar in the far right corner to find an invincibility monitor.
  • An invincibility monitor is located in the center of the second room of the puzzle path. Glaregoyles are shooting towards to it from four sides, so avoid their flames while walking up to it.
  • At the end of Knuckles' path, an invincibility monitor is in plain sight in the corner of a corridor.

Super Sneakers

  • On the right path of the first path split, after re-entering the central room through the fenced-off area, you will enter a corridor with a Super Sneakers monitor in plain sight.
  • On the upper path of the second path split, after passing the room with the floating blocks, you will enter a corridor guarded by sideways-shooting Glaregoyles. To your left upon entering the corridor is a Super Sneakers monitor.
  • At the end of Knuckles' path, before dropping down through the hole in the floor, there is a Super Sneakers monitor and a Super Ring Monitor in an alcove in front of you.
  • After the Star Post on the action path of the third path split, you will pass a long corridor guarded by Glaregoyle fire. At the end of that corridor, a Super Sneakers monitor is in the right corner behind the row of Glaregoyles.
  • A Super Sneakers monitor is located in the room containing the diamond emblem.

Extra Lives

  • In the room where the second path split occurs, on the lower path, there is an extra life monitor behind four Glaregoyles when the room turns left.
  • In the same room, on the upper path, after crossing over the first peg with Glaregoyle fire, there is a ledge to the right with an extra life monitor surrounded by Glaregoyle fire.
  • In the large outdoor room at the end of the level, the well in the center of the room contains an extra life.

NOTE: Everything below this is taken from the 2.1 article, with bullet points moved up once I list them (or their replacements) in 2.2.

2.1 parts (unfinished moving)


  • After the first path split rejoins, you will enter a room with a hole in the ceiling and two Buggles in front of you. Turn left immediately upon entering that room and in the next room look behind the left pillar on the far side to find a hole in the wall. Spindash through that hole to find a room with an Elemental Shield.
  • Shortly after the first Star Post on the lower path of the second path split, you will come across two hallways where Glaregoyles shoot downwards diagonally from beams near the ceiling. In the second hallway, between the first pair of beams, look to your right to see a tiny alcove containing an Armageddon Shield.

Extra lives

  • Shortly after the second Star Post on the upper path of the second path split, you must pass a corridor with sideways-shooting Glaregoyles and a row of Glaregoyles shooting directly at you. At the end of that corridor, turn left to see a fenced-off area where a small alcove with an extra life is visible. To get to that extra life, you must continue along the path for a while. Jump down the hole to the right of the corridor you just passed. Down there, you must pass two more corridors guarded by Glaregoyle fire. When you get to safety after the second corridor, there will be a door to your right and a wall in front of you. Fly or climb up that wall as Tails or Knuckles. Once you have reached the top, the fence will be in front of you and the alcove with the extra life to your left.
  • At the end of the upper path of the second path split, you will reach a room where two beams with spikes attached their bottom move up and down over a death pit. When standing on the first one, turn around to see an alcove with two Super Ring Monitors and an extra life. Jump to it when the beam is approximately midway up.
  • Shortly after the first Star Post on the lower path of the second path split, you will come across two hallways where Glaregoyles shoot downwards diagonally from beams near the ceiling. When entering the second of these hallways, instead of turning left, look in the corner to your right. Behind one of the pegs with a gargoyle on top, there is a small hole in the wall. Spindash through that hole to enter a hidden passage. In that passage, you will come across a death pit with a fence behind it. The passage continues to the right of the death pit, so turn right while jumping over it. You will reach an outdoor room. Jump up to the elevated platform with the small temple structure in front of you. Behind it are two Super Ring Monitors and an extra life.
  • After the second Star Post on the lower path of the second path split, you will enter a room with lots of Buggles. At the exit of that room, turn around. You should see a beam with an extra life on it in front of you. As Tails or Knuckles, you can simply fly or climb up to it. As Sonic, you need to jump over the beams to your left to reach it. Make sure to kill all the Buggles in the vicinity first, since they may knock you into the pit otherwise.
  • At the point where the second path split rejoins, turn around and walk down the hallway behind you. You will enter a large room with an opening in the ceiling. Four large pillars connected by beams surround this opening. On top of one of those beams are two Super Ring Monitors and an extra life. Fly or climb up there as Tails or Knuckles to get them.
  • After the Star Post on the action path of the third path split, you will pass a long corridor guarded by Glaregoyle fire. After that corridor, you will enter a room with a large death pit. When walking into the room, you will pass under a beam that contains two Super Ring Monitors and an extra life. Fly or climb up there as Tails or Knuckles to get them.
  • In the second room on the puzzle path of the third path split, two Super Ring Monitors and an extra life are located in the corner to the right of the entrance.
  • After exiting the last room on the puzzle path of the third path split, turn right to see an extra life in plain sight.
  • Two Super Ring Monitors and an extra life are located in the alcove containing the club emblem.

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