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2.0:XSRB2/Levels/Factory Farce Zone Act 3

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XSRB2 levels
MAPXB: Factory Farce Zone Act 3




Sonic Golf

MAPXB, Factory Farce Zone Act 3, abbreviated as FFZ3, is the third act of Factory Farce Zone, the fourth zone in XSRB2. It is a boss fight against a custom boss called EGGrid, who controls a large electrical grid in the center of the arena. Currently, this is the last stage in XSRB2's Single Player campaign (beta stages notwithstanding).


The fight takes place in a square arena with a large electrical grid in the center. Eggman hovers high above the grid. Additionally, there are four indestructible Turrets positioned on stacks of crates in each corner of the room. The only rings are next to these crates; grab one or two of them quickly before Eggman starts attacking.

The battle alternates between a shooting phase and a grid phase. In the shooting phase, Eggman randomly chooses one of two attacks, which you can tell apart by the charging sound. If you hear a lower-pitched charging sound, the Turrets in the corners will start shooting at you. If you hear a higher-pitched charging sound, Eggman will start shooting at you from above with Rail Rings, which have a high recoil. You can dodge both attacks by running in circles around the arena at full speed.

Once the attack stops, the grid in the center will light up in a randomly-generated pattern of tiles. There are four types of tiles: deactivated black tiles, damaging yellow tiles, red tiles which contain a monitor, and bouncy tiles. Use one of the bouncy tiles to be launched up into the air and steer towards Eggman to hit him. The types of monitors that appear are also randomized. Most of them are Eggman Monitors, but a few are Super Ring Monitors, Whirlwind Shield Monitors or, very rarely, Invincibility Monitors or Extra Life Monitors. After a few seconds, the grid deactivates and the shooting phase begins again.

After six hits, Eggman will enter the pinch phase. The crates that the Turrets are standing on will crumble, leaving the Turrets positioned on the floor. From now on, instead of shooting directly at you, the Turrets will fire in an arc from side to side. As Tails or Knuckles, you can avoid the fire easily by flying or climbing above it, but as Sonic you will have to dodge it by carefully jumping over the Turret fire. After two more hits, Eggman is defeated and an Egg Capsule will rise.

Time Attack

Tails and Knuckles can use their abilities to land multiple hits on Eggman while in mid-air after being launched, whereas Sonic is forced to land each hit one at a time.

Technical data