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This is a comprehensive list of all functions that can be utilized by Lua scripting, excluding those that are part of userdata structures.

In the "function" column of each table below, bolded text is the actual name of the function, text in italics represents argument types (e.g.: int, mobj_t or boolean) which should not be written in actual Lua scripts when using the function, while arguments surrounded by brackets ( [ ] ) are optional and can be omitted when using the function. Unless noted otherwise, the argument names can be chosen freely; the argument names used in this article have no special meaning and are only there to simplify the explanations. Some functions have an alternative syntax, using a different number of arguments or different argument types, for instance.

Math library

These are the functions included in SRB2's math library. These are generally simple functions that are meant to be used in mathematical contexts.

Basic math

These are basic mathematical functions that can be used in any context.

Function Return value(s) Description
abs(int a) int Returns the absolute value (the number's distance from zero) of a.

Note: abs(INT32_MIN) does not have a corresponding value, since it would be out of the 32-bit integer range.

min(int a, int b) int Returns the smaller value of a or b.
max(int a, int b) int Returns the larger value of a or b.

Angle math

These are mathematical functions that are designed to be used with angles. In SRB2, angles are usually represented by large integers where an angle of 1° is represented by the constant ANG1, which is equivalent to 11930465 – see Constants > Angles for a full list of constants used to represent angles in this scale. Sometimes, angles may also be represented as fixed-point integers (see below for information on these), where an angle of 1° is represented by the constant FRACUNIT.

Some of the functions listed below can be used to convert between these two different representations. Also included here are the basic trigonometric functions (sin, cos and tan), which return values in the fixed-point scale.

Function Return value(s) Description
sin(angle_t a) fixed_t Returns the sine of the given angle as a fixed-point value. Output values range from -FRACUNIT to FRACUNIT.
cos(angle_t a) fixed_t Returns the cosine of the given angle as a fixed-point value. Output values range from -FRACUNIT to FRACUNIT.
tan(angle_t a) fixed_t Returns the tangent of the given angle as a fixed-point value. Output values range from about -1303*FRACUNIT to about 1303*FRACUNIT. Undefined values, such as tan(90°) or tan(270°), are represented by INT32_MIN.
asin(fixed_t x) angle_t
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acos(fixed_t x) angle_t
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FixedAngle(fixed_t a)

fixangle(fixed_t a)

angle_t Converts an integer in the fixed-point scale to an angle value.

Example: FixedAngle(90*FRACUNIT) will return ANGLE_90.

AngleFixed(angle_t a)

anglefix(angle_t a)

fixed_t Converts an angle value to an integer in the fixed-point scale.

'Example: AngleFixed(ANGLE_90) will return 90*FRACUNIT.

InvAngle(angle_t a) angle_t Returns the "inverse" of the given angle, i.e., 360° - a.

Example: InvAngle(ANGLE_45) will return ANGLE_315.

Fixed-point math

These are mathematical functions that are designed to be used with fixed-point integers – i.e., integers expressed as multiples of the constant FRACUNIT, or integers bit-shifted to the left by FRACBITS (FRACUNIT is the same as 1<<FRACBITS). In this system, FRACUNIT itself is treated as 1, 2*FRACUNIT (or FRACUNIT*2) is treated as 2, and so on.

Note: As Lua in SRB2 does not support floating-point numbers (e.g., 0.5, 0.25, 1.1, etc.), non-integer multiples of FRACUNIT should instead be written as fractions with the numerator and denominator surrounding the constant – e.g., 0.5 is written as FRACUNIT/2, and 1.25 (or 5/4) is written as 5*FRACUNIT/4.

Function Return value(s) Description
FixedMul(fixed_t a, fixed_t b)

fixmul(fixed_t a, fixed_t b)

fixed_t Returns the result of multiplying a by b in the fixed-point scale.

Example: FixedMul(2*FRACUNIT, 3*FRACUNIT) will return 6*FRACUNIT.

FixedInt(fixed_t a)

fixint(fixed_t a)

int Returns the integer component of a as a normal integer.

Example: FixedInt(45*FRACUNIT) will return 45.

FixedDiv(fixed_t a, fixed_t b)

fixdiv(fixed_t a, fixed_t b)

fixed_t Returns the result of dividing a by b in the fixed-point scale.

Example: FixedDiv(6*FRACUNIT, 3*FRACUNIT) will return 2*FRACUNIT.

FixedRem(fixed_t a, fixed_t b)

fixrem(fixed_t a, fixed_t b)

fixed_t Returns the remainder of dividing a by b in the fixed-point scale.

Note: Negative values for b are not handled correctly and may slow down the game.

FixedSqrt(fixed_t a)

fixsqrt(fixed_t a)

fixed_t Returns the square root of a in the fixed-point scale.

Example: FixedSqrt(16*FRACUNIT) will return 4*FRACUNIT.

FixedHypot(fixed_t a, fixed_t b)

fixhypot(fixed_t a, fixed_t b)

fixed_t Returns the hypotenuse of a and b in the fixed-point scale (i.e., the length of the longest side of a right-angled triangle where the other sides have lengths a and b).

Example: FixedHypot(3*FRACUNIT, 4*FRACUNIT) will return 5*FRACUNIT.

FixedFloor(fixed_t a)

fixfloor(fixed_t a)

fixed_t Returns the floor of a (the largest integer that is not larger than a) in the fixed-point scale.
FixedTrunc(fixed_t a)

fixtrunc(fixed_t a)

fixed_t Returns the value of a rounded to the nearest whole number towards 0 (or a truncated to zero decimal digits) in the fixed-point scale.
FixedCeil(fixed_t a)

fixceil(fixed_t a)

fixed_t Returns the ceiling of a (the smallest integer that is not smaller than a) in the fixed-point scale.
FixedRound(fixed_t a)

fixround(fixed_t a)

fixed_t Returns the value of a rounded to the nearest whole number away from 0 in the fixed-point scale.


These are simple yet specialized functions that do not fit within the base library.

Function Return value(s) Description
GetSecSpecial(int special, int section) int For a given sector type number special and a sector type group section (expected to be a value between 1 and 4), returns the number of the sector effect from section that special uses, or 0 if no effect from this group is used. The output values range from 0 to 15 – see Sector types for a list of sector effects and their corresponding effect numbers.

Example: If the sector sector uses the Damage (Fire) sector special from Group 1, GetSecSpecial(sector.special, 1) will return 3.

All7Emeralds(int flags) boolean Returns true if flags contains all the emerald flags from EMERALD1 to EMERALD7. Intended to be used for checking either the Single Player/Co-op emeralds collected by all players (emeralds), or the multiplayer emeralds (for gametypes Match, CTF and Tag) collected by a particular player (player.powers[pw_emeralds]).
ColorOpposite(int color) int, int Returns both the opposite skin color for color, and the associated sprite frame number for the opposite color (the latter is used for the Level End Sign).

Example: ColorOpposite(SKINCOLOR_WHITE) will return the values SKINCOLOR_BLACK and 10.

Easing functions

These are interpolation functions meant to simulate movement between two different points in time in varying degrees of smoothness. Their main use is in the animation of graphics and objects, but there are other applications. Learn more here.

In all of these functions, t is the interpolation ratio, ranging from 0 to FRACUNIT. start is the value where the movement should start and end where it's supposed to end: the function then returns the interpolated value corresponding to the provided t.

The start argument is optional and defaults to 0, with the exception of ease.inback, ease.outback and ease.inoutback, where it is mandatory if the param argument needs to be specified as well.

Function Return value(s) Description
ease.linear(fixed_t t, [[fixed_t start], fixed_t finish]) fixed_t Linear interpolation. The movement speed will be constant throughout the entire duration of the movement.
ease.insine(fixed_t t, [[fixed_t start], fixed_t finish]) fixed_t InSine function. Movement starts slow and accelerates in a sine function rate.
ease.outsine(fixed_t t, [[fixed_t start], fixed_t finish]) fixed_t OutSine function. Movement starts fast and decelerates in a sine function rate.
ease.inoutsine(fixed_t t, [[fixed_t start], fixed_t finish]) fixed_t InOutSine function. Movement starts slow, accelerates and decelerates again near the end, in a sine function rate.
ease.inquad(fixed_t t, [[fixed_t start], fixed_t finish]) fixed_t InQuad function. Movement starts slow and accelerates in a quadratic function rate.
ease.outquad(fixed_t t, [[fixed_t start], fixed_t finish]) fixed_t OutQuad function. Movement starts fast and decelerates in a quadratic function rate.
ease.inoutquad(fixed_t t, [[fixed_t start], fixed_t finish]) fixed_t InOutQuad function. Movement starts slow, accelerates and decelerates again near the end, in a quadratic function rate.
ease.incubic(fixed_t t, [[fixed_t start], fixed_t finish]) fixed_t InCubic function. Movement starts slow and accelerates in a cubic function rate.
ease.outcubic(fixed_t t, [[fixed_t start], fixed_t finish]) fixed_t OutCubic function. Movement starts fast and decelerates in a cubic function rate.
ease.inoutcubic(fixed_t t, [[fixed_t start], fixed_t finish]) fixed_t InOutCubic function. Movement starts slow, accelerates and decelerates again near the end, in a cubic function rate.
ease.inquart(fixed_t t, [[fixed_t start], fixed_t finish]) fixed_t InQuart function. Movement starts slow and accelerates in a quartic function rate.
ease.outquart(fixed_t t, [[fixed_t start], fixed_t finish]) fixed_t OutQuart function. Movement starts fast and decelerates in a quartic function rate.
ease.inoutquart(fixed_t t, [[fixed_t start], fixed_t finish]) fixed_t InOutQuart function. Movement starts slow, accelerates and decelerates again near the end, in a quartic function rate.
ease.inquint(fixed_t t, [[fixed_t start], fixed_t finish]) fixed_t InQuint function. Movement starts slow and accelerates in a quintic function rate.
ease.outquint(fixed_t t, [[fixed_t start], fixed_t finish]) fixed_t OutQuint function. Movement starts fast and decelerates in a quintic function rate.
ease.inoutquint(fixed_t t, [[fixed_t start], fixed_t finish]) fixed_t InOutQuint function. Movement starts slow, accelerates and decelerates again near the end, in a quintic function rate.
ease.inexpo(fixed_t t, [[fixed_t start], fixed_t finish]) fixed_t InExpo function. Movement starts slow and accelerates in an exponential function rate.
ease.outexpo(fixed_t t, [[fixed_t start], fixed_t finish]) fixed_t OutExpo function. Movement starts fast and decelerates in an exponential function rate.
ease.inoutexpo(fixed_t t, [[fixed_t start], fixed_t finish]) fixed_t InOutExpo function. Movement starts slow, accelerates and decelerates again near the end, in an exponential function rate.
ease.inback(fixed_t t, [[fixed_t start], fixed_t finish, [fixed_t param]]) fixed_t InBack function. Movement initially recoils towards param, then accelerates towards the end.
ease.outback(fixed_t t, [[fixed_t start], fixed_t finish, [fixed_t param]]) fixed_t OutBack function. Movement decelerates towards the end and recoils towards param.
ease.inoutback(fixed_t t, [[fixed_t start], fixed_t finish, [fixed_t param]]) fixed_t InOutBack function. Movement recoils towards param both at the start and the end.

HUD library

These are the functions included in SRB2's HUD library. These functions relate to the head-up display, and are all prefixed with hud. (aside from the patch/string drawing functions). Where they are required, the coordinates provided to these functions should be for the base 320×200 pixel resolution – such that x is a value between 0 and 320 (measured from the left of the screen), y is a value between 0 and 200 (measured from the top of the screen), and x = 0, y = 0 is the top-left corner of the screen. These values will automatically be adjusted by the game for other resolutions.


Function Return value(s) Description
hud.enable(string huditem) nil Enables huditem (see below for a list of valid options) if it was disabled by hud.disable.
hud.disable(string huditem) nil Disables huditem (see below for a list of valid options), preventing the game from drawing it.
hud.enabled(string huditem) boolean Returns true if huditem (see below for a list of valid options) is enabled, false if it was disabled by hud.disable.
hud.add(function func, [string hook]) nil Adds a new HUD drawing function. hook determines when the contents of the function are run. See below for a list of valid options for hook and the format functions for them take.

Will assume "game" if hook is not given.

Togglable HUD items

Valid huditem string options, for the functions hud.enable, hud.disable and hud.enabled:

Huditem name Description
"stagetitle" Stage title card
"textspectator" Information text as a spectator
"crosshair" Crosshair in first-person
"score" Score text and counter
"time" Time text and counter
"rings" Rings text and counter
"lives" Lives picture and counter
"teamscores" Team Match/CTF – Team scores
"weaponrings" Match/CTF – Weapon ring icons
"powerstones" Match/CTF – Chaos Emerald icons
"nightslink" NiGHTS link counter
"nightsdrill" NiGHTS drill bar
"nightsrings" NiGHTS ring counter
"nightsscore" NiGHTS score counter
"nightstime" NiGHTS time counter
"nightsrecords" NiGHTS screen text (Bonus time start, "Get n [more] Spheres", Ending bonuses)
"rankings" Rankings/Scores HUD – Multiplayer rankings (all gametypes)
"coopemeralds" Rankings/Scores HUD – Single Player Chaos Emerald icons
"tokens" Rankings/Scores HUD – Single Player Tokens icon and counter
"tabemblems" Rankings/Scores HUD – Single Player Emblems icon and counter
"intermissiontally" Intermission – Score tally
"intermissionmessages" Intermission – Information text
"intermissiontitletext" Intermission – Co-Op/Special Stage title text
"intermissionemeralds" Intermission – Special Stage emeralds

HUD hooks

Valid hook string options for the function hud.add:

Hook name Function format Description
"game" function(drawer v, [player_t stplyr, [camera_t cam]]) The function is run when the Game HUD is displayed. (Default value)


  • stplyr is the player the HUD is being shown for
  • cam is the camera used by stplyr
"scores" function(drawer v) The function is run when the Rankings/Scores HUD is displayed.
"title" function(drawer v) The function is run when the Title Screen is displayed.
"titlecard" function(drawer v, [player_t stplyr, [int ticker, [int endtime]]]) The function is run when the stage's level title card is displayed.


  • ticker is the amount of time, in tics, that the title card has been displayed
  • endtime is the value of ticker at which the title card will stop displaying
"intermission" function(drawer v) The function is run when intermissions between levels are displayed.

Patch/string drawing functions

These functions can only be used within functions hooked with hud.add. Note that the v prefix given to all functions listed here is adjustable – this can be any name you like, e.g., drawer.draw can be used instead of v.draw, if the name of the first argument in the hud.add function is given as drawer instead of v.

Function Return value(s) Description
v.patchExists(string name) boolean Returns true if a graphic lump name exists in any WAD file loaded, returns false if not.
v.cachePatch(string name) patch_t Caches a new patch using a graphic with name as the name. Returns nil if the graphic does not exist.
v.draw(int x, int y, patch_t patch, [int flags, [colormap c]]) nil Draws a patch at the screen coordinates given.


  • flags determines the video flags given, which control extra effects such as translucency.
  • c determines the colormap applied to the patch – use v.getColormap or v.getStringColormap to obtain a value that can be used here.
v.getSpritePatch(string/int sprite, [int frame, [int rotation, [angle_t rollangle]]]) patch_t, boolean Returns a patch corresponding to the arguments given, and a boolean specifying whether the patch should be flipped. sprite may be a sprite number (SPR_POSS) or sprite prefix ("POSS"). rotation is a number between 1 and 8 (1 to 16 for 16 angle sprites). 0 is equivalent to 1 for rotation as well. rollangle is an angle to rotate the patch counter clockwise.
v.getSprite2Patch(string/int skin, string/int sprite2, [boolean super?,] [int frame, [int rotation, [angle_t rollangle]]]) patch_t, boolean Returns a patch corresponding to the arguments given, and a boolean specifying whether the patch should be flipped. For a description of some of these parameters, see v.getSpritePatch.


  • This is specific to sprites belonging to a Skin, as Skins use a special naming system to avoid naming conflicts between themselves.
  • super? determines whether to get the super form sprites. This overrides the FF_SPR2SUPER flag from sprite2 if it was also set there
v.drawScaled(fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t scale, patch_t patch, [int flags, [colormap c]]) nil Draws a patch at the screen coordinates given, but at a specific scale (e.g.: FRACUNIT is normal scale, FRACUNIT/2 is half normal scale, 2*FRACUNIT is twice normal scale, etc).


  • Coordinates are required to be fixed point values (e.g.: FRACUNIT is one pixel, FRACUNIT/2 is half a pixel, 2*FRACUNIT is two pixels, etc).
  • flags determines the video flags given, which control extra effects such as translucency.
  • c determines the colormap applied to the patch – use v.getColormap or v.getStringColormap to obtain a value that can be used here.
v.drawStretched(fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t hscale, fixed_t vscale, patch_t patch, [int flags, [colormap c]]) nil Draws a patch at the screen coordinates given, but at a specific horizontal (hscale) and vertical (vscale) scale (e.g.: FRACUNIT is normal scale, FRACUNIT/2 is half normal scale, 2*FRACUNIT is twice normal scale, etc).


  • Coordinates are required to be fixed point values (e.g.: FRACUNIT is one pixel, FRACUNIT/2 is half a pixel, 2*FRACUNIT is two pixels, etc).
  • flags determines the video flags given, which control extra effects such as translucency.
  • c determines the colormap applied to the patch – use v.getColormap or v.getStringColormap to obtain a value that can be used here.
v.drawCropped(fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t hscale, fixed_t vscale, patch_t patch, int flags, colormap c, fixed_t sx, fixed_t sy, fixed_t w, fixed_t h) nil Draws a patch at the screen coordinates given, but at a specific horizontal (hscale) and vertical (vscale) scale, with the sides cut off (sx, sy, w, h).


  • Coordinates are required to be fixed point values (e.g.: FRACUNIT is one pixel, FRACUNIT/2 is half a pixel, 2*FRACUNIT is two pixels, etc).
  • flags determines the video flags given, which control extra effects such as translucency – use 0 if you don't want any flags.
  • c determines the colormap applied to the patch – use v.getColormap or v.getStringColormap to obtain a value that can be used here, or use nil if you don't want a colormap.
  • sx and sy determine how many pixels to cut off the left and top sides of the patch, respectively, (moving the remaining area left and up in the process,) and w and h determine how wide and tall an area of the patch to draw, not how much to cut off the right and bottom sides.
  • sx, sy, w, and h select a region of the patch to draw regardless of hscale and vscale – if you set w to 5*FRACUNIT and set hscale to 2*FRACUNIT, the patch will take up 10 pixels of the screen, as the 5 pixels of the patch are doubled in size. The 5 pixels of the patch that get used will be the same regardless of hscale and vscale's values, referring to the patch itself.
v.drawNum(int x, int y, int num, [int flags]) nil Draws a number at the screen coordinates given.


  • Numbers drawn by this function will use the same font as numbers from the score/time/rings area of the normal HUD.
  • flags determines the video flags given, which control extra effects such as color and translucency.
  • Unlike v.drawPaddedNum, this can also handle negative numbers.
v.drawPaddedNum(int x, int y, int num, [int digits, [int flags]]) nil Draws a number at the screen coordinates given with a set number of digits. Leading zeros will be added as padding if the number is not large enough to fit the number of digits specified.


  • Numbers drawn by this function will use the same font as numbers from the score/time/rings area of the normal HUD.
  • flags determines the video flags given, which control extra effects such as color and translucency.
  • Unlike v.drawNum this will not handle negative numbers.
v.drawFill([int x, [int y, [int width, [int height, [int color]]]]]) nil Fills a box of dimensions width by height with a single palette color number at the screen coordinates given. If no parameters are given, this will default to a black box covering the entire screen.

color also determines the video flags given, if they are added to the palette color number – only the flags V_NOSCALESTART, V_SNAPTOTOP, V_SNAPTOBOTTOM, V_SNAPTOLEFT and V_SNAPTORIGHT will have any effect, however.

v.drawString(int x, int y, string text, [int flags, [string align]]) nil Draws text on the screen at the screen coordinates given.


  • flags determines the video flags given, which control extra effects such as color and translucency.
  • align determines the alignment of the text or otherwise miscellaneous traits – see below for a full list of valid options.
v.drawNameTag(int x, int y, string text, [int flags, [int basecolor, [int outlinecolor]]]) nil Draws text in the style of the Character Select name tags at the screen coordinates given.


  • basecolor and outlinecolor should be SKINCOLOR_* constants.
  • flags determines the video flags given, which control extra effects such as alignment and translucency.
v.drawScaledNameTag(fixed_t x, fixed_t y, string text, [int flags, [int scale, [int basecolor, [int outlinecolor]]]]) nil Draws text in the style of the Character Select name tags at the screen coordinates given, but at a specific scale.


  • basecolor and outlinecolor should be SKINCOLOR_* constants.
  • flags determines the video flags given, which control extra effects such as alignment and translucency.
v.drawLevelTitle(int x, int y, string text, [int flags]) nil Draws text in the style of the titlecard level titles on the screen at the screen coordinates given.


  • flags determines the video flags given, which control extra effects such as color and translucency.
v.stringWidth(string text, [int flags, [string widthtype]) int Returns what the width of the text displayed as graphics on the screen would be.


  • flags determines the video flags given to the string, though only the scaling flags will have any effect on the size of the width returned by the function.
  • widthtype determines what font the string is in, which can also affect the size of the width returned by the function – see below for a full list of valid options.
v.nameTagWidth(string text) int Returns what the width of the text would be if displayed in the style of the Character Select name tag on the screen.
v.levelTitleWidth(string text) int Returns what the width of the text would be if displayed in the style of the titlecard level titles on the screen.
v.levelTitleHeight(string text) int Returns what the height of the text would be if displayed in the style of the titlecard level titles on the screen. This is affected by whether or not the text has capital characters in it.
v.getColormap([string/int skin, [int color]]) colormap Returns the colormap to apply to a patch for a particular character skin and/or skin color, as a special type of userdata which can only be used by v.draw or v.drawScaled. Skin names such as "sonic" or "tails" can be used, but their skin slot numbers can also be used (e.g., 0 for "sonic", 1 for "tails", etc). If either of these are used, the skin's startcolor value can affect the range of palette colors replaced by the given skin color's palette colors.

Certain skin values have special effects on the colormap returned for a patch to use. They are represented by the following constants:

Value Description
TC_DEFAULT Default – this is used by default if no skin is supplied, defaulting to remapping palette colors 160–175 (green) to the given skin color's palette colors.
TC_BOSS Boss flash – the colormap used when a boss is flashing in pain; palette color 31 (black) is remapped to palette color 0 (near-white). Overrides the effects of skin colors.
TC_METALSONIC Metal Sonic flash – the colormap used when Metal Sonic (Battle) is flashing in pain; palette color 239 (dark blue) is remapped to palette color 0 (near-white). Overrides the effects of skin colors.
TC_ALLWHITE All-white flash – the colormap used when Brak Eggman is flashing in pain; all palette colors are remapped to palette color 0 (near-white). Overrides the effects of skin colors.
TC_RAINBOW Rainbow flash – same as the default, except it is applied to all palette colors.
TC_BLINK Blink flash – all palette colors are remapped to the given skin color's fourth-brightest palette color.
TC_DASHMODE Metal Sonic flash – the colormap used when Metal Sonic (Battle) is dashing during pinch phase; multiple colors are remapped. In general, green colors turn into ketchup colors, reds into steel blues, steel blues into oranges. Overrides the effects of skin colors.
v.getStringColormap(int textcolor) colormap Returns the colormap to apply to a patch for a particular text color code as a special type of userdata which can only be used by v.draw or v.drawScaled.

See Lua > Text colors for a list of text colors.

v.fadeScreen(int color, int strength) nil Fades the screen to a certain palette color.


  • If color is a palette index, the maximum value of strength is 10; otherwise, if color is one of the special values in the table below, then the maximum value of strength is 31.
  • Additionally, certain values of color have special effects on the resulting color of the screen pixel:
Value Description
0xFF00 Fade to black.
0xFA00 Blue-tinted fade to black.
0xFB00 Yellow-tinted fade to white.
v.width() int Returns the screen width.
v.height() int Returns the screen height.
v.dupx() int, int Returns the screen's X scale, as both an integer and fixed-point value.
v.dupy() int, int Returns the screen's Y scale, as both an integer and fixed-point value.
v.renderer() string Returns the renderer used, as a string.

Possible return values:

v.userTransFlag() int Returns the value of translucenthud, as an alpha video flag, i.e., V_**TRANS (see Video flags > Alpha).
v.localTransFlag() int Returns the maximum recommended translucency value for HUD items, as an alpha video flag, i.e., V_**TRANS (see Video flags > Alpha).


  • This function differs from v.userTransFlag in that v.userTransFlag is specified by the user, but v.localTransFlag is specified by the game itself.

Alignment types

Valid alignment string options for v.drawString:

Alignment name Description
"left" (Default value) The string is left-aligned; the X coordinate is the left edge of the string graphic.
"right" The string is right-aligned; the X coordinate is the right edge of the string graphic.
"center" The string is center-aligned; the X coordinate is the center of the string graphic.
"fixed" The string is left-aligned; the X coordinate is the left edge of the string graphic and coordinates are required to be treated as fixed-point values instead of normal integers, allowing for positions at fractions of a pixel on the screen. (e.g., FRACUNIT is one pixel, FRACUNIT/2 is half a pixel, 2*FRACUNIT is two pixels, etc.).
"fixed-center" The string is center-aligned; the X coordinate is the center of the string graphic and coordinates are required to be treated as fixed-point values instead of normal integers, allowing for positions at fractions of a pixel on the screen. (e.g., FRACUNIT is one pixel, FRACUNIT/2 is half a pixel, 2*FRACUNIT is two pixels, etc.).
"fixed-right" The string is right-aligned; the X coordinate is the right edge of the string graphic and coordinates are required to be treated as fixed-point values instead of normal integers, allowing for positions at fractions of a pixel on the screen. (e.g., FRACUNIT is one pixel, FRACUNIT/2 is half a pixel, 2*FRACUNIT is two pixels, etc.).
"small" The string is drawn in a small font, and is left-aligned.
"small-center" The string is drawn in a small font, and is center-aligned.
"small-right" The string is drawn in a small font, and is right-aligned.
"small-fixed" The string is drawn in a small font, and is left-aligned and coordinates are required to be treated as fixed-point values instead of normal integers, allowing for positions at fractions of a pixel on the screen. (e.g., FRACUNIT is one pixel, FRACUNIT/2 is half a pixel, 2*FRACUNIT is two pixels, etc.).
"small-fixed-center" The string is drawn in a small font, and is center-aligned and coordinates are required to be treated as fixed-point values instead of normal integers, allowing for positions at fractions of a pixel on the screen. (e.g., FRACUNIT is one pixel, FRACUNIT/2 is half a pixel, 2*FRACUNIT is two pixels, etc.).
"small-fixed-right" The string is drawn in a small font, and is right-aligned and coordinates are required to be treated as fixed-point values instead of normal integers, allowing for positions at fractions of a pixel on the screen. (e.g., FRACUNIT is one pixel, FRACUNIT/2 is half a pixel, 2*FRACUNIT is two pixels, etc.).
"small-thin" The string is drawn in a small and thin font, and is left-aligned.
"small-thin-center" The string is drawn in a small and thin font, and is center-aligned.
"small-thin-right" The string is drawn in a small and thin font, and is right-aligned.
"small-thin-fixed" The string is drawn in a small and thin font, and is left-aligned and coordinates are required to be treated as fixed-point values instead of normal integers, allowing for positions at fractions of a pixel on the screen. (e.g., FRACUNIT is one pixel, FRACUNIT/2 is half a pixel, 2*FRACUNIT is two pixels, etc.).
"small-thin-fixed-center" The string is drawn in a small and thin font, and is center-aligned and coordinates are required to be treated as fixed-point values instead of normal integers, allowing for positions at fractions of a pixel on the screen. (e.g., FRACUNIT is one pixel, FRACUNIT/2 is half a pixel, 2*FRACUNIT is two pixels, etc.).
"small-thin-fixed-right" The string is drawn in a small and thin font, and is right-aligned and coordinates are required to be treated as fixed-point values instead of normal integers, allowing for positions at fractions of a pixel on the screen. (e.g., FRACUNIT is one pixel, FRACUNIT/2 is half a pixel, 2*FRACUNIT is two pixels, etc.).
"thin" The string is drawn in a thin font, and is left-aligned.
"thin-center" The string is drawn in a thin font, and is center-aligned.
"thin-right" The string is drawn in a thin font, and is right-aligned.
"thin-fixed" The string is drawn in a thin font, and is left-aligned and coordinates are required to be treated as fixed-point values instead of normal integers, allowing for positions at fractions of a pixel on the screen. (e.g., FRACUNIT is one pixel, FRACUNIT/2 is half a pixel, 2*FRACUNIT is two pixels, etc.).
"thin-fixed-center" The string is drawn in a thin font, and is center-aligned and coordinates are required to be treated as fixed-point values instead of normal integers, allowing for positions at fractions of a pixel on the screen. (e.g., FRACUNIT is one pixel, FRACUNIT/2 is half a pixel, 2*FRACUNIT is two pixels, etc.).
"thin-fixed-right" The string is drawn in a thin font, and is right-aligned and coordinates are required to be treated as fixed-point values instead of normal integers, allowing for positions at fractions of a pixel on the screen. (e.g., FRACUNIT is one pixel, FRACUNIT/2 is half a pixel, 2*FRACUNIT is two pixels, etc.).

Width types

Valid widthtype options for v.stringWidth:

Alignment name Description
"normal" (Default value) The string is drawn in a normal font.
"small" The string is drawn in a small font.
"thin" The string is drawn in a thin font.

Random functions

These functions can only be used within functions hooked with hud.add. Note that the v prefix given to all functions listed here is adjustable – this can be any name you like, e.g., drawer.RandomFixed can be used instead of v.RandomFixed, if the name of the first argument in the hud.add function is given as drawer instead of v.

Function Return value(s) Description
v.RandomFixed() fixed_t Returns a random integer between 0 and FRACUNIT-1 (65535).
v.RandomByte() int Returns a random integer between 0 and 255.
v.RandomKey(int a) int Returns a random integer between 0 and a - 1.

Note: In 2.2.11 and earlier, a should not be larger than 65536. Otherwise, there will be only 65536 possible different results this function can return, which will be spread out across the full range given; the rest of the numbers will be skipped. This was fixed in 2.2.12.

v.RandomRange(int a, int b) int Returns a random integer between a and b, inclusive.

Note: In 2.2.11 and earlier, the difference between a and b should not be larger than 65536. Otherwise, there will be only 65536 possible different results this function can return, which are spread out across the full range given; the rest of the numbers will be skipped. This was fixed in 2.2.12.

v.SignedRandom() int Returns a random integer between -128 and 127.
v.RandomChance(fixed_t p) boolean Returns true p% of the time, where p is a fixed-point number between 0 and FRACUNIT. For example, v.RandomChance(FRACUNIT/2) returns true 50% of the time.

Console library

These are the functions included in SRB2's console library. These functions relate to the console and/or commands/variables to be executed by the console.

Function Return value(s) Description
COM_AddCommand(string name, function fn, [int flags]) nil Format of fn: function(player_t player, [string arg, [...]])

Registers a console command with the name name that executes the specified function when called. The first argument of the function is the player who executed the command, and all subsequent arguments are arguments passed to the command.

flags may be any of the flags listed below, OR'ed together, or none.

Flag Description
COM_ADMIN Server/admin-only
COM_SPLITSCREEN The command is only available in splitscreen, and the splitscreen player is passed to fn.
COM_LOCAL Local execution, does not send over the network buffer (Technical comment: COM_LOCAL makes your commands NetXCmd free).
COM_BufAddText(player_t player, string text) nil Adds the specified text to player's console buffer, but does not actually execute the command.
COM_BufInsertText(player_t player, string text) nil Executes a console command in player's console.
CV_RegisterVar(table t) consvar_t Format of t: table{string name, string defaultvalue, int flags, table PossibleValue, function(consvar_t var) func}

Registers a console variable with the name name for use in the console and returns the console variable created. defaultvalue is the default value for the console variable in string form. PossibleValue is a list or range of possible values that are allowed for the variable. flags is an integer storing the flags to be given to the console variable; see Constants > Console variable flags for a list of them. If the CV_CALL flag is set, the function func is executed when the variable is changed: the sole argument passed to such function is the console variable itself.

PossibleValue can either be set to the name of one of the pre-existing PossibleValue ranges listed below, or a table listing possible values, or set to nil if not needed:

Name Range
CV_OnOff {Off = 0, On = 1}
CV_YesNo {No = 0, Yes = 1}
CV_Unsigned {MIN = 0, MAX = 999999999}
CV_Natural {MIN = 1, MAX = 999999999}
CV_TrueFalse {False = 0, True = 1}

Custom PossibleValue tables need to be formatted as such:

{string1=value1, string2=value2, [...]}

This gives each possible value listed in the table a string name of its own, which can be used in the console itself when the variable is in use.

If MIN and MAX are used as string names for possible value entries, these will act as the minimum and maximum of a bounded range of possible values, allowing any value in-between the two to be picked as well. Otherwise, the selectable values for the console variable are limited explicitly only to the possible value entries listed in the table. Example of custom MIN and MAX values:

{MIN = 20, MAX = 50}

The contents of CV_RegisterVar can alternatively be laid out as such:

CV_RegisterVar({name = , defaultvalue = , flags = , PossibleValue = , func = })


	name = ,
	defaultvalue = ,
	flags = ,
	PossibleValue = ,
	func = 

In the above two layouts, the names of the variables of the table are written out, and so do not need to be placed in any particular order unlike as in the above.

CV_FindVar(string var) consvar_t Returns the corresponding console variable named var.
CV_Set(consvar_t cvar, string/int value) nil Sets the value of the target console variable cvar to value.

This will call the console variable's callback function, if it has one.

CV_StealthSet(consvar_t cvar, string/int value) nil Sets the value of the target console variable cvar to value without calling its callback function.
CV_AddValue(consvar_t cvar, int increment) nil Adds the value increment to the console variable cvar. increment can also be a negative number.

If performing the addition causes the variable's value to go below its minimum or above its maximum, the final value will wrap around those bounds.

There are special cases for some console variables:

  • pointlimit: If gametype is GT_MATCH, increment is multiplied by 50.
  • forceskin: Cycles through usable skins. Follows the same conditions as R_SkinUsable for the resulting value.
CONS_Printf(player_t player, string text) nil Prints the text given to the console for player. This is similar to print(text), but this will only print for one player.

Certain ASCII characters will have special effects when printed out to the console by this function. These can either be given using decimal (\nnn) or hexadecimal codes (\xnn or \xnnnn), e.g.: \130 and \x82 will both cause text following the code to turn yellow. See Lua > Special characters for a list of these.

Blockmap search library

These are the functions included in SRB2's Blockmap search library. This consists of only one function, searchBlockmap.

Function Return value(s) Description
searchBlockmap(string searchtype, function fn, mobj_t refmobj, [fixed_t x1, fixed_t x2, fixed_t y1, fixed_t y2]) boolean Does a search through a specified area of the blockmap. This can be used to find Objects or linedefs in the area and run a function for each them. This function returns true if the search was not interrupted at any point, and false if it was.

searchtype determines what is being searched for:

  • "objects" – search for Objects (mobj_t) in the blockmap. Note that Objects with MF_NOBLOCKMAP are not in the blockmap, and so will not be found by this function.
  • "lines" – search for linedefs (line_t) in the blockmap.

fn is the function to be used on each found Object/linedef. The format of the function depends on the searchtype:

  • "objects" search – function(mobj_t refmobj, mobj_t foundmobj)
  • "lines" search – function(mobj_t refmobj, line_t foundline)

In both cases, refmobj is the same Object given in searchBlockmap arguments, while foundmobj/foundline are an Object/linedef found in the blockmap.

The return value of fn affects how searching continues afterwards:

  • nil – Continue searching as normal.
  • false – Stop searching in the current block and move on to the next block.
  • true – End the search entirely.

If fn returns true or false at any point, searchBlockmap will return false.

refmobj is a reference Object of your choice used within searching. If you do not supply X/Y ranges to search in, it defaults to checking within the Object's radius in both axes (relative to its current X/Y position in the map). If refmobj was removed mid-search, the search stops and searchBlockmap will return false. However, refmobj is not an optional argument (a dummy Object can be used if necessary).

x1, x2, y1, and y2 are optional arguments, determining the range of X and Y coordinates in the map to search the blockmap between, if given. They determine the left, right, bottom and top block positions of the blockmap to search in, specifically. If not given, refmobj is used to set the range by default. Note that all Objects or linedefs in each block spanned by the range will be checked, not just those within the range itself. To force searching within an exact range, manual position or distance checking needs to be added to the searching function.

Input library

These are functions included in SRB2's input library. They relate to client-side input events and are all prefixed with input. The keynum or keyname arguments required for some of these functions are obtainable from keyevent_t variables provided by KeyUp or KeyDown hooks.

Function Return value(s) Description
input.gameControlDown(int gc) boolean Returns whether the game control gc (a GC_* constant) is currently pressed for the first player.
input.gameControl2Down(int gc) boolean Returns whether the game control gc (a GC_* constant) is currently pressed for the second player.
input.gameControlToKeyNum(int gc) int,int Returns the numbers of the keys bound to the game control gc (a GC_* constant) for the first player.
input.gameControl2ToKeyNum(int gc) int,int Returns the numbers of the keys bound to the game control gc (a GC_* constant) for the second player.
input.joyAxis(int axissel) int Returns the first player's joystick's position on the axis specified by axissel (a JA_* constant).
input.joy2Axis(int axissel) int Returns the second player's joystick's position on the axis specified by axissel (a JA_*) constant).
input.keyNumToName(int keynum) string Returns the name of the key specified by the key number keynum.
input.keyNameToNum(string keyname) int Returns the number of the key specified by the key name keyname.
input.keyNumPrintable(string keynum) boolean Returns whether the key specified by the key number keynum corresponds to a printable character.
input.shiftKeyNum(string keynum) int Returns the capitalized form of key number keynum.
input.getMouseGrab() boolean Returns whether the first player's mouse is grabbed (locked and invisible) by the window.
input.setMouseGrab(boolean grab) nil Sets whether the first player's mouse is grabbed (locked and invisible) by the window.
input.getCursorPosition() int, int Returns the position of the cursor relative to the top-left corner of the window.

Base library

These are the functions included in SRB2's Base library. All of these functions except for the ones listed under "Base functions" are internal functions from SRB2's source code that are made available for Lua usage. They are grouped here according to their location in the source code.

Base functions

Function Return value(s) Description
print(string output, [string output2, [...]]) nil Outputs text in the console. Each output string will be separated into different lines.

Certain ASCII characters will have special effects when printed out to the console by this function. These can either be given using decimal (\nnn) or hexadecimal codes (\xnn or \xnnnn). For example, \130 and \x82 will both cause text following the code to turn yellow. See Lua > Special characters for a list of these.

chatprint(string output, [boolean sound]) nil Outputs text in the chat window (or the console if it cannot be output in the chat window). Each output string will be separated into different lines. If sound is set to true (defaults to false), a sound will be played when sent.

Certain ASCII characters will have special effects when printed out to the chat window or console by this function. These can either be given using decimal (\nnn) or hexadecimal codes (\xnn or \xnnnn).For example, \130 and \x82 will both cause text following the code to turn yellow. See Lua > Special characters for a list of these.

chatprintf(player_t player, string output, [boolean sound]) nil Outputs text in the chat window (or the console if it cannot be output in the chat window). Unlike chatprint, the text will only be output for the player supplied in player. Each output string will be separated into different lines. If sound is set to true (defaults to false), a sound will be played when sent.

Certain ASCII characters will have special effects when printed out to the chat window or console by this function. These can either be given using decimal (\nnn) or hexadecimal codes (\xnn or \xnnnn). For example, \130 and \x82 will both cause text following the code to turn yellow. See Lua > Special characters for a list of these.

freeslot(string resource, [string resource2, [...]]) int × amount of arguments Automatically initializes a new named resource based on the name given, declaring the name for the next freeslot available for the appropriate resource type. (e.g.: "MT_NEWOBJECT" will add a new Object type). (See Freeslot for more information.) This function will return the integer representing each resource successfully allocated; unsuccessful allocations will not be returned (e.g. one failed freeslot allocation out of a list of four will only return the successful three).

Example: freeslot("MT_NEWOBJECT", "S_NEWSTATE") will return MT_NEWOBJECT, S_NEWSTATE.

Note: Resources that begin with MT_ (Object type), S_ (state), or SPR_ must be in all capital letters, while sfx_ resources must be all lowercase.

addHook(string hook, function fn, [int/string extra]) nil Binds a function to a hook (i.e., the function will be run when a particular event happens). See Lua/Hooks for more information on using this function.
super(mobj_t actor, int var1, int var2) nil Only use this inside of an overridden A_ action. Calls the original version of the action.
IsPlayerAdmin(player_t player) boolean Returns true if the player has been given administrative privileges by the server via the promote command, or has logged as an admin via a preset password; false if not. Note that the host themselves will not necessarily return true to this function, since their administrative powers are there by default.
userdataType(* v) string Returns the userdata type of v as a string.

Possible strings that may be returned by this function:

  • "unknown"
  • "state_t"
  • "mobjinfo_t"
  • "sfxinfo_t"
  • "skincolor_t"
  • "skincolor_t.ramp"
  • "spriteinfo_t"
  • "spriteframepivot_t[]"
  • "spriteframepivot_t"
  • "taglist"
  • "mobj_t"
  • "mapthing_t"
  • "player_t"
  • "ticcmd_t"
  • "skin_t"
  • "player_t.powers"
  • "skin_t.soundsid"
  • "skin_t.sprites"
  • "skin_t.sprites[]"
  • "vertex_t"
  • "line_t"
  • "side_t"
  • "subsector_t"
  • "sector_t"
  • "ffloor_t"
  • "pslope_t"
  • "vector2_t"
  • "vector3_t"
  • "mapheader_t"
  • "polyobj_t"
  • "consvar_t"
  • "sector_t.lines"
  • "sector_t.taglist"
  • "line_t.sidenum"
  • "line_t.args"
  • "line_t.stringargs"
  • "mapthing_t.args"
  • "mapthing_t.stringargs"
  • "bbox"
  • "hudinfo_t"
  • "patch_t"
  • "colormap"
  • "camera_t"
  • "action"
  • "luabanks[]"
reserveLuabanks() luabanks[] Reserves and then returns a luabanks array.

Luabanks is a method to save and load custom information in a savefile.
The indexes 0 through 15 in the luabanks array contains UINT32 integers, which are freely modifiable by the modder.

When reserved in an addon with custom gamedata, this array is automatically updated when a save file is loaded, and saved alongside the normal save information when the game writes the save to a file, akin to saving the emeralds collected in a save.

Trying to call this function in a hook or otherwise calling it more than once, including if another mod has already called it before, will result in an error. As such, only one luabanks mod can be loaded in at any one time.

registerMetatable(table metatable) nil
To do
Rephrase. See merge request for original description.

Registers the metatable metatable.

Currently, tables passed through NetVars hooks or stored in custom player/mobj fields will not keep their metatable, because SRB2 does not keep track of them by default.

This issue can be solved by calling this function during script loading to have SRB2 register the given metatable, in such a way that the tables/userdata this metatable is attached to (via setmetatable()) will not lose their metatable when sent to a client connecting to the server.

userdataMetatable(string userdataname) table or nil Takes a string as only argument and returns the metatable

associated to the userdata type this string refers to. Returns nil if the string does not refer to a valid userdata type.

getTimeMicros() int
To do
Rephrase? See merge request.

Returns a modified value of SDL's high resolution counter.

This is used as a profiling timer function: Two values returned by this function can be substracted from each other to find out how much time (in microseconds) is between them. This can be used to measure the performance of Lua code, and as such shouldn't be used for anything else other than performance measurements.

Warning about OpenGL and HUD hooks: measuring Lua API calls that contain OpenGL API calls can give unreliable/confusing results because of the asynchronous nature of OpenGL. This applies to measuring HUD drawing functions in OpenGL mode.


-- Get the time before the code to be profiled
local first = getTimeMicros()

-- Run a slow function/block, like:
local nums = {}
for i = 1,10000 do
	nums[i] = 0 
	for j = 1,i do
		nums[j] = $ + 1

-- Get the time after the code to be profiled
local second = getTimeMicros()

-- Substract the newest time against the oldest time
local result = second - first
-- This result will represent the time between [first] and [second], in microseconds


Function Return value(s) Description
G_BuildMapName([int map]) string Converts the given map number to a map name in MAPXX format, where XX is the extended map number. If no map number is given, the current map's number will be used.

Example: G_BuildMapName(100) will return "MAPA0".

G_BuildMapTitle([int map]) string Returns the name and act number of map number map.

Example: G_BuildMapTitle(1) will return "Greenflower Zone 1".

G_FindMap(string query) INT32, string, table
To do
Improve the description


[1] => map number
[2] => map title
[3] => search frequency table

The frequency table is unsorted. It has the following format:


	['matchd'] => matches in map title string
	['keywhd'] => matches in map keywords

	The above two tables have the following format:

		['pos'] => offset from start of string
		['siz'] => length of match

	['total'] => the total matches
G_FindMapByNameOrCode(string query) INT32, string or nil
To do
Improve the description


[1] => map number
[2] => map title
G_DoReborn(int playernum) nil Respawns the player whose player number is playernum. Avoid calling this function directly in Single Player; set the player's player.playerstate to PST_REBORN instead.
G_EnoughPlayersFinished() boolean Checks if the required players to exit the level is reached. The requirement depends of playersforexit.
G_SetCustomExitVars([int nextmap, [int skipstats]]) nil Alternative version:
  • G_SetCustomExitVars()

Changes the settings that will apply when the current level is exited, but does not actually exit the level. If a value for nextmap is given, it sets the map number the game will change to once the level ends. If skipstats is set to 1 (defaults to 0), the statistics screen will be skipped. If set to 2, it will additionally skip the level end cutscene, if applicable. Calling the function with no arguments will clear the custom settings.

G_ExitLevel() nil Immediately exits the level.

If G_SetCustomExitVars was called beforehand, the level will exit using the custom settings set.

G_IsSpecialStage([int map]) boolean Returns true if the map with the given map number is a Special Stage; otherwise returns false. If no map number is given, the current map's number will be used.
G_AddGametype(table t) nil Registers a custom gametype into the game. See Custom gametypes for more information on using this function.
G_GametypeUsesLives() boolean Returns true if the current gametype has the gametype rule GTR_LIVES (Single Player, Coop or Competition); otherwise returns false. If in Record Attack, a Special Stage or a NiGHTS level, this returns false regardless of gametype.
G_GametypeUsesCoopLives() boolean Returns true if the current gametype has the gametype rule GTR_LIVES and GTR_FRIENDLY; otherwise it returns false.
G_GametypeUsesCoopStarposts() boolean Returns true if the current gametype has the gametype rule GTR_FRIENDLY; otherwise it returns false.
G_GametypeHasTeams() boolean Returns true if the current gametype has the gametype rule GTR_TEAMS (Team Match or CTF); otherwise returns false.
G_GametypeHasSpectators() boolean Returns true if the current gametype has the gametype rule GTR_SPECTATORS (Match, CTF or Tag); otherwise returns false.
G_RingSlingerGametype() boolean Returns true if the current gametype has the gametype rule GTR_RINGSLINGER (Match, CTF or Tag) or if the ringslinger cvar is enabled; otherwise returns false.
G_PlatformGametype() boolean Returns true if the current gametype doesn't have gametype rule GTR_RINGSLINGER (Single Player, Coop, Race or Competition); otherwise returns false.
G_CoopGametype() boolean Returns true if the current gametype has the gametype rules GTR_FRIENDLY and GTR_CAMPAIGN (Single Player or Coop); otherwise returns false.
G_TagGametype() boolean Returns true if the current gametype has the gametype rules GTR_TAG (Tag or Hide and Seek); otherwise returns false.
G_CompetitionGametype() boolean Returns true if the current gametype has the gametype rules GTR_RACE and GTR_LIVES (Competition); otherwise returns false.
G_AddPlayer(int skin, int color, string name, int bottype) player_t Adds a bot to the game. skin, color and name specify how bot will look like. bottype can be one of the following values:
  • BOT_NONE – Player is not bot
  • BOT_2PAI – Bot acts like Tails from SinglePlayer
  • BOT_2PHUMAN – Bot acts like Tails but his controls can be taken by human Player 2
  • BOT_MPAI – Bot has unique AI. It can be modded with LUA through BotTiccmd hook

Note: Console commands (COM_BufInsertText) can't be executed as a bot at the moment.

G_RemovePlayer(int playernum) nil Removes the bot. (Cannot be applied to human players.)
G_SetUsedCheats(boolean silent?) nil Marks the current game session as cheats has been used, silent makes the notice about the game no longer saving progress until restart will not display.
G_TicsToHours(int tics) int Converts the given time in tics to hours.
G_TicsToMinutes(int tics, [boolean full?]) int Converts the given time in tics to minutes. By default, this returns only values between 0 and 59, assuming the return value is used for timers with both "hours" and "minutes" displays (e.g., hours:minutes:seconds). If full? is given and set to true, then hours (or multiples of 60 minutes) will not be truncated, allowing for return values over 59. This latter case is used for timers without an "hours" display (e.g., minutes:seconds).
G_TicsToSeconds(int tics) int Converts the given time in tics to seconds. This returns only values between 0 and 59, assuming the return value is used for timers with both "minutes" and "seconds" displays (e.g., hours:minutes:seconds).
G_TicsToCentiseconds(int tics) int Converts the given time in tics to centiseconds. This returns only values between 0 and 99, assuming the return value is used for timers with both "seconds" and "centiseconds" displays (e.g., minutes:seconds.centiseconds).
G_TicsToMilliseconds(int tics) int Converts the given time in tics to milliseconds. This returns only values between 0 and 999.


Function Return value(s) Description
P_RandomFixed() fixed_t Returns a random integer between 0 and FRACUNIT-1 (65535).
P_RandomByte() int Returns a random integer between 0 and 255.
P_RandomKey(int a) int Returns a random integer between 0 and a - 1.

Note: a should not be larger than 65536. Otherwise, there will be only 65536 possible different results this function can return, which will be spread out across the full range given; the rest of the numbers will be skipped.

P_RandomRange(int a, int b) int Returns a random integer between a and b, inclusive.

Note: The difference between a and b should not be larger than 65536. Otherwise, there will be only 65536 possible different results this function can return, which are spread out across the full range given; the rest of the numbers will be skipped.

P_SignedRandom() int Returns a random integer between -128 and 127.
P_RandomChance(fixed_t p) boolean Returns true p% of the time, where p is a fixed-point number between 0 and FRACUNIT. For example, P_RandomChance(FRACUNIT/2) returns true 50% of the time.


Function Return value(s) Description
M_MoveColorAfter(UINT16 color, UINT16 target) nil Shifts the given color skincolor ahead of the target skincolor. Reflected in the multiplayer setup menu and other functions, but will not affect color's index value.
M_MoveColorBefore(UINT16 color, UINT16 target) nil Shifts the given color skincolor behind the target skincolor. Reflected in the multiplayer setup menu and other functions, but will not affect color's index value.
M_GetColorAfter(UINT16 color) UINT16 Returns the skincolor after color as a UINT16 value.
M_GetColorBefore(UINT16 color) UINT16 Returns the skincolor before color as a UINT16 value.


Function Return value(s) Description
M_MapNumber(string name) INT32 Returns the map number for a map identified by the last two characters in its name, or 0 if no map corresponds to these characters.


Function Return value(s) Description
P_CheckMeleeRange(mobj_t actor) boolean Returns true if actor's target is within the actor's melee range, false if not.
P_JetbCheckMeleeRange(mobj_t actor) boolean Same as P_CheckMeleeRange, except the melee range is adjusted for use with the Jetty-Syn Bomber.
P_FaceStabCheckMeleeRange(mobj_t actor) boolean Same as P_CheckMeleeRange, except the melee range is adjusted for use with the CastleBot FaceStabber.
P_SkimCheckMeleeRange(mobj_t actor) boolean Same as P_CheckMeleeRange, except the melee range is adjusted for use with the Skim.
P_CheckMissileRange(mobj_t actor) boolean Returns true if actor is able to shoot its target at the moment. Returns false if actor.reactiontime has not reached 0 or actor cannot see the target. Otherwise, the result is randomly decided based on the distance between them.
P_NewChaseDir(mobj_t actor) nil Changes actor.movedir to be the decided best direction of the actor to be in relation to its target (provided it has one, of course).

Note: These directions include only the 8 basic cardinal directions (N, S, E, W, NE etc.; also see the DI_ constants).

P_LookForPlayers(mobj_t actor, [fixed_t dist, [boolean allaround?, [boolean tracer?]]]) boolean Can actor find a player with the conditions provided? If yes, this returns true and the actor's target is set to the first player found. Otherwise this returns false and the actor's target is unchanged.
  • dist determines the distance limit for the actor to check for players in. If dist is set to 0, the distance limit will be infinite.
  • allaround? determines whether the actor will look all around itself for players or just within 90° of the direction it is currently facing.
  • tracer? determines whether to use actor.tracer instead of This is useful for homing missiles such as the Deton, since missiles set their target to the Object who shot them and thus cannot harm it.

dist defaults to 0 if not given, while allaround? and tracer both default to false if not given.


Function Return value(s) Description
P_RemoveShield(player_t player) nil Removes any shield player may be carrying. This will not throw back the player nor play a sound.
P_DamageMobj(mobj_t target, [mobj_t inflictor, [mobj_t source, [int damage, [int damagetype]]]]) boolean Inflicts damage on the target Object, causing it to lose a certain amount of health and use the state determined by However, if target has lost all health as a result of this function, P_KillMobj is called by this function instead. The return value of this function depends on whether target was damaged or not – if it was, this returns true; if not, this returns false.

inflictor and source determine where the damage came from: inflictor is the Object that dealt the damage, source is the source of the damage (or where inflictor came from). For instance, when a projectile fired by a player or enemy damages target, inflictor should be set the projectile itself, and source to the Object that fired the projectile. However, in situations where a player or enemy directly damages target, inflictor and source are usually both set to the same Object. If the damage comes from a level hazard such as damaging sector specials or crushers (or otherwise from nowhere at all), it is best to set both these arguments to nil.

damage determines the amount of damage to deal to target, or the number of health points removed from it. damagetype determines the damage type that will be dealt. Should the damage type have the death flag set, the target will be killed.

Note that, if not given, inflictor and source both default to nil, damage defaults to 1 and damagetype to 0. The hooks ShouldDamage and MobjDamage can be used modify or replace some of the effects of this function.

A list of damage types can be found here.

P_KillMobj(mobj_t target, [mobj_t inflictor, [mobj_t source, [int damagetype]]]) nil Kills the target Object, making it become intangible as well as using the state determined by (if set to nil, the Object will be removed from existence). If target is an enemy or boss, and the Object that killed it was a player or one of their projectiles, points may be awarded to this player. Flickies (and/or other items) will also be spawned by enemies killed by this function. damagetype determines the damage type that was dealt.

inflictor and source follow the same meanings as in P_DamageMobj, and both default to nil if not given. damagetype defaults to 0. The hook MobjDeath can be used to modify or replace some of the effects of this function.

A list of damage types can be found here.

Note: This function is not designed to be used to kill players directly; use P_DamageMobj with a special damage type instead.

P_PlayerRingBurst(player_t player, [int numrings]) nil Spills the specified number of rings. Also spills all weapon panels, ammo and emeralds player may be carrying at the time, but does not throw back player. If numrings is not given (or set to -1), it will default to the player's current ring count (i.e. player.rings).

In normal gameplay, up to 32 rings will be spilled by this function; the remainder will not be spawned. The speed at which the rings are flung depends on the duration since the last time this function was used (determined by player.losstime). In NiGHTS levels, however, the player will drop all rings if they have the player flag PF_NIGHTSFALL (given when the player has run out of time as Super Sonic). In addition, the rings will always be flung at the same speed regardless of player.losstime's value.

Note that this function does not actually affect player.rings; this must be modified manually in order for the player to actually lose rings. This does not apply to any weapon panels, ammo and/or emeralds also spilled by this function.

P_PlayerWeaponPanelBurst(player_t player) nil Spills all weapon panels that player is carrying, but does not throw back player. Unlike the rings in P_PlayerRingBurst, the player will actually lose the weapon panels spilled by this function.
P_PlayerWeaponAmmoBurst(player_t player) nil Spills all weapon panels and ammo that player is carrying, but does not throw back player. Unlike the rings in P_PlayerRingBurst, the player will actually lose the weapon ammo spilled by this function.
P_PlayerWeaponPanelOrAmmoBurst(player_t player) nil Spills weapon panels/ammo depending of what player is carrying, but does not throw back player. If player doesn't have a weapon but it's ammo, then the ammo is spilled instead. Otherwise, if player does have the weapon then the weapon is spilled. Unlike the rings in P_PlayerRingBurst, the player will actually lose the weapon panels/ammo spilled by this function.
P_PlayerEmeraldBurst(player_t player, [boolean toss?]) nil Spills all emeralds that player is carrying, but does not throw back player. If toss is true, all the emeralds are thrown in the player's forward direction and a toss delay of 2 seconds is set (for players tossing emeralds). Otherwise, the emeralds are spilled around the player (for players dropping emeralds after being hurt). Unlike the rings in P_PlayerRingBurst, the player will actually lose the emeralds spilled by this function.
P_PlayerFlagBurst(player_t player, [boolean toss?]) nil Spills any CTF flags that player is carrying, but does not throw back player. If toss is true, the flag is thrown in the player's forward direction and a toss delay of 2 seconds is set (for players tossing a flag). Otherwise, the direction is random (for players dropping a flag after being hurt).
P_PlayRinglossSound(mobj_t source, [player_t player]) nil Plays one of the 4 player ring spill sounds randomly, which can vary depending on the skin, or plays the Mario ring loss sound if in Mario mode. source is the Object the sound came from.
P_PlayDeathSound(mobj_t source, [player_t player]) nil Plays one of the 4 player death sounds randomly, which can vary depending on the skin. source is the Object the sound came from.
P_PlayVictorySound(mobj_t source, [player_t player]) nil Plays one of the 4 player victory taunt sounds randomly, which can vary depending on the skin. source is the Object the sound came from.
P_PlayLivesJingle(player_t player) nil Plays the extra life jingle. By default this is the extra life music, but in Mario mode maps or if Use1upSound is enabled in the MainCfg block, this is instead a sound effect. If the music is used, the player's pw_extralife timer is set to ExtraLifeTics + 1.
P_CanPickupItem(player_t player, [boolean weapon?]) boolean Returns true if player can pick up the item, returns false if player is a bot or is flashing after being hurt.
P_DoNightsScore(player_t player) nil Awards score to player NiGHTS-style; spawns a floating score item which changes appearance depending on the player's current link count and whether the player is in bonus time.
P_DoMatchSuper(player_t player) nil Gives invincibility, speed shoes, and steals score from others if player has all 7 Match Emeralds. Will remove the emeralds afterwards.


Function Return value(s) Description
P_CheckPosition(mobj_t mobj, fixed_t x, fixed_t y) boolean, mobj_t Checks if the position (x, y) is valid for the Object mobj. Note that this does not actually teleport the Object to the given coordinates; it only tests what would happen if it was at that position.

This function returns false if either a) the Object has been blocked by a wall or another Object, or b) the Object has been removed from the map during checking; otherwise it will return true to signal the position is not blocked. This function additionally returns the "tmthing" Object set during the run of the function, which in the majority of cases will be mobj itself.

The blockmap is checked for any Objects or walls to collide with; any Objects with MF_NOBLOCKMAP cannot be collided with by this function. Note that Objects using this function that have the MF_NOCLIP will not clip with other Objects or walls at all, while Objects with MF_NOCLIPTHING will not clip with Objects but can still be blocked by walls.

P_TryMove(mobj_t mobj,fixed_t x, fixed_t y, [boolean allowdropoff?]) boolean, mobj_t Tries to move the Object mobj to the X/Y coordinates supplied (all done in the same tic), checking each position to make sure the Object is not blocked on the way there. If it is blocked by a wall or another Object, or the height of the sector is too small to fit in, this will return false and leave the Object where it was to begin with (i.e., the move failed); otherwise this will return true with the Object at the coordinates supplied. This function additionally returns the "tmthing" Object set during the run of the function, which in the majority of cases will be mobj itself.

allowdropoff determines whether to stop the Object from falling off a platform too low to step-down when moving, or let it continue regardless of this – if allowdropoff is false and the Object would be falling off a platform if it continued, this will return false.

Note: Pushable Objects will also move along anything on top with them when they are moved. Objects with MF_NOCLIP will be able to move straight to the specified position without being blocked by anything, and allowdropoff will not affect them.

P_Move(mobj_t actor, int speed) boolean, mobj_t Moves the actor Object in its current direction (using actor.movedir rather than the angle), moving forward a distance of speed*FRACUNIT (speed does not need to be multiplied by FRACUNIT). Returns true when the actor has moved; returns false if the actor cannot move, does not have a direction to move in or is dead. This function additionally returns the "tmthing" Object set during the run of the function, which in the majority of cases will be actor itself.
P_TeleportMove(mobj_t mobj, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z) boolean, mobj_t Teleports the Object straight to the x, y, and z coordinates supplied, but does not account for whether the Object will be stuck in this position, and will always return true. This function additionally returns the "tmthing" Object set during the run of the function, which in the majority of cases will be mobj itself.

Note: This function has been deprecated since the introduction of 2.2.11, we recommend you use the P_SetOrigin or P_MoveOrigin instead.

P_SetOrigin(mobj_t mobj, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z) boolean, mobj_t Teleports the Object to the x, y, and z coordinates supplied without any positional checks. As all interpolation values of the Object are reset, this function should be used for instant movement. It will always return true, plus the "tmthing" Object set during the run of the function, which in the majority of cases will be mobj itself.
P_MoveOrigin(mobj_t mobj, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z) boolean, mobj_t Teleports the Object to the x, y, and z coordinates supplied without any positional checks. As all interpolation values of the Object are kept, this function should be used for continuous movement. This function additionally returns the "tmthing" Object set during the run of the function, which in the majority of cases will be mobj itself.
P_SlideMove(mobj_t mo) nil Slides mo along a wall using its current X/Y momentum. This assumes that mo has already been blocked by a wall, so this searches for the wall that blocked it before sliding.
P_BounceMove(mobj_t mo) nil Bounces mo off a wall using its current X/Y momentum. This assumes that mo has already been blocked by a wall, so this searches for the wall that blocked it before bouncing.
P_CheckSight(mobj_t source, mobj_t target) boolean Checks if target is visible from source's position – if it is, this returns true; otherwise it returns false. This function is also able to check if FOFs are blocking the line of sight. Note that the angles the Objects are facing are not taken into consideration, only their map coordinates and heights.
P_CheckHoopPosition(mobj_t hoop, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, fixed_t radius) nil Optimized version of P_CheckPosition specifically designed for MT_HOOPCOLLIDE. radius is unused.
P_RadiusAttack(mobj_t inflictor, mobj_t source, fixed_t radius, [int damagetype, [boolean sightcheck]]) nil Damages all damageable Objects in the blockmap around inflictor, with source being the Object that inflictor came from (if not the same as inflictor itself). radius is the distance limit around inflictor to damage other Objects in, which will automatically be scaled with inflictor's scale. damagetype determines the type of damage dealt to Objects hit by the attack. If sightcheck is true or not set, the target objects will only be damaged if they have line of sight with the inflictor's position; If false, the attack will be able to harm objects behind walls.

Objects that cannot be damaged by P_RadiusAttack include: any Objects sharing the same type as inflictor, the source Object itself, monitors, bosses, non-shootable Objects (MF_SHOOTABLE is not set), or any Objects not within the blockmap at all (MF_NOBLOCKMAP is set).

P_FloorzAtPos(fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, fixed_t height) fixed_t Returns what would be the floorz (the absolute Z position of the floor) at the x, y, and z coordinates supplied. height should be the height of the Object you want to check this for (needed for checking solid/quicksand FOFs). Keep in mind the coordinates and perhaps even the height do not necessarily have to be the actual position of an existing Object.
P_CeilingzAtPos(fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, fixed_t height) fixed_t Returns what would be the ceilingz (the absolute Z position of the ceiling) at the x, y, and z coordinates supplied. height should be the height of the Object you want to check this for (needed for checking solid/quicksand FOFs). Keep in mind the coordinates and perhaps even the height do not necessarily have to be the actual position of an existing Object.
P_DoSpring(mobj_t spring, mobj_t object) nil The spring Object sends object into the air like a spring. spring does not necessarily have to be an Object with the MF_SPRING flag, but it should have least all the same attributes as one; see the Spring article for more details. Note that object will also be given the MFE_SPRUNG flag, marking it as having already touched a spring this tic; the flag will automatically be removed the next tic. If this function is called while object has this flag set, it will have no effect.
P_TryCameraMove(camera_t camera, fixed_t x, fixed_t y) boolean Tries to move the Camera camera to the X/Y coordinates supplied (all done in the same tic), checking each position to make sure the Camera is not blocked on the way there. If it is blocked by a wall, or the height of the sector is too small to fit in, this will return false and leave the Camera where it was to begin with (i.e., the move failed); otherwise this will return true with the Camera at the coordinates supplied.
P_TeleportCameraMove(camera_t camera, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z) nil Teleports the Camera straight to the x, y, and z coordinates supplied, but does not account for whether the Camera will be stuck in this position.
P_LineIsBlocking(mobj_t mo, line_t li) boolean
Currently only exists in 2.2.14 nightly.
Returns true if the supplied line would obstruct mobj's movement.


Function Return value(s) Description
P_AproxDistance(fixed_t dx, fixed_t dy) fixed_t Returns the approximate distance between two points, where dx is the distance between the X coordinates and dy is the distance between the Y coordinates.

Note: This function will normally return a positive value, except if the distance is 38768 fracunits or larger, in which case it will return negative values.

P_ClosestPointOnLine(fixed_t x, fixed_t y, line_t line) fixed_t, fixed_t Alternative version: P_ClosestPointOnLine(fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t x1, fixed_t y1, fixed_t x2, fixed_t y2)

Returns the X and Y coordinate (as two separate returned values) of the closest point to the point (x,y) on the line line.

If a set of 4 fixed-point integers (x1, y1, x2, y2) is given instead of a line_t variable, these become the coordinates of a custom-defined line that goes through the points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2).

P_PointOnLineSide(fixed_t x, fixed_t y, line_t line) int Alternative version: P_PointOnLineSide(fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t x1, fixed_t y1, fixed_t x2, fixed_t y2)

Returns 0 if the point (x,y) is on the "front" side of the given line, or 1 if it is on the "back" side.

If a set of 4 fixed-point integers (x1, y1, x2, y2) is given instead of a line_t variable, these become the coordinates of a custom-defined line that goes through the points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2).


Function Return value(s) Description
P_SpawnMobj(fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, int type) mobj_t Creates and returns a new Object of the given type at the given coordinates x, y, and z. Various attributes may be given to it as soon as it is spawned, such as a skin color or secondary Object flags. Further Objects may be spawned within this function to be linked to the new Object if necessary. If the new Object is given the MF_RUNSPAWNFUNC flag during this function, the action set for the Object type's SpawnState property will be run by this function.

The hook MobjSpawn can be used to modify or replace some of the effects of this function.

Note: This is the basic function for spawning all Objects in SRB2. All other listed Lua functions (including actions) that spawn an Object therefore use this function internally to spawn them, and any changes made to this function by the MobjSpawn hook will affect them as well.

P_SpawnMobjFromMobj(mobj_t origin, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, int type) mobj_t Same as P_SpawnMobj, except the coordinates given are relative to the origin Object. The spawned object's scale and vertical flip are inherited from the origin object.
P_RemoveMobj(mobj_t mobj) nil Removes the Object and its thinker from existence. The hook MobjRemoved can be used to apply additional effects to this function.

Note: The removed Object cannot be referenced again in Lua after using this function.

Note 2: This function will produce an error if it attempts to remove an Object belonging to a player (i.e.: mobj.player must be nil for this function to work).

P_IsValidSprite2(mobj_t mobj, int sprite2) boolean Returns true if mobj can display sprite2, false if not. This is specific to objects that have a Skin, as Skins use a special naming system to avoid naming conflicts between themselves.
P_SpawnLockOn(player_t player, mobj_t target, state_t state) nil Spawns MT_LOCKON in state above mobj. Lua exclusive.
P_SpawnMissile(mobj_t source, mobj_t dest, int type) mobj_t Spawns a missile Object with the default missile positioning, sending it forward to dest at the value of its Speed Object type property. This returns the Object spawned by the function.
P_SpawnXYZMissile(mobj_t source, mobj_t dest, int type, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z) mobj_t Spawns a missile Object at specific x, y, and z coordinates, sending it forward to dest at the value of its Speed Object type property. This returns the Object spawned by the function.
P_SpawnPointMissile(mobj_t source, fixed_t dest_x, fixed_t dest_y, fixed_t dest_z, int type, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z) mobj_t Same as P_SpawnXYZMissile, except the destination is given via the coordinates dest_x, dest_y and dest_z instead of a destination Object dest. This returns the Object spawned by the function.
P_SpawnAlteredDirectionMissile(mobj_t source, int type, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, int angle_shift) mobj_t Spawns a missile Object at the value of its Speed Object type property, but with an angle relative to the direction its source Object is facing. The source Object must be a missile itself and must have a target set – the spawned missile will also use this target. This returns the Object spawned by the function.
P_ColorTeamMissile(mobj_t missile, player_t player) nil In Team Match or CTF, this changes missile's color to match the player's team color (red if player is in the red team, or steel blue if in the blue team). In any other gametype, this will do nothing.
P_SPMAngle(mobj_t source, int type, angle_t angle, [int allowaim, [int flags2]]) mobj_t Spawns a missile Object at the value of its Speed Object type property, assuming source is a player. angle sets what direction to fire the missile in. If allowaim is set to a non-zero value, the player's vertical aiming angle determines the vertical angle the missile is fired at. Otherwise, it is fired straight forward. flags2 allows additional flags to be added on to the missile's secondary Object flags (such as MF2_RAILRING to make the missile act like the rail ring weapon). This returns the Object spawned by the function.
P_SpawnPlayerMissile(mobj_t source, int type, [int flags2]) mobj_t Functionally identical to P_SPMAngle, except that the missile's angle will always be source's angle and the player's vertical aiming angle will always be used. This returns the Object spawned by the function.
P_MobjFlip(mobj_t mobj) int Returns -1 if the object is flipped (i.e., MFE_VERTICALFLIP is set in the Object's extra Object flags) or 1 if it is not.
P_GetMobjGravity(mobj_t mobj) fixed_t Returns the amount of gravity to be applied to the Object.
P_WeaponOrPanel(int type) boolean Returns true if the given Object type is any of the weapon ammo/panel types.
P_FlashPal(player_t player, int type, int duration) nil Sets the type and duration of the player's palette. This is used in the game to flash the screen in events such as when the player is teleported, or when an Armageddon Shield explodes – see PLAYPAL for the palette numbers available in the default PLAYPAL lump.
P_GetClosestAxis(mobj_t source) mobj_t Returns the closest Axis Object (of type MT_AXIS) to source.
P_SpawnParaloop(fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, fixed_t radius, int number, int type, angle_t rotangle, [int state, [boolean spawncenter?]]) nil Spawns a loop of Objects at the given coordinates x, y, and z. radius determines the radius of the loop, number determines how many Objects are in the loop, type determines the type of the Objects spawned, state is the starting state of the Objects (defaults to S_NULL if not set, which means the state will not be changed), and rotangle sets the vertical rotation of the loop. If spawncenter is true, the Objects will all start at the center and move outwards, otherwise they will start at a distance of 4/5×radius from the center and move inwards. By default, spawncenter is false.

In SRB2, this function is called when the player uses the paraloop move while flying on a NiGHTS 2D track. It is also called by the action A_RingExplode to create an explosion effect. In both cases, the function is called multiple times in order to form a paraloop "ball". Specifically, this is done by calling the function 16 times with the same values, except that rotangle is set to different multiples of ANGLE_22h each time.

Below is some example Lua code that recreates A_RingExplode's explosion, using an Object actor as a spawn position:

for i=0,15
	P_SpawnParaloop(actor.x, actor.y, actor.z + actor.height, FixedMul(, actor.scale), 16, MT_NIGHTSSPARKLE, i*ANGLE_22h, S_NULL, true)


  • For all Objects spawned by this function, mobj.fuse is set to (FixedDiv(radius,5*(FRACUNIT/4))>>(FRACBITS+2)) + 1, and mobj.tics to mobj.fuse - 7. The minimum values it can set for them are 2 and 1, respectively. These values are set to make sure that the Objects will all disappear eventually.
  • The horizontal rotation cannot be controlled by this function.
P_BossTargetPlayer(mobj_t actor, [boolean closest?]) boolean Used by bosses to search for players. Returns true if a player is targeted, false if not. If closest is true, the boss will target the closest player it can find, otherwise the boss will target the first player it finds.
P_SupermanLook4Players(mobj_t actor) boolean Similar to P_LookForPlayers, except actor can search anywhere in the map and even through walls.
P_SetScale(mobj_t mobj, fixed_t scale) nil Sets mobj's scale to a new value. Editing mobj.scale does the same thing – however, calling P_SetScale will not affect mobj.destscale, unlike editing mobj.scale directly.
P_InsideANonSolidFFloor(mobj_t mobj, ffloor_t rover) boolean Returns true if the given FOF exists and is non-solid, and mobj is inside it.
P_CheckDeathPitCollide(mobj_t mobj) boolean Returns true if mobj is touching a death pit floor/ceiling.
P_CheckSolidLava(ffloor_t rover) boolean Returns true if the FOF rover is a solid lava block.
P_CanRunOnWater(player_t player, ffloor_t rover) boolean Returns true if the FOF rover is a water block and player is able to run on top of it. This requires the player to be at running speed, but other criteria include whether they have the swimming or running on water abilities, or if they're currently super.
P_MaceRotate(mobj_t center, int baserot, int baseprevrot) nil TODO
P_CreateFloorSpriteSlope(mobj_t mobj) nil Creates pslope_t userdata into mobj that allows it to render as a sloped floor sprite. It can then be accessed and manipulated in mobj.floorspriteslope.
P_RemoveFloorSpriteSlope(mobj_t mobj) nil Wipes the mobj.floorspriteslope field from mobj, effectively ceasing its rendering as a sloped floor sprite. Recommended to use when a sloped floor sprite is no longer needed, since they can increase memory usage.
P_RailThinker(mobj_t mobj) boolean Used by the Rail Ring. Instantly moves mobj if it has a type of momentum, returns true if the movement has failed or mobj was removed by movement (like death pit, missile hits wall, etc.).
P_XYMovement(mobj_t mobj) nil Moves mobj through the X/Y coordinate if it has momentum.
P_RingXYMovement(mobj_t mobj) nil Used by rings. Moves mobj through the X/Y coordinate if it has momentum but it will always slides to the walls if it collides with one.
P_SceneryXYMovement(mobj_t mobj) nil Used by scenery objects. Moves mobj through the X/Y coordinate if it has momentum but it will always slides to the walls if it collides with one and it does not have friction on the air or with the flag MF_NOCLIPHEIGHT.
P_ZMovement(mobj_t mobj) boolean Moves mobj through the Z coordinate if it has momentum, returns false if mobj was killed/exploded/removed, true otherwise.
P_RingZMovement(mobj_t mobj) nil Used by rings. Moves mobj through the Z coordinate if it has momentum. It has special functionallity to avoid getting clipped through FOFs
P_SceneryZMovement(mobj_t mobj) boolean Used by scenery objects. Moves mobj through the Z coordinate if it has momentum, returns false if mobj was killed/exploded/removed, true otherwise. It has special functionallity to avoid getting clipped through FOFs, checking for gravity, collide with death pits, and ajusting with the floors/ceilling
P_PlayerZMovement(mobj_t mobj) nil Used by players. Moves mobj through the Z coordinate if it has momentum. It has special functionallity to avoid getting clipped through FOFs, checking for gravity, play animations, have slope physics, and some NiGHTs logic.
P_CheckSkyHit(mobj_t mo, line_t line) boolean
Currently only exists in 2.2.14 nightly.
Checks if the supplied line is being touched by mobj, and if so, returns true if that line is a thok barrier sky or horizon effect wall.


Function Return value(s) Description
polyobjects.GetForNum(polyobj_t polyobject, INT32 id) polyobj_t Retrieves a polyobject by its numeric ID. Returns nil if no such polyobject exists.


Function Return value(s) Description
P_GetZAt(pslope_t slope, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, [fixed_t z]) fixed_t Returns the corresponding Z position on the slope for the X/Y coordinates given. If slope is nil, returns z instead.
P_ButteredSlope(mobj_t mobj) nil Slides mobj on the slope it is standing on, if it exists.


Function Return value(s) Description
P_Thrust(mobj_t mobj, angle_t angle, fixed_t move) nil Boosts mobj's horizontal momentum by the value of move in the direction of angle. Note that this will apply momentum relatively; i.e., all existing momentum applied to the Object in any direction is retained – if P_Thrust is used every tic, this can result in the Object accelerating in the given direction. If the Object has MF2_TWOD, only momentum in the X direction is modified – momentum in the Y direction is unaffected. To replace all existing momentum instead of adding to it, see P_InstaThrust.
P_SetMobjStateNF(mobj_t mobj, int statenum) boolean mobj's state is changed to the specified state number, but without running any actions. If statenum is S_NULL, the Object will be removed (does not work on players).

Note: This should not be confused with the normal method of applying new states, which would be using the code mobj.state = statenum (where mobj and statenum follow the same meanings as the arguments for P_SetMobjStateNF).

P_DoSuperTransformation(player_t player, [boolean giverings?]) nil Changes player into its Super form. If giverings? is true, the player is given 50 rings when the function runs. Note that the player still needs all seven Chaos Emeralds as well as the SF_SUPER skin flag for this function to work.
P_ExplodeMissile(mobj_t missile) nil Death sequence for the missile Object. Halts missile's momentum, alters its flags, plays its DeathSound and sets its state to DeathState. Does not do anything if the Object has MF_NOCLIPTHING set, as it is used as a dummy flag to indicate when a missile is already "dead".
P_PlayerTouchingSectorSpecial(player_t player, int section, int specialnum) sector_t Checks if player is touching a sector with the specified sector special from the specified section. If one is found, this will return the sector with the special. Also accounts for FOFs – if the found sector is an FOF, the FOF's control sector is returned.
P_PlayerTouchingSectorSpecialFlag(player_t player, int flags) sector_t Checks if playerif touching a sector with the specified sector special flags. If one is found, this will return the sector with the special flags. Also counts for FOFs – if the found sector is a FOF, the FOF's control sector is returned.
P_FindLowestFloorSurrounding(sector_t sector) fixed_t Looks for the sector surrounding the current one whose floor height is lower than the current sector's floor height. If it is found, the floor height is returned. Otherwise, returns itself.
P_FindHighestFloorSurrounding(sector_t sector) fixed_t Looks for the sector surrounding the current one whose floor height is higher than the current sector's floor height. If it is found, the floor height is returned. Otherwise, returns itself.
P_FindLowestCeilingSurrounding(sector_t sector) fixed_t Looks for the sector surrounding the current one whose ceiling height is lower than the current sector's ceiling height. If it is found, the ceiling height is returned. Otherwise, returns itself.
P_FindHighestCeilingSurrounding(sector_t sector) fixed_t Looks for the sector surrounding the current one whose ceiling height is higher than the current sector's ceiling height. If it is found, the ceiling height is returned. Otherwise, returns itself.
P_FindNextHighestFloor(sector_t sector, [fixed_t currentheight]) fixed_t Looks for a sector whose floor height is higher than the current sector's floor height. If it is found, the floor height is returned. Otherwise, returns itself.
P_FindNextLowestFloor(sector_t sector, [fixed_t currentheight]) fixed_t Looks for a sector whose floor height is lower than the current sector's floor height. If it is found, the floor height is returned. Otherwise, returns itself.
P_FindSpecialLineFromTag(int special, int tag, [int start]) int Finds the first linedef number after start which has the specified linedef special and tag. start can be -1 to start from the first linedef onwards, or set to another linedef's number to carry on from perhaps the last linedef number found (start defaults to -1 if not set).
P_SwitchWeather(int weathernum, [player_t player]) nil Switches weather in-game with weathernum (use the PRECIP_ constants). If player is or not specified, the weather is applied globally for all players; otherwise, the weather is applied only for the specified player.
P_LinedefExecute(int tag, [mobj_t actor, [sector_t caller]]) nil Executes a linedef executor. tag is the tag of the executor's trigger linedef. If set, actor is the Object that activated it, and caller is the triggering sector.
P_SpawnLightningFlash(sector_t sector) nil Spawns a lightning flash in sector. For this to work in FOFs, sector should be the control sector of the FOF to flash in.
P_FadeLight(int tag, int destvalue, int speed, [boolean ticbased, [boolean force]]) nil Fades all tagged sectors' lighting to a new value set by destvalue. speed determines how quickly the sector's light fades to the new value, using ticbased maked speed to determine the duration instead. Using force forcefully replaces already existing fade light thinkers on the tagged sectors.
P_ThingOnSpecial3DFloor(mobj_t mobj) sector_t If mobj is on top of or inside an FOF with a sector special, this function returns the FOF's control sector; otherwise returns nil.

Note: This function has been deprecated since the introduction of 2.2.11, we recommend you use the P_MobjTouchingSectorSpecial or P_MobjTouchingSectorSpecialFlag instead.

P_MobjTouchingSectorSpecial(mobj_t mobj, int section, int number) sector_t Checks if mobj is touching a sector with the specified sector special from the specified section. If one is found, this will return the sector with the special. Also accounts for FOFs – if the found sector is an FOF, the FOF's control sector is returned.
P_MobjTouchingSectorSpecialFlag(mobj_t mobj, int flags) sector_t Checks if mobjif touching a sector with the specified sector special flags. If one is found, this will return the sector with the special flags. Also counts for FOFs – if the found sector is a FOF, the FOF's control sector is returned.
P_IsFlagAtBase(int type) boolean Returns true if the flag of the given type is at its corresponding CTF base. Should only be used with types MT_BLUEFLAG and MT_REDFLAG.
P_SetupLevelSky(int skynum, [player_t player]) nil Sets the sky seen in-game to the value of skynum. If player is nil or not specified, the sky is applied globally for all players; otherwise, the sky is applied only for the specified player.
P_SetSkyboxMobj([mobj_t mobj, [boolean/int centerpoint?, [player_t user]]]) nil Alternative versions:
  • P_SetSkyboxMobj(mobj_t mobj, boolean/int centerpoint?)
  • P_SetSkyboxMobj(mobj_t mobj, player_t user)
  • P_SetSkyboxMobj(mobj_t mobj, boolean/int centerpoint?, player_t user)

Lua-exclusive: Sets which Object correponds to either the skybox's view point or center point (defaults to view point). user is the player to apply the new skybox view to, otherwise it applies to all players. If mobj is nil, the skybox is removed.

P_StartQuake(fixed_t intensity, int time, [table{x, y, z} epicenter, [fixed_t radius]]) nil Lua-exclusive: Starts an earthquake camera effect. intensity determines the earthquake's strength, time determines its duration.
Currently, epicenter and radius only works in 2.2.14 nightly.

epicenter determines where the earthquake occurs in, and radius determines the radius of the effect.

EV_CrumbleChain([sector_t sector,] ffloor_t rover) nil Alternative version:
  • EV_CrumbleChain(ffloor_t rover)

Shatters the FOF rover, making it vanish from the map and spawning debris at sector. If sector is not given, the debris will be spawned in all target sectors linked to the FOF's control sector.

EV_StartCrumble(sector_t sector, ffloor_t rover, [boolean floating, [player_t player, [fixed_t origalpha, [boolean crumblereturn]]]]) boolean Crumbles the FOF rover, making the FOF belonging to rover fall from the map and respawning 10 seconds later at sector if crumblereturn is set to true, otherwise rover will not respawn. player is the player that made rover crumble, if player exists, and origalpha is the original alpha of rover.


Function Return value(s) Description
P_GetPlayerHeight(player_t player) fixed_t Returns the player's normal height (default 48*FRACUNIT, Fang's height is 60*FRACUNIT). Automatically corrected to match the player's current scale.
P_GetPlayerSpinHeight(player_t player) fixed_t Returns the player's "spin" height (2/3 of the player's full height; normally 32*FRACUNIT). Automatically corrected to match the player's current scale.
P_GetPlayerControlDirection(player_t player) int Returns a value depending on what is happening with the player's movement controls (forwards, backwards and strafing left/right) at the moment, compared to the current movement of the player itself:
  • 0 – no controls pressed/no movement
  • 1 – pressing in direction of movement (accelerating)
  • 2 – pressing in opposite direction of movement (decelerating)
P_AddPlayerScore(player_t player, int amount) nil Adds amount to player's score. Also ensures that the score does not exceed MAXSCORE (999999990), and awards lives for every 50000 points (if not losing points). Handled somewhat differently for NiGHTS stages (both normal and Special Stages), modifying player.marescore instead of player.score.
P_StealPlayerScore(player_t player, int amount) nil Causes player to steal from everyone else's score in multiplayer.
P_GetJumpFlags(player_t player) int Checks whether player's skin has SF_NOJUMPDAMAGE and returns the appropriate flags to set for their jump.
P_PlayerInPain(player_t player) boolean Returns true if player is in its pain state with pw_flashing set (and not sliding), false if not.
P_DoPlayerPain(player_t player, [mobj_t source, [mobj_t inflictor]]) nil Throws back the player, setting the state to the player's pain state (does not spill rings/emeralds/flags nor remove health/shields). source is the Object the damage (or inflictor) came from, and inflictor (which is either source itself or a projectile from it) the Object that dealt the damage, inflictor in particular being used to determine the throw-back speed depending on the flags set. Setting the source and inflictor Objects is not required.
P_ResetPlayer(player_t player) nil Resets the player. This will halt anything the player is currently doing.
P_PlayerCanDamage(player_t player, mobj_t mobj) boolean Checks if player is capable of damaging mobj in their current state and returns true if so.
P_IsObjectInGoop(mobj_t mobj) boolean Is mobj inside goop? Returns true if yes, false if no. If the Object has MF_NOGRAVITY or is a spectator player, this will always return false.
P_IsObjectOnGround(mobj_t mobj) boolean Is mobj on the ground? Returns true if yes, false if no. The "ground" can be the Object's floorz or ceilingz depending on whether the Object is in reverse gravity or not. If the Object is currently within goop water, this will always return false.
P_InSpaceSector(mobj_t mobj) boolean Is mobj in a Space Countdown sector/FOF? Returns true if yes, false if no.
P_InQuicksand(mobj_t mobj) boolean Is mobj in a Quicksand FOF? Returns true if yes, false if no.
P_InJumpFlipSector(mobj_t mobj) boolean Is mobj in a Jump Flip sector? Returns true if yes, false if no.
P_SetObjectMomZ(mobj_t mobj, fixed_t momz, [boolean relative?]) nil Sets mobj's momz to the value given. If relative is true, this will be added to the Object's previous momz; otherwise, it will replace it. (Note: This also corrects for scaling and reverse gravity.)
P_RestoreMusic(player_t player) nil Restores the music to whatever it should be depending on whether player has any powerups or not.
P_SpawnShieldOrb(player_t player) nil Resets player's shield orb appearance to the appropriate one for the player's current shield powers.
P_SpawnGhostMobj(mobj_t mobj) mobj_t Spawns a "ghost" of mobj (a 50% translucent clone of the Object that lasts only 8 tics normally before disappearing). Useful for creating afterimages of Objects such as players, such as with the Super Sneakers power-up or when a player is in Super form. Returns the ghost Object spawned. If a player Object the ghost was made after possesses a followitem, a ghost of that item's Object will additionally be spawned and assigned as the player ghost's tracer, and vice versa.
P_GivePlayerRings(player_t player, int amount) nil Adds amount to player's ring count. Also corrects ring count if > 9999 or < 0. Also awards extra life bonuses for multiples of 100 rings up to the value of maxXtraLife in the MainCfg block (by default this is 2, which allows for extra life bonuses up to 200 rings).
P_GivePlayerLives(player_t player, int amount) nil Adds amount to player's lives count. Also corrects lives count if > 99 or < 1.
P_GiveCoopLives(player_t player, int amount, [boolean playsound]) nil Adds amount to the lives pool if the game is using shared lives. When not using shared lives, adds amount of lives to all individual players.
P_ResetScore(player_t player) nil Resets player's scoreadd value to 0, ending any score chains in progress.
P_DoJumpShield(player_t player) nil If player has the shield power SH_PROTECTELECTRIC, this will activate the Lightning Shield's double jump. In any other case, player performs a Whirlwind Shield-style jump and switches to their falling animations.
P_DoBubbleBounce(player_t player) nil Landing handler for the Bubble Shield. Bounces player upwards.
P_BlackOw(player_t player) nil This is used by the Armageddon Shield to blow up enemies, flash the palettes of all players within the explosion radius (1536*FRACUNIT) and destroy the shield currently being held by player. Also plays the Armageddon explosion sound.
P_ElementalFire(player_t player, [boolean cropcircle]) nil Spawns two Elemental Shield-style flames for both sides and behind player, but needs to be used repeatedly to spawn a true Elemental Shield fire trail. If cropcircle is true (default is false), this instead spawns flames in a circle pattern like that of the Elemental Shield's ground pound attack.
P_DoPlayerFinish(player_t player) nil Sets the flag PF_FINISHED on the player, causing the player to "finish" the level, while still allowing them to continue moving.

If in singleplayer, or if the console variable exitmove is not set, this will cause the player thinker to call P_DoPlayerExit().

P_DoPlayerExit(player_t player) nil This is used to have player "complete" the level and become immobile; this will not immediately end the level itself, but prepares to end the level after a set amount of time.
P_InstaThrust(mobj_t mobj, angle_t angle, fixed_t move) nil Set an Object's horizontal momentum to the value of move in the direction of angle. Note that this will apply momentum absolutely; i.e., all existing momentum applied to the Object in any direction is lost. If the Object has MF2_TWOD, only momentum in the X-direction is modified – momentum in the Y-direction is unaffected. To add to existing momentum rather than completely replace it, see P_Thrust.
P_ReturnThrustX(mobj_t mobj, angle_t angle, fixed_t move) fixed_t Returns the X component of a set thrust value at a specified angle. mobj is unused.
P_ReturnThrustY(mobj_t mobj, angle_t angle, fixed_t move) fixed_t Returns the Y component of a set thrust value at a specified angle. mobj is unused.
P_LookForEnemies(player_t player, [boolean nonenemies, [boolean bullet]]) mobj_t Returns a nearby Object that player can hit, if one is found. This is used by the CA_HOMINGTHOK and CA2_GUNSLINGER character abilities, as well as the Attraction Shield's homing attack ability.

By default, this only looks for shootable enemies or bosses (not including the Deton), they must be within RING_DIST (= 512 fracunits) from the player's position, and they cannot be more than 24 fracunits above the player's z position. If nonenemies is true (default is false), this function will also look for springs and monitors. If bullet is true (default is false), the function can look upwards but is limited to a looking span of 30 degrees up or down, the searching distance is doubled (= 1024 fracunits), and monitors and Detons are included in the search.

Note that Objects with the secondary flag MF2_INVERTAIMABLE may invert some of the effects of this function when found by it.

P_NukeEnemies(mobj_t inflictor, mobj_t source, fixed_t radius) nil Instantly defeats all enemies and damages bosses (as well as players in shooting gametypes) within a radius around the inflictor Object (the Object causing the damage). The source Object is where inflictor came from, if not the inflictor itself.
P_HomingAttack(mobj_t source, mobj_t target) boolean The source Object faces the target Object and moves towards it; needs to be repeatedly used to work properly. source's movement speed depends on what source is – players will move at 2/3 of their actionspd value, the Deton will move at 17/20 of the enemy player's normalspeed value, otherwise all other Objects will use their Object type's Speed value (a threshold of 32000 for the source cuts this in half). Returns true if the homing attack was successful, returns false if not.
P_SuperReady(player_t player) boolean Returns true if the conditions are right for player to turn Super, false if not.
P_DoJump(player_t player, [boolean soundandstate]) nil Makes the player jump. is set to a particular value depending on the situation, and the PF_JUMPED flag is given to player.pflags. If soundandstate is set to true (the default value),'s state will be changed to the appropriate jump states and play the jump sound. If the player has PF_JUMPSTASIS in player.pflags, or player.jumpfactor is 0, this function will do nothing.
P_SpawnThokMobj(player_t player) nil Spawns the player's thokitem defined in S_SKIN at player's location. Defaults to MT_THOK if no object is defined.
P_SpawnSpinMobj(player_t player, int type) nil Spawns a spin trail Object for player at player's location. type determines the type of the Object spawned.
P_Telekinesis(player_t player, fixed_t thrust, fixed_t range) nil Pushes away all enemies and players within a radius of range around player with the thrust value thrust. If thrust is negative, this will instead pull in enemies and players towards player.
P_SwitchShield(player_t player, int shield) nil Switches the current shield player has with shieldtype. This will also cause an unused Armageddon Shield to explode. For the list of possible shield types, see Shield types.
P_PlayJingle(player_t player, int jingletype) nil Calls P_PlayJingleMusic for the player player with the appropriate arguments as set by jingletype. jingletype should be one of the JT_* constants.
P_PlayJingleMusic(player_t player, string musname, [int musflags, [boolean looping, [int jingletype]]]) nil Pushes the music musname to player's music stack with the properties set by musflags, looping, and jingletype, and plays the music for that player. If not specified, musflags will be set to 0, looping will be set to true, and jingletype will be set to JT_OTHER.
To do
Document the music stack (see s_sound.c) and musflags (see doomstat.h)
P_SpawnSkidDust(player_t player, fixed_t radius, [int sound]) nil Spawns spindash dust randomly around player within a certain radius, and plays sound.
P_Earthquake(mobj_t inflictor, mobj_t source, fixed_t radius) nil Damages enemies within the given radius. Used for Super Knuckles' landing.
P_PlayerFullbright(player_t player) boolean Returns true only if player is fullbright. Used in NiGHTS mode.
P_MovePlayer(player_t player) nil
To do
Add a description
P_PlayerCanEnterSpinGaps(player_t player) boolean
To do
Add a description
P_PlayerShouldUseSpinHeight(player_t player) boolean
To do
Add a description


Function Return value(s) Description
R_TextureNumForName(string name) int Returns the texture number for the texture whose name is supplied in name. For a list of textures by number, see List of textures by number.
R_CheckTextureNumForName(string name) int If a texture with the name given by name exists, returns its texture number. Otherwise, returns -1.
R_TextureNameForNum(int number) string Returns the texture name for the texture whose number is supplied in number. For a list of textures by number, see List of textures by number.
R_CheckTextureNameForNum(int number) string If a texture with the number given by number exists, returns its texture name. Otherwise, returns "-".


Function Return value(s) Description
R_GetColorByName(string name) int Returns the skin color number that is represented by name. If no color is found, returns SKINCOLOR_NONE.
R_GetSuperColorByName(string name) int Returns the super color number that is represented by name. If no color is found, returns SKINCOLOR_NONE.
R_GetNameByColor(int color) string Returns the name of the input color.

The function will raise an error if an out of bounds number is entered.


Function Return value(s) Description
R_PointToAngle(fixed_t x, fixed_t y) angle_t Returns the angle between the camera's X and Y coordinates and x and y.

Note: This will not work consistently among multiple players. Use at your own risk.

R_PointToAngle2(fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t dest_x, fixed_t dest_y) angle_t Returns the angle created by the line from x and y to dest_x and dest_y.
R_PointToDist(fixed_t x, fixed_t y) fixed_t Returns the distance from the camera's X and Y coordinates to x and y.

Note: This will not work consistently among multiple players. Use at your own risk.

R_PointToDist2(fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t dest_x, fixed_t dest_y) fixed_t Returns the distance from x and y to dest_x and dest_y.
R_PointInSubsector(fixed_t x, fixed_t y) subsector_t Returns the subsector that the given point is located in. Never returns nil, even if outside of the map.
R_PointInSubsectorOrNil(fixed_t x, fixed_t y) subsector_t or nil Same as R_PointInSubsector, but returns nil if point is not in subsector.


Function Return value(s) Description
R_Char2Frame(string char) int Returns the text character's frame number.

Example: R_Char2Frame("A") will return 0.

R_Frame2Char(int frame) string, int Returns the frame number's text character as both a string and its ASCII value.

Example: R_Frame2Char(0) will return "A",65.

R_SetPlayerSkin(player_t player, int/string skin) nil Sets the player's skin. skin can be either a skin number or a skin name string.
R_SkinUsable(player_t player, int/string skin) boolean Checks if skin is legal to switch to and returns true if so. Accounts for factors such as map forcecharacter and multiplayer forceskin.


For all of the functions below with an optional player parameter, this determines which player the function is run for (if only a certain player is meant to hear a sound or change in music, for example). If this is omitted or set to nil, the function is run for all players.

Function Return value(s) Description
S_StartSound(mobj_t/sector_t origin, int soundnum, [player_t player]) nil Starts the given sound effect from origin, or plays the sound globally if origin is nil. If origin exists and has a skin applied, certain sounds may be replaced with custom sounds set for the skin. If in a Mario mode or Christmas NiGHTS level, certain sounds will automatically be swapped with different sounds for the given level type (these take priority over custom skin sounds).

If the third argument is set, the sound will only be played for that player. Otherwise, it will be heard by all players.

S_StartSoundAtVolume(mobj_t/sector_t origin, int soundnum, UINT8 volume, [player_t player]) nil Starts the given sound effect at a specific volume from origin, or plays the sound globally if origin is nil. If origin exists and has a skin applied, certain sounds may be replaced with custom sounds set for the skin. Unlike S_StartSound, Mario mode and Christmas NiGHTS have no effect on the sound used.

Volume ranges from 0 to 255, inclusive.

S_StopSound(mobj_t/sector_t origin) nil Stops any sound that the given origin is playing.
S_StopSoundByID(mobj_t/sector_t origin, int soundnum) nil Stops the sound soundnum that origin may be playing.
S_ChangeMusic(string musicname, [boolean looping?, [player_t player, [int mflags, [int position, [int prefadems, [int fadeinms]]]]]) nil Alternative version: S_ChangeMusic(int musicslot, [boolean looping?, [player_t player, [int mflags, [int position, [int prefadems, [int fadeinms]]]]])

Changes the music to the specified music name or slot number. The music will loop unless looping? is specified and is false.

mflags can be used to set flags for the music:

  • If 0x4000 is added to the value, the music track will start from the beginning if you attempt to change the music to the same track, instead of having no effect.
  • If 0x8000 is added to the value, the music track will be reset when the current level is reloaded.

If the music format supports multiple tracks, you can supply the track number as well – if the new music's name was given, the track number must be added to mflags; if a slot number was given, the track number must be stored in the upper 16 bits (i.e., musicnum == slot number+(track number<<16)). This also means that the value given for mflags will be ignored.

Other features:

  • position determines the position in the music track to start playing from, measured as a time in milliseconds. If set to 0, the music track will be played from the beginning. Note: Has no effect with music formats supported by the Game Music Emu library.
  • prefadems determines the time in milliseconds to fade out of the current music track before changing to the new track. If set to 0, no fade out effect will be used.
  • fadeinms determines the time in milliseconds to fade into the new music track. If set to 0, no fade in effect will be used.

To set a time in seconds for position, prefadems or fadeinms, multiply the time in seconds by the constant MUSICRATE; e.g.: 2*MUSICRATE for 2 seconds.

S_SpeedMusic(fixed_t musicspeed, [player_t player]) nil Changes the speed of the music – the speed given must be a multiple of FRACUNIT, where FRACUNIT is the default music speed.

Note that this function only works with music formats supported by the Game Music Emu library. For other music formats, it has no effect.

S_StopMusic([player_t player]) nil Stops all music from playing.
S_SetInternalMusicVolume(int volume, [player_t player]) boolean Immediately sets the internal volume of the current music track, as a percentage of the user's configured game volume, where 0 is silent and 100 is full volume.

Returns true if the volume change was done for all players or the user's local player, returns false if not.

S_StopFadingMusic([player_t player]) boolean Stops any current fade from running. The music will remain playing at the current internal volume.

Returns true if the fade was done for all players or the user's local player, returns false if not.

S_FadeMusic(int target_volume, int ms, [player_t player]) boolean Alternative version: S_FadeMusic(int target_volume, int ms, [int source_volume, [player_t player]])

Fades the current music track from source volume to target volume, 0-100%. If source_volume is not specified, the source volume is the current internal volume. ms is the length of the fade, measured in milliseconds. To set a time in seconds, multiply the time in seconds by the constant MUSICRATE; e.g.: 2*MUSICRATE for 2 seconds.

Returns true if the fade was done for all players or the user's local player, returns false if not.

S_FadeOutStopMusic(int ms, [player_t player]) boolean Fades the current music track from current internal volume to 0%, then stop the music. ms is the length of the fade, measured in milliseconds. To set a time in seconds, multiply the time in seconds by the constant MUSICRATE; e.g.: 2*MUSICRATE for 2 seconds.

Returns true if the fade was done for all players or the user's local player, returns false if not.

S_OriginPlaying(mobj_t/sector_t origin) boolean Returns true if a sound effect with origin as the origin is being played, false if not.


if S_OriginPlaying(players[0].mo) -- is a sound being played from the player's mobj?
	print("beep!") -- beep if yes

Note: This function only checks sounds being played for the local client, and thus isn't network safe. Use at your own risk.

S_IdPlaying(int soundnum) boolean Returns true if a sound effect with the given ID is being played, false if not.


if S_IdPlaying(sfx_thok) -- is a thok sound being played at all?
	print("beep!") -- beep if yes

Note: This function only checks sounds being played for the local client, and thus isn't network safe. Use at your own risk.

S_SoundPlaying(mobj_t/sector_t origin, int soundnum) boolean Returns true if a sound effect with the given ID and origin as the origin is being played, false if not.


if S_SoundPlaying(players[0].mo, sfx_thok) -- is a thok sound being played from the player's mobj?
	print("beep!") -- beep if yes

Note: This function only checks sounds being played for the local client, and thus isn't network safe. Use at your own risk.

S_StartMusicCaption(string caption, tic_t lifespan, [player_t player]) nil If the user has sound captions enabled, this will display the caption caption for the duration specified by lifespan in a similar manner to the captions displayed for Super Sneakers and Invincibility. If player is specified, this will only be displayed for that player.
S_GetMusicLength() int Returns the length of the currently playing music, in milliseconds.

Note: This function only checks the music being played for the local client, and thus isn't network safe. Use at your own risk.

S_GetMusicPosition() int Returns the position of the currently playing music, in milliseconds.

Note: This function only checks the music being played for the local client, and thus isn't network safe. Use at your own risk.

S_SetMusicPosition(int position) boolean Sets the position of the currently playing music, in milliseconds. Returns false if no music is playing or a MIDI is currently playing (and therefore the position could not be set), and returns true otherwise. Note that this may still return true in some instances where the position could not be set.
To do
Verify this is accurate.
To do
Everything :3
S_MusicExists(string mname, [boolean checkmidi, [boolean checkdigi]]) boolean Returns whether music of name mname exists within any of the currently loaded files.

By default, this checks for both digital (O_) and MIDI (D_) versions of the music file, but the checks can be toggled with the arguments checkdigi and checkmidi, respectively.

S_MusicPlaying([player_t player]) boolean or nil
To do
Add a description
S_MusicPaused([player_t player]) boolean or nil
To do
Add a description
S_MusicName([player_t player]) string or nil
To do
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S_SetMusicLoopPoint(UINT32 looppoint, [player_t player]) boolean or nil
To do
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S_GetMusicLoopPoint([player_t player]) UINT32 or nil
To do
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S_PauseMusic([player_t player]) boolean or nil
To do
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S_ResumeMusic([player_t player]) boolean or nil
To do
Add a description

Iterator functions

None of these functions should be called directly, with the exception of mobjs.iterate. They should be used in a for loop, as such:

for player in players.iterate
   -- Handle player here

Note that the ending parentheses, (), are omitted in the above code – this does not apply to mobjs.iterate, however, for technical reasons.

Function Iterator type Description
players.iterate() player_t Iterates over all players currently playing in the map. Note that will return nil for spectating players.
mobjs.iterate() mobj_t Iterates over all Objects in the map that use P_MobjThinker. This excludes all precipitation (rain and snow).

Note that this iterator is extremely slow due to the massive amount of thinkers in a typical map, and should not be used repeatedly so as not to cause framerate drops.[confirm? – discuss]

skins.iterate() skin_t Iterates over all valid skins loaded in the game.
mapthings.iterate() mapthing_t Iterates over all map Things in the map. Remember that not all Objects will necessarily have a respective map Thing, and not all map Things will necessarily have a respective Object.
mapthings.tagged(INT16 tag) taggroup_t Iterates over all map Things tags in the map with the matching tag.
sectors.iterate() sector_t Iterates over all sectors in the map.
sectors.tagged(INT16 tag) taggroup_t Iterates over all sectors tags in the map with the matching tag..
subsectors.iterate() subsector_t Iterates over all subsectors in the map.
lines.iterate() line_t Iterates over all linedefs in the map.
lines.tagged(INT16 tag) taggroup_t Iterates over all linedefs tags in the map with the matching tag.
sides.iterate() side_t Iterates over all sidedefs in the map.
vertexes.iterate() vertex_t Iterates over all vertexes in the map.
polyobjects.iterate() polyobj_t Iterates over all PolyObjects in the map.

Lua framework

These are the functions included with the standard Lua libraries included with SRB2 (Basic, Coroutine, String and Table).

Base Lua functions

( documentation)

Function Return value(s) Description
assert(* v, [string errormsg]) any or nil If v is nil or false, an error message is printed; otherwise, this function returns all arguments given. errormsg is the message to use when the assertion fails; if not given, the default message used is "assertion failed!".
collectgarbage([string opt, [int arg]]) "step": boolean
all others: int
This function is a generic interface to the garbage collector. It performs different functions depending on its first argument, opt:
  • "collect": Performs a full garbage collection cycle. This is the default option.
  • "stop": Stops the garbage collector.
  • "restart": Restarts the garbage collector.
  • "count": Returns the total memory in use by Lua (in kilobytes).
  • "step": Performs a garbage collection step. The step size is controlled by arg (larger values mean more steps). Returns true if the step finished a collection cycle.
  • "setpause": Sets arg as the new value for the pause of the garbage collector. Returns the previous value for the pause.
  • "setstepmul": Sets arg as the new value for the step multiplier of the garbage collector. Returns the previous value for the step multiplier.
error(string message, [int level]) nil Terminates the last protected function called and returns message as an error message.

Usually, error adds some information about where the error occurred at the beginning of the message. The level argument specifies how to get the error position. With level 1 (the default), the error position is where the error function was called. With level 2, the error position is where the function that called error was called, and so on. If level is set to 0, no information about the error position is added to the message.

dofile(string file) (return values) This loads the lua script file from the Lua/ folder in the last loaded add-on, which must be a PK3. For instance, to load the file Lua/script.lua, use dofile("script.lua"). It is highly recommended this only be used in init.lua as the add-on is loading, though it can technically be used at any time.
gcinfo() int Returns Kb of dynamic memory in use.

This function is deprecated in Lua 5.1. Use collectgarbage ("count") instead.

getfenv([function/int f]) (environment) Returns the current environment in use by the function.
getmetatable(object obj) (metatable) If obj does not have a metatable, returns nil. Otherwise, if obj's metatable has a __metatable field, returns the associated value. Otherwise, returns the metatable of obj.
ipairs(table{} t) function, table, int This function is to be used in a for loop to iterate through all entries in an array-like table, such as in the code shown below:
for k, v in ipairs(t)

k and v are the key and value for each entry in table t.

The iteration starts from key 1 (not 0) and iterates in numeric order.

This function only iterates through the array part of the table. The array part is made of all the entries which keys are integer numbers in the range [1; n], where n is the first key that precedes a nil entry (or, if there are no "holes", the last entry). Entries with any other key (strings, booleans, userdata, negative numbers, etc) are merely skipped.

Technical comment: this function actually returns three values: an iterator function, the table t, and 0. When used in a for loop, however, this detail is irrelevant to most purposes.

next(table{} t, [int index]) (index), (value)
pairs(table{} t) function, table, nil This function is to be used in a for loop to iterate through all entries in a table, such as in the code shown below:
for k, v in pairs(t)

k and v are the key and value for each entry in table t.

Unlike ipairs, every entry will be iterated through, in an undefined order.

Technical comment: this function actually returns three values: the next function, the table t, and nil. When used in a for loop, however, this detail is irrelevant to most purposes.

Note: This function iterates in an arbitrary order, NOT the order in which elements were added. It is VERY likely to iterate through a completely different order for mid-joiners, and thus isn't network safe. Use at your own risk.

pcall(function fn, [* arg, [...]]) boolean, (return values or error message) Calls function fn with the given arguments in protected mode. The first value returned is the status code, which is true if the call succeeded without errors, and false if an error occurred.

If the call succeeded, all return values of the function call are also returned after the status code. If the call produced an error, the status code is followed by the error message instead.

rawequal(* v1, * v2) boolean Checks whether v1 is equal to v2, without invoking any metamethod.
rawget(table{} t, * index) any Gets the real value of t[index], without invoking any metamethod.
rawset(table{} t, * index, * value) table Sets the real value of t[index] to value, without invoking any metamethod. This function returns t.
select(* index, ...) arguments or int If index is a number, returns all arguments after argument number index. Otherwise, index must be the string "#", and select returns the total number of extra arguments it received.
setfenv(function/int f, table{} table) function Sets the environment to be used by the given function.
setmetatable(table{} t, table{} metatable) table Sets the metatable for the given table. If metatable is nil, removes the metatable of the given table. If the original metatable has a __metatable field, raises an error.

This function returns t.

tonumber(* e, [int base]) int or nil Returns the given variable as a number, if possible. Returns nil if the variable cannot be converted to a number.

Example: tonumber("10") will return 10.

tostring(* e) string Returns the given argument as a string.

Example: tostring(10) will return "10".

type(* v) string Returns the type of v as a string.

Possible strings that may be returned by this function:

  • "no value"
  • "nil"
  • "boolean"
  • "userdata"
  • "number"
  • "string"
  • "table"
  • "function"
  • "thread"
  • "proto"
  • "upval"

To find out if a given value is a specific type of userdata, see userdataType.

unpack(table{} list, [int start, [int end]]) (table elements) Returns the elements from the given table.
xpcall(function call, function(boolean status) errortrap) boolean, (return values or error message) Calls function f in protected mode, using errortrap as the error handler. The first value returned is the status code, which is true if the call succeeded without errors, and false if an error occurred.

If the call succeeded, all return values of the function call are also returned after the status code. If the call produced an error, the status code is followed by the return value of errortrap.

Coroutine library

( documentation)

Function Return value(s) Description
coroutine.create(function fn) thread Creates and returns a new coroutine that runs the function specified. To run the coroutine, use coroutine.resume.
coroutine.resume(thread co, [* val, [...]]) boolean, (return values from coroutine.yield) Begins or resumes execution of the coroutine specified. If the coroutine has not yet been started, passes the remaining arguments to the coroutine's function (i.e.: they become the arguments to the function). If the coroutine has yielded, the remaining arguments are passed as the results from the yield (i.e.: they become the return values of coroutine.yield). If the function errors, returns false and the error message; otherwise, returns true plus the variables returned or passed to coroutine.yield.
coroutine.running() thread or nil Returns the running coroutine, or nil when called by the main thread.
coroutine.status(thread co) string Returns the status of coroutine co, as a string:
  • "running", if the coroutine is running (i.e., it called status)
  • "suspended", if the coroutine is suspended in a call to yield, or if it has not started running yet
  • "normal", if the coroutine is active but not running (i.e., it has resumed another coroutine)
  • "dead", if the coroutine has finished its body function, or if it has stopped with an error
coroutine.wrap(function fn) function Creates and returns a wrapper for a coroutine that runs the function specified. Calling the coroutine in the format corout(args) is equivalent to calling coroutine.resume(corout, args) on a coroutine created using coroutine.create, except that it will not return the initial true value, instead propagating any errors that the coroutine throws.
coroutine.yield([...]) (return values from coroutine.resume) Temporarily suspends execution of the coroutine. Cannot be used while running a C function, a metamethod, or an iterator loop. The next time the coroutine is resumed, it will resume execution from the point of this function call. Arguments passed to this function will be returned by the coroutine.resume call that restarted the coroutine, and this function itself will return any extra arguments from the coroutine.resume call.

String library

( documentation)

Function Return value(s) Description
string.byte(string s, [int start, [int end]]) int × (end - start + 1) Alternative syntax: s:byte([int start, [int end]])

Returns the numerical values of the characters in string s between start and end. start and end default to 1 and the length of the string, respectively.

string.char([int charid, [...]]) string Converts the given character codes into a string consisting of the respective characters (reverse of string.byte).
string.find(string s, string pattern, [int start, [boolean plain?]]) int, int, (captures) Alternative syntax: s:find(string pattern, [int start, [boolean plain?]])

Looks for the first match of pattern in the string s. If it finds a match, returns the positions in s where this occurrence starts and ends; otherwise, returns nil.

string.format(string formatstr, [...]) string Returns a formatted version of its variable number of arguments following the description given in its first argument (which must be a string).
string.gmatch(string s, string pattern) function Alternative syntax: s:gmatch(string pattern)
string.gsub(string s, string pattern, int/string/table/function replace, [int n]) string Alternative syntax: s:gsub(string pattern, int/string/table/function replace, [int n])

Returns a copy of s in which all (or the first n, if given) occurrences of the pattern pattern have been replaced by a replacement string specified by repl. Also returns the total number of matches that occurred.

string.len(string s) int Alternative syntax: s:len()

Returns the length of the string s.

Example: string.len("Hello") will return 5.

string.lower(string s) string Alternative syntax: s:lower()

Converts string s to lowercase characters.

Example: string.lower("HELLO") will return "hello".

string.match(string s, string pattern, [int n]) (captures) or string Alternative syntax: s:match(string pattern, [int n])
string.rep(string s, int n) string Alternative syntax: s:rep(int n)

Repeats string s n times.

Example: string.rep("Hello ", 5) will return "Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello ".

string.reverse(string s) string Alternative syntax: s:reverse()

Reverses string s.

Example: string.reverse("Hello") will return "olleH".

string.sub(string s, int start, [int end]) string Alternative syntax: s:sub(int start, [int end])

Returns the substring of string s that starts at start and ends at end. If end is not supplied, it defaults to the end of s.

string.upper(string s) string Alternative syntax: s:upper()

Converts string s to uppercase characters.

Example: string.upper("hello") will return "HELLO".

Table library

( documentation)

Note: Most of these functions are not designed for tables with non-integer keys.

Function Return value(s) Description
table.concat(table{} t, [string sep, [int start, [int end]]]) string Returns a string containing the elements of table t between the positions start and end concatenated together. sep is used as a separator between the elements (defaults to the empty string). start and end default to 1 and the length of the table, respectively.
table.insert(table{} t, [int key], * element) nil Inserts element at position key in table t. If key is not given, element is inserted at the end of table t.
table.maxn(table{} t) int Returns the largest positive numerical index of the given table, or zero if the table has no positive numerical indices.
table.remove(table{} t, [int key]) any Removes from table t the element at position key, and returns the value of the removed element. All elements posterior to the removed element are then shifted down one position. If key is not given, removes the last element of table t.
table.sort(table{} t, [function(* element_a,* element_b) comp]) nil Sorts the elements of table t, in-place, from t[1] to t[n], where n is the length of the table t. If comp is given, then it must be a function that receives two table elements, and returns true when the first is less than the second. If comp is not given, then the standard Lua operator < is used instead.

I/O library

( documentation)

Some functions have been removed or tweaked for usage in SRB2.

For safety reasons, Lua scripts are subject to some restrictions:

  • Accessed files must be located within the luafiles/ folder in the SRB2 root directory. All file paths used are relative to this folder, so io.openlocal("client/MyModConfig.cfg", "w") will open PathToYourSRB2Folder/luafiles/client/MyModConfig.cfg.
  • If a CLIENT (not the host) needs to access a file LOCALLY, that file must be located within luafiles/client/ or its subfolders. This limit only exists for clients, the host can access anything inside luafiles/
  • Accessed files must have one of the following extensions (if the name contains multiple extensions, only the last one is checked):
    • .bmp
    • .cfg
    • .csv
    • .dat
    • .png
    • .sav2
    • .txt
  • Writing to a file must not cause it to be larger than 1 megabyte. There is no restriction for reading.

Trying to bypass one of these restrictions will raise an error.

Function Return value(s) Description filename, [string mode], function callback) nil * Callback function format: function(file file, string filename)

This is the function used for reading from a file owned by the host. It is netsafe.

If called within a netgame, it (automatically) sends the file to all clients and executes callback once everyone has downloaded it, so that the game will not desynchronise.

This function does not return a value, but if the file does not exist, file will be nil inside the callback, so you can still check for file not found errors.

Once the callback function returns or ends, the file handle is closed automatically (no need to call io.close).

This function is non-blocking (asynchronous), which means that even in a netgame, the game will not "pause" while all players are downloading the file. Instead, the script will continue to run as normal, except the callback will not be called immediately, but will instead wait for an undetermined amount of time (bandwidth, network latency, etc.) before finally calling the callback. Keep this in mind when setting variables with values found in the file, as those variables will not be updated until an indeterminate amount of time in the future.

io.openlocal(string filename, [string mode]) file* or nil, string or nil This function opens a file, in the mode specified in the string mode. It returns a new file handle, or, in case of errors, nil plus an error message.

The mode string can be any of the following:

  • "r": read mode (prefer in most scenarios);
  • "w": write mode;
  • "a": append mode;
  • "r+": update mode, all previous data is preserved;
  • "w+": update mode, all previous data is erased;
  • "a+": append update mode, previous data is preserved, writing is only allowed at the end of file.

The mode string can also have a 'b' at the end, which is needed to open the file in binary (non-text) mode.

Note: This function is run locally, and thus isn't network safe. It is primarily intended to be used for writing to a file. For reading from a file, it is HIGHLY recommended that you use instead, unless you actually need to access data locally, such as a list of passwords. Use at your own risk.

io.close(file file) boolean or (nil, string, and int) or (nil, string) Closes the file handle file. Equivalent to file:close()

If the call was successful, returns true — otherwise, returns nil, an error message, and an error code. If an attempt is made to close one of the standard files stdin, stdout, or stderr, this function will return nil and an error message, but no error code.

Calling io.close with no arguments will attempt to close the standard file stdout, resulting in an error as described above.

io.tmpfile() file* Returns a handle for a temporary file. This file is opened in update mode and it is automatically removed when the program ends.
io.type(* obj) string or nil Checks whether obj is a valid file handle.

Returns the string "file" if obj is an open file handle, "closed file" if obj is a closed file handle, or nil if obj is not a file handle.

OS library

( documentation)

Some functions have been removed for usage in SRB2.

Function Return value(s) Description
os.clock() int Returns the time in seconds to the nearest millisecond since SRB2 was running.
os.difftime(int a, int b) int Returns the number from time a to time b, in other words, a - b. format, int time) string or table Returns the date and time as a string or table.

The first argument accepts the format. Default is "%c".

  • "%a". abbreviated weekday name (e.g., Wed);
  • "%A". full weekday name (e.g., Wednesday);
  • "%b". abbreviated month name (e.g., Sep);
  • "%B". full month name (e.g., September);
  • "%c". date and time (e.g., 09/16/98 23:48:10);
  • "%d". day of the month (e.g., 16) [01-31];
  • "%H". hour, using a 24-hour clock (e.g., 23) [00-23];
  • "%I". hour, using a 12-hour clock (e.g., 11) [01-12];
  • "%M". minute (e.g., 48) [00-59];
  • "%m". month (e.g., 09) [01-12];
  • "%p". either "am" or "pm" (pm);
  • "%S". second (e.g., 10) [00-61];
  • "%w". weekday (e.g., 3) [0-6 = Sunday-Saturday];
  • "%x". date (e.g., 09/16/98);
  • "%X". time (e.g., 23:48:10);
  • "%Y". full year (e.g., 1998);
  • "%y". two-digit year (e.g., 98) [00-99];
  • "%%". the character `%´.
  • "*t". returns the table;
  • "!*t". returns the table (GMT).

If the format is "*t", returns the table:

  • year (a full year)
  • month (1 - 12)
  • day (1-31)
  • hour (00-23)
  • min (00-59)
  • sec (00-59)
  • wday (day of the week, Sunday is 1)
  • yday (day of the year)
  • isdst (a boolean, true if daylight saving)

The second argument accepts the time in seconds. If time is not given, the function will return the current time.

os.time(table t) int Returns the time (the number of seconds elapsed since 00:00:00:00 on January 1, 1970).

If no argument is specified, returns the current time. The argument is a table that must have keys year, month, and day. It can have keys hour, min, sec, and isdst(daytime flag).

  Lua [view]
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