2.1:List of sounds
This is a full list of sound effects that are available in SRB2 v2.1. There are 409 sounds and 1600 freeslots that are not occupied in an unmodified game. Each sound can be played by typing soundtest <soundnumber>
in the console, or by using the secrets menu's Sound Test feature (unlocked by beating the game).
Sounds in SRB2 are stored in srb2.srb
. Their lump names are in uppercase and contain a "DS
" in place of the "sfx_
" prefix. For example, sfx_alarm
is stored in the lump DSALARM
. Slots 409 to 2008 are freeslots that allow modifications to have new sounds without overwriting the existing ones.
Sound number | Sound name | Description |
0 | sfx_None | (none) |
Skin sounds | ||
1 | sfx_altdi1 | Placeholder slot for custom character death sound |
2 | sfx_altdi2 | Placeholder slot for custom character death sound |
3 | sfx_altdi3 | Placeholder slot for custom character death sound |
4 | sfx_altdi4 | Placeholder slot for custom character death sound |
5 | sfx_altow1 | Placeholder slot for custom character hurt sound |
6 | sfx_altow2 | Placeholder slot for custom character hurt sound |
7 | sfx_altow3 | Placeholder slot for custom character hurt sound |
8 | sfx_altow4 | Placeholder slot for custom character hurt sound |
9 | sfx_victr1 | Placeholder slot for custom character victory sound |
10 | sfx_victr2 | Placeholder slot for custom character victory sound |
11 | sfx_victr3 | Placeholder slot for custom character victory sound |
12 | sfx_victr4 | Placeholder slot for custom character victory sound |
13 | sfx_gasp | Player grabbing an air bubble |
14 | sfx_jump | Player jumping |
15 | sfx_pudpud | Tails exhausted from flying |
16 | sfx_putput | Tails flying |
17 | sfx_spin | Player spinning |
18 | sfx_spndsh | Spindash charge |
19 | sfx_thok | Sonic thokking/Ring being fired |
20 | sfx_zoom | Spindash release |
21 | sfx_skid | Player skidding |
Ambience/background Objects | ||
22 | sfx_ambint | Disco Ambience |
23 | sfx_alarm | Alarm |
24 | sfx_buzz1 | Mechanical buzzing, Sea Egg electrifying water |
25 | sfx_buzz2 | Mechanical buzzing (unused) |
26 | sfx_buzz3 | Mechanical alarm sound |
27 | sfx_buzz4 | Mechanical beep, Buzz flying |
28 | sfx_crumbl | Crumbling FOF |
29 | sfx_fire | Flamethrower sound |
30 | sfx_grind | Mechanical grinding (unused) |
31 | sfx_laser | Laser |
32 | sfx_mswing | Mace (Spinning) |
33 | sfx_pstart | Placeholder crusher slot |
34 | sfx_pstop | Crusher |
35 | sfx_steam1 | Gas Jet |
36 | sfx_steam2 | Gas Jet |
37 | sfx_wbreak | Wood breaking, Egg Guard's shield breaking |
38 | sfx_rainin | Rain |
39 | sfx_litng1 | Lightning |
40 | sfx_litng2 | Lightning |
41 | sfx_litng3 | Lightning |
42 | sfx_litng4 | Lightning |
43 | sfx_athun1 | Thunder |
44 | sfx_athun2 | Thunder |
45 | sfx_amwtr1 | Water Ambience A (Large) |
46 | sfx_amwtr2 | Water Ambience B (Large) |
47 | sfx_amwtr3 | Water Ambience C (Medium) |
48 | sfx_amwtr4 | Water Ambience D (Medium) |
49 | sfx_amwtr5 | Water Ambience E (Small) |
50 | sfx_amwtr6 | Water Ambience F (Small) |
51 | sfx_amwtr7 | Water Ambience G (Extra Large) |
52 | sfx_amwtr8 | Water Ambience H (Extra Large) |
53 | sfx_bubbl1 | Bubbling – getting in/out of water |
54 | sfx_bubbl2 | Bubbling – getting in/out of water |
55 | sfx_bubbl3 | Bubbling – getting in/out of water |
56 | sfx_bubbl4 | Bubbling – getting in/out of water |
57 | sfx_bubbl5 | Bubbling – getting in/out of water |
58 | sfx_floush | Shallow water |
59 | sfx_splash | Water bubble sound |
60 | sfx_splish | Falling into water |
61 | sfx_wdrip1 | Water dripping |
62 | sfx_wdrip2 | Water dripping |
63 | sfx_wdrip3 | Water dripping |
64 | sfx_wdrip4 | Water dripping |
65 | sfx_wdrip5 | Water dripping |
66 | sfx_wdrip6 | Water dripping |
67 | sfx_wdrip7 | Water dripping |
68 | sfx_wdrip8 | Water dripping |
69 | sfx_wslap | Water skipping |
70 | sfx_doora1 | Door opening – mechanical |
71 | sfx_doorb1 | Door opening – mechanical |
72 | sfx_doorc1 | Door opening – wooden |
73 | sfx_doorc2 | Door slamming shut – wooden, Eggscalibur's cage landing |
74 | sfx_doord1 | Gate opening, Eggscalibur's cage rising |
75 | sfx_doord2 | Gate slamming shut (unused) |
76 | sfx_eleva1 | Elevator type A starting |
77 | sfx_eleva2 | Elevator type A running |
78 | sfx_eleva3 | Elevator type A stopping |
79 | sfx_elevb1 | Elevator type B starting |
80 | sfx_elevb2 | Elevator type B running |
81 | sfx_elevb3 | Elevator type B stopping |
82 | sfx_ambin2 | Volcano Ambience |
83 | sfx_lavbub | Bubbling lava (unused) |
84 | sfx_rocks1 | Falling rocks |
85 | sfx_rocks2 | Falling rocks |
86 | sfx_rocks3 | Falling rocks |
87 | sfx_rocks4 | Falling rocks |
88 | sfx_rumbam | Rumbling noise (unused) |
89 | sfx_rumble | RVZ earthquake rumbling |
Game Objects | ||
90 | sfx_appear | Appearing FOF sound |
91 | sfx_bkpoof | Armageddon Shield explosion |
92 | sfx_bnce1 | Bounce – sharp, Bounce Ring being fired |
93 | sfx_bnce2 | Bounce – bass, Scatter Ring being fired |
94 | sfx_cannon | Cannonball/Explosion Ring being fired |
95 | sfx_cgot | Collecting a Chaos Emerald |
96 | sfx_cybdth | Boss being destroyed, Cannonball crashing sound |
97 | sfx_deton | Deton chasing after player |
98 | sfx_ding | ATZ Target "ding" sound (old appearing FOF sound) |
99 | sfx_dmpain | Boss/Crawla Commander getting hurt |
100 | sfx_drown | Drowning |
101 | sfx_fizzle | Turret being destroyed |
102 | sfx_gbeep | Big Floating Mine approaching the player |
103 | sfx_gclose | Unoccupied slot (defaults to thok sound) |
104 | sfx_ghit | THZ goo water, Egg Slimer goop landing on ground |
105 | sfx_gloop | Plunging into water |
106 | sfx_gspray | Egg Slimer throwing goop |
107 | sfx_gravch | Recycler |
108 | sfx_itemup | Collecting a ring |
109 | sfx_jet | Bird Aircraft Strike Hazard flying |
110 | sfx_jshard | Unused sound from XSRB2 (collecting a jewel shard) |
111 | sfx_lose | Time up (Special Stage), Wrong Star Post (Race) |
112 | sfx_lvpass | Level End Sign spinning |
113 | sfx_mindig | Minus tunneling underground |
114 | sfx_mixup | Teleport |
115 | sfx_pogo | Egg Slimer jumping |
116 | sfx_pop | Enemy or monitor being destroyed |
117 | sfx_rail1 | Rail Ring being fired |
118 | sfx_rail2 | Rail Ring crashing sound |
119 | sfx_rlaunc | Egg Mobile/Snailer firing missile |
120 | sfx_shield | Shield spawning around the player |
121 | sfx_shldls | Losing a shield |
122 | sfx_spdpad | Speed pad |
123 | sfx_spkdth | Spike hitting a player |
124 | sfx_spring | Spring being hit |
125 | sfx_statu1 | Gargoyle being pushed (unused) |
126 | sfx_statu2 | Gargoyle being pushed |
127 | sfx_strpst | Star Post being activated |
128 | sfx_supert | Super transformation |
129 | sfx_telept | Egg Mobile dashing |
130 | sfx_tink | Koopa Shell hitting a wall |
131 | sfx_token | Special Stage Token being collected |
132 | sfx_trfire | Turret/Pop-up Turret firing shot |
133 | sfx_trpowr | Turret loading |
134 | sfx_turhit | Turret laser hitting a target |
135 | sfx_wdjump | Whirlwind Shield jump |
136 | sfx_mswarp | Metal Sonic spinning out |
137 | sfx_mspogo | Metal Sonic bouncing off the walls |
Menu/Interface | ||
138 | sfx_chchng | Score tally cashier noise |
139 | sfx_dwnind | Air countdown |
140 | sfx_emfind | Emerald Hunt/Emblem radar |
141 | sfx_flgcap | Flag captured |
142 | sfx_menu1 | Menu sound |
143 | sfx_oneup | Placeholder for extra life collection sound (see Use1UpSound )
144 | sfx_ptally | Score tally point counter |
145 | sfx_radio | Netgame chat sound |
146 | sfx_wepchg | Weapon changing in Match |
147 | sfx_wtrdng | Underwater sound |
148 | sfx_zelda | Legend of Zelda chimes |
NiGHTS | ||
149 | sfx_ideya | Finishing a stage |
150 | sfx_xideya | Finishing a stage (Christmas) |
151 | sfx_nbmper | NiGHTS Bumper |
152 | sfx_nxbump | NiGHTS Bumper (Christmas) |
153 | sfx_ncitem | Collecting a Wing Logo |
154 | sfx_nxitem | Collecting a Wing Logo (Christmas) |
155 | sfx_ngdone | Bonus time start |
156 | sfx_nxdone | Bonus time start (Christmas) |
157 | sfx_drill1 | Starting a drill |
158 | sfx_drill2 | Drilling |
159 | sfx_ncspec | Collecting a power-up |
160 | sfx_nghurt | Super Sonic being hurt |
161 | sfx_ngskid | Immediate stop |
162 | sfx_hoop1 | Flying through a hoop (normal) |
163 | sfx_hoop2 | Flying through a hoop (link number is between 6 and 10) |
164 | sfx_hoop3 | Flying through a hoop (link number is 11 or above)/CTF: Opposing team's flag returned to base |
165 | sfx_hidden | Uncovering a power-up |
166 | sfx_prloop | Paraloop |
167 | sfx_timeup | Ten seconds left on the timer (unused) |
Mario | ||
168 | sfx_koopfr | King Bowser breathing fire |
169 | sfx_mario1 | Hitting a ceiling |
170 | sfx_mario2 | Hitting a Koopa Shell |
171 | sfx_mario3 | Collecting a power-up |
172 | sfx_mario4 | Collecting a coin |
173 | sfx_mario5 | Killing a Goomba |
174 | sfx_mario6 | Jumping |
175 | sfx_mario7 | Thokking/Shooting |
176 | sfx_mario8 | Getting hurt |
177 | sfx_mario9 | Opening a power-up |
178 | sfx_marioa | Extra life |
179 | sfx_thwomp | Thwomp block hitting the floor |
Brak Eggman | ||
180 | sfx_bebomb | Brak Eggman bomb explosion (unused) |
181 | sfx_bechrg | Brak Eggman charging up his gun for a laser blast (unused) |
182 | sfx_becrsh | Unused Brak Eggman sound |
183 | sfx_bedeen | Brak Eggman hit, Eggscalibur's cage being destroyed |
184 | sfx_bedie1 | Brak Eggman dying (unused) |
185 | sfx_bedie2 | Brak Eggman dying |
186 | sfx_beeyow | Brak Eggman firing (unused) |
187 | sfx_befall | Brak Eggman landing |
188 | sfx_befire | Brak Eggman firing goop |
189 | sfx_beflap | Brak Eggman jumping |
190 | sfx_begoop | Brak Eggman cannonball fire |
191 | sfx_begrnd | Brak Eggman hitting antenna |
192 | sfx_behurt | Brak Eggman getting hurt |
193 | sfx_bejet1 | Brak Eggman charging up jetpack (unused) |
194 | sfx_belnch | Brak Eggman jumping |
195 | sfx_beoutb | Brak Eggman firing when out of bullets (unused) |
196 | sfx_beragh | Brak Eggman screaming (unused) |
197 | sfx_beshot | Brak Eggman shooting missiles |
198 | sfx_bestep | Brak Eggman walking |
199 | sfx_bestp2 | Brak Eggman walking |
200 | sfx_bewar1 | Brak Eggman laughing |
201 | sfx_bewar2 | Brak Eggman laughing |
202 | sfx_bewar3 | Brak Eggman laughing |
203 | sfx_bewar4 | Brak Eggman laughing |
204 | sfx_bexpld | Brak Eggman missile exploding |
205 | sfx_bgxpld | Brak Eggman exploding |
206 | sfx_beelec | Brak Eggman's electric barrier |
207 | sfx_brakrl | Brak Eggman launching a rocket |
208 | sfx_brakrx | Brak Eggman's rocket exploding |
Sounds from Sonic 3 & Knuckles | ||
209 | sfx_s3k33 | S3&K: Collecting a ring – stereo (Note: both sounds are identical in SRB2) |
210 | sfx_s3k34 | S3&K: Collecting a ring – mono (Note: both sounds are identical in SRB2) |
211 | sfx_s3k35 | S3&K: Death, losing a shield |
212 | sfx_s3k36 | S3&K: Skidding |
213 | sfx_s3k37 | S3&K: Spike death, spike hitting a player with shield |
214 | sfx_s3k38 | S3&K: Touching an air bubble |
215 | sfx_s3k39 | S3&K: Falling in water |
216 | sfx_s3k3a | S3&K: Unused sound SRB2Kart: Orbinaut, Jawz, or Rocket Sneakers deployed |
217 | sfx_s3k3b | S3&K: Drowning |
218 | sfx_s3k3c | S3&K: Spinning |
219 | sfx_s3k3d | S3&K: Popping a badnik or monitor |
220 | sfx_s3k3e | S3&K: Fire shield |
221 | sfx_s3k3f | S3&K: Water shield |
222 | sfx_s3k40 | S3&K: Unused sound |
223 | sfx_s3k41 | S3&K: Lightning shield |
224 | sfx_s3k42 | S3&K: Insta-shield |
225 | sfx_s3k43 | S3&K: Fire shield's fireball attack, Launch Base Zone flamethrower |
226 | sfx_s3k44 | S3&K: Water shield's bounce attack, Signpost bouncing off hidden monitor |
227 | sfx_s3k45 | S3&K: Lightning shield's double-jump SRB2: ERZ2 sound effect |
228 | sfx_s3k46 | S3&K: Turning super in Doomsday Zone |
229 | sfx_s3k47 | S3&K: Sandopolis rising sand wall |
230 | sfx_s3k48 | S3&K: Rinobot skidding, Spiked crushing platforms from Lava Reef Zone flying SRB2: Button sound used in CEZ2 |
231 | sfx_s3k49 | S3&K: Big rock falling down (used in a Knuckles cutscene) SRB2Kart: Player or Orbinaut bumping off a wall |
232 | sfx_s3k4a | S3&K: Grabbing onto Tails or a bar, Knuckles latching onto wall SRB2: Grabbing onto Tails or a rope pulley, Knuckles latching onto wall |
233 | sfx_s3k4b | S3&K: Disappearing rock platforms from Angel Island Zone, Angel Island Zone's boss appearing/disappearing from waterfall |
234 | sfx_s3k4c | S3&K: Knuckles landing after gliding, Angel Island Zone's flipping bridges, Player decending using rappel wire in Sandopolis Zone |
235 | sfx_s3k4d | S3&K: Enemy firing a projectile SRB2: Jetty-Syn Gunner firing bullet |
236 | sfx_s3k4e | S3&K: Explosion sound, Hydrocity Zone's boss's depth charges exploding SRB2: Brak Eggman napalm bomb exploding SRB2Kart: Explosion sound |
237 | sfx_s3k4f | S3&K: Angel Island Zone's mini-boss's flamethrower |
238 | sfx_s3k50 | S3&K: Launch Base Zone's mini-boss siren |
239 | sfx_s3k51 | S3&K: Projectile falling SRB2: Jetty-Syn Bomber or Skim dropping bomb |
240 | sfx_s3k52 | S3&K: Spike pop-up sound |
241 | sfx_s3k53 | S3&K: Charging sound SRB2: ERZ2 sound effect, Brak Eggman (Old) preparing to destroy platform |
242 | sfx_s3k54 | S3&K: Firing sound SRB2: ERZ2 sound effect, Brak Eggman (Old) destroying platform, Metal Sonic firing energy balls |
243 | sfx_s3k55 | S3&K: Pushable rock moving on track in Sandopolis Zone SRB2: Rope pulley sound |
244 | sfx_s3k56 | S3&K: Unused sound for Angel Island Zone 2's end bridge (?) |
245 | sfx_s3k57 | S3&K: Water sound from Hydrocity Zone |
246 | sfx_s3k58 | S3&K: Door closing sound SRB2: ERZ2 sound effect |
247 | sfx_s3k59 | S3&K: Collapsing platform |
248 | sfx_s3k5a | S3&K: Unused sound |
249 | sfx_s3k5b | S3&K: Menu/Results screen beep, Player pressing a button |
250 | sfx_s3k5c | S3&K: Metal Sonic flashing SRB2: Brak Eggman's electric barrier spark sound SRB2Kart: Mine pulsing |
251 | sfx_s3k5d | S3&K: Carnival Night Zone's boss dropping ball, Stalactite from Ice Cap Zone landing SRB2: Brak Eggman napalm bomb/thrown Grenade Ring bouncing off floor SRB2Kart: Orbinaut or Jawz destroyed after bumping into (too many/a) wall(s) |
252 | sfx_s3k5e | S3&K: Launch Base Zone's Corkey enemy firing laser |
253 | sfx_s3k5f | S3&K: Crusher smashing |
254 | sfx_s3k60 | S3&K: Marble Garden Zone's boss moving into the background |
255 | sfx_s3k61 | S3&K: Marble Garden Zone's boss drilling into ground |
256 | sfx_s3k62 | S3&K: Jump sound |
257 | sfx_s3k63 | S3&K: Checkpoint, Menu confirm sound |
258 | sfx_s3k64 | S3&K: Player grabbing pulley in Marble Garden Zone SRB2: Pop-up Turret/Spike pop-up sound, Tumbleweed rolling around |
259 | sfx_s3k65 | S3&K: Blue Sphere collected SRB2: Blue Sphere collected |
260 | sfx_s3k66 | S3&K: Blue Sphere clear SRB2: Multiplayer Super form end |
261 | sfx_s3k67 | S3&K: Head statue shooting arrows in Marble Garden Zone, Flying Battery Zone's missiles |
262 | sfx_s3k68 | S3&K: Player can now be super SRB2Kart: Final Lap |
263 | sfx_s3k69 | S3&K: Pushing a rock/switch in Sandopolis Zone |
264 | sfx_s3k6a | S3&K: Special Stage finish SRB2Kart: Race Completed |
265 | sfx_s3k6b | S3&K: Unused sound |
266 | sfx_s3k6c | S3&K: Sandopolis Zone's Sandworm enemy jumping out of quicksand |
267 | sfx_s3k6d | S3&K: Unused sound |
268 | sfx_s3k6e | S3&K: Boss hit SRB2: Metal Sonic being destroyed |
269 | sfx_s3k6f | S3&K: Rumble |
270 | sfx_s3k70 | S3&K: Hydrocity Zone's mini-boss flying up SRB2: Brak Eggman small napalm bomb exploding |
271 | sfx_s3k71 | S3&K: Unused sound |
272 | sfx_s3k72 | S3&K: Carnival Night Zone's hover fans, Launch Base Zone's cup elevator |
273 | sfx_s3k73 | S3&K: Carnival Night Zone's vertical one-way tunnel sound, Teleporter from Hidden Palace Zone/Sky Sanctuary Zone, Death Egg Zone's gravity-reversal button SRB2: ERZ2 sound effect |
274 | sfx_s3k74 | S3&K: Carnival Night Zone's horizontal one-way tunnel sound, Ice Cap Zone's mini-boss summoning ice balls, Death Egg Zone's Chainspike enemy moving, Puzzle bumpers from Death Egg Zone 1's engine room SRB2: ERZ2 sound effect |
275 | sfx_s3k75 | S3&K: Carnival Night Zone's rising platforms |
276 | sfx_s3k76 | S3&K: Trap door closing after player is ejected from a corkscrew in Carnival Night Zone |
277 | sfx_s3k77 | S3&K: Balloon pop |
278 | sfx_s3k78 | S3&K: Carnival Night Zone's boss's magnet |
279 | sfx_s3k79 | S3&K: Carnival Night Zone's Sparkle enemy emitting electrical charge, Lightning from Death Egg Zone SRB2: Brak Eggman's electric barrier respawning sound |
280 | sfx_s3k7a | S3&K: Lava Reef Zone's boss appearing |
281 | sfx_s3k7b | S3&K: Carnival Night Zone's bumpers SRB2: Player bouncing off Egg Guard's shield or Sea Egg decoy SRB2Kart: Orbinaut or Jawz hitting a player |
282 | sfx_s3k7c | S3&K: Flying Battery Zone's magnetic platform |
283 | sfx_s3k7d | S3&K: Unused sound |
284 | sfx_s3k7e | S3&K: Knuckles skidding after landing from a glide SRB2: Knuckles skidding after landing from a glide |
285 | sfx_s3k7f | S3&K: Freezer from Ice Cap Zone |
286 | sfx_s3k80 | S3&K: Harmful ice spike ball from Ice Cap Zone being broken |
287 | sfx_s3k81 | S3&K: Cannon launching/Player ejected from pipes in Launch Base Zone 2 SRB2: Brak Eggman firing napalm bomb |
288 | sfx_s3k82 | S3&K: Launching out of ground in Launch Base Zone 1, Falling into ground and launching out in Sandopolis Zone 1, Sandopolis rising sand wall destroyed SRB2: Minus popping up |
289 | sfx_s3k83 | S3&K: Angel Island Zone 2's end bridge collapsing |
290 | sfx_s3k84 | S3&K: Unused sound |
291 | sfx_s3k85 | S3&K: Unused sound |
292 | sfx_s3k86 | S3&K: Launch Base Zone's alarm sound |
293 | sfx_s3k87 | S3&K: Bouncing on a mushroom, Death Egg Zone's boss dropping crawling bombs |
294 | sfx_s3k88 | S3&K: Mushroom Hill Zone's hand-operated elevator sound |
295 | sfx_s3k89 | S3&K: Mushroom Hill Zone's boss satellite dish sound SRB2Kart: Jawz lock-on reticle |
296 | sfx_s3k8a | S3&K: Sandopolis Zone's ghosts disappearing, Sky Sanctuary Zone's bouncy clouds, Death Egg Zone's Spikebonker enemy shooting its spikeball |
297 | sfx_s3k8b | S3&K: Mushroom Hill Zone's mini-boss chopping wood |
298 | sfx_s3k8c | S3&K: Mushroom Hill Zone's mini-boss stuck in a log |
299 | sfx_s3k8d | S3&K: Unused sound |
300 | sfx_s3k8e | S3&K: Unused sound |
301 | sfx_s3k8f | S3&K: Door opening |
302 | sfx_s3k90 | S3&K: Door closing in Sandopolis Zone 2 |
303 | sfx_s3k91 | S3&K: Door closed in Sandopolis Zone 2 |
304 | sfx_s3k92 | S3&K: Sandopolis Zone 2's ghosts appearing SRB2Kart: Hyudoro stealing an item |
305 | sfx_s3k93 | S3&K: Sandopolis Zone's boss's shell re-appearing |
306 | sfx_s3k94 | S3&K: Marble Garden Zone's Bubbles enemy protracting its spikes, Chained platforms from Lava Reef Zone |
307 | sfx_s3k95 | S3&K: Lava Reef Zone's mini-boss's hand appearing |
308 | sfx_s3k96 | S3&K: Crushers/falling columns from Ice Cap Zone SRB2Kart: Orbinaut rolling + dropped (from spinning out) |
309 | sfx_s3k97 | S3&K: Mushroom Hill Zone's Cluckoid enemy releasing a gust of wind |
310 | sfx_s3k98 | S3&K: Falling spike in Lava Reef Zone |
311 | sfx_s3k99 | S3&K: Unused sound SRB2: Brak Eggman small napalm bomb bouncing off wall |
312 | sfx_s3k9a | S3&K: Unused sound |
313 | sfx_s3k9b | S3&K: Sandopolis Zone's boss walking, Lava Reef Zone's mini-boss slamming hand onto ground, Lava Reef Zone's boss hit, Death Egg Zone's final boss walking/slamming fingers onto ground, Doomsday Zone's boss hit |
314 | sfx_s3k9c | S3&K: Super Emerald collected |
315 | sfx_s3k9d | S3&K: Eggman aiming at platforms in Lava Reef Zone 2 SRB2: Brak Eggman targeting sound |
316 | sfx_s3k9e | S3&K: Flying Battery Zone's rotating sphere chain |
317 | sfx_s3k9f | S3&K: Super transformation, Lava Reef Zone 2 boss cutscene sound, Death Egg Zone's vertical gravity-reversal tunnel |
318 | sfx_s3ka0 | S3&K: Death Egg launching Egg Robos in Sky Sanctuary Zone |
319 | sfx_s3ka1 | S3&K: Unused sound |
320 | sfx_s3ka2 | S3&K: Hydrocity Zone's Turbo Spiker enemy firing its shell, Launcher from Flying Battery Zone/Death Egg Zone SRB2Kart: Sparks/Mini-Turbo charged |
321 | sfx_s3ka3 | S3&K: Death Egg Zone's swinging platform lift |
322 | sfx_s3ka4 | S3&K: Metal Sonic transforming super |
323 | sfx_s3ka5 | S3&K: Unused sound |
324 | sfx_s3ka6 | S3&K: Unused sound |
325 | sfx_s3ka7 | S3&K: Countdown beep for Competition mode/Death Egg Zone's light tunnel launcher SRB2Kart: Starting Countdown (3, 2, 1) |
326 | sfx_s3ka8 | S3&K: Launch Base Zone's gate laser, Death Egg Zone's energy bridge |
327 | sfx_s3ka9 | S3&K: Underwater counter |
328 | sfx_s3kaa | S3&K: Bumper |
329 | sfx_s3kab | S3&K: Spindash |
330 | sfx_s3kac | S3&K: Continue got |
331 | sfx_s3kad | S3&K: "GO" beep for Competition mode/Death Egg Zone's light tunnel launcher SRB2Kart: Starting Countdown (GO) |
332 | sfx_s3kae | S3&K: Pinball flipper |
333 | sfx_s3kaf | S3&K: Warp to bonus/special stage |
334 | sfx_s3kb0 | S3&K: Score tally done |
335 | sfx_s3kb1 | S3&K: Spring |
336 | sfx_s3kb2 | S3&K: Error sound SRB2Kart: Wrong way/Too many checkpoints skipped |
337 | sfx_s3kb3 | S3&K: Big Ring warp/collected |
338 | sfx_s3kb4 | S3&K: Boss explosion SRB2: Brak Eggman sniper attack explosion |
339 | sfx_s3kb5 | S3&K: Unused sound |
340 | sfx_s3kb6 | S3&K: Spindash release |
341 | sfx_s3kb7 | S3&K: Save screen select sound, Slot Machine |
342 | sfx_s3kb8 | S3&K: Signpost falling sound, Super Emerald sound |
343 | sfx_s3kb9 | S3&K: Rings lost |
344 | sfx_s3kba | S3&K: Tails flying |
345 | sfx_s3kbb | S3&K: Tails tired |
346 | sfx_s3kbcs | S3&K: Unused sound (Short) |
347 | sfx_s3kbcl | S3&K: Unused sound (Long) |
348 | sfx_s3kbds | S3&K: Battleship flying over Angel Island Zone/Flying Battery flying over Mushroom Hill Zone (Short) |
349 | sfx_s3kbdl | S3&K: Battleship flying over Angel Island Zone/Flying Battery flying over Mushroom Hill Zone (Long) |
350 | sfx_s3kbes | S3&K: Eggman flying away (Short) |
351 | sfx_s3kbel | S3&K: Eggman flying away (Long) |
352 | sfx_s3kbfs | S3&K: Water spinning at Hydrocity Zone's mini-boss, Ice Cap Zone's mini-boss flying (Short) |
353 | sfx_s3kbfl | S3&K: Water spinning at Hydrocity Zone's mini-boss, Ice Cap Zone's mini-boss flying (Long) |
354 | sfx_s3kc0s | S3&K: Large fan from Hydrocity Zone, Horizontal turbines from Lava Reef Zone (Short) SRB2Kart: Jawz fired |
355 | sfx_s3kc0l | S3&K: Large fan from Hydrocity Zone, Horizontal turbines from Lava Reef Zone (Long) |
356 | sfx_s3kc1s | S3&K: Small fan from Hydrocity Zone (Short) |
357 | sfx_s3kc1l | S3&K: Small fan from Hydrocity Zone (Long) |
358 | sfx_s3kc2s | S3&K: Flying Battery Zone/Lava Reef Zone flamethrower (Short) SRB2: Brak Eggman flamethrower |
359 | sfx_s3kc2l | S3&K: Flying Battery Zone/Lava Reef Zone flamethrower (Long) |
360 | sfx_s3kc3s | S3&K: Death Egg Zone's gravity switch tunnel sound, Death Egg Zone's mini-boss orb rotating, Competition mode character select sound (Short) |
361 | sfx_s3kc3l | S3&K: Death Egg Zone's gravity switch tunnel sound, Death Egg Zone's mini-boss orb rotating, Competition mode character select sound (Long) |
362 | sfx_s3kc4s | S3&K: Death Egg Zone's mini-boss firing laser (Short) |
363 | sfx_s3kc4l | S3&K: Death Egg Zone's mini-boss firing laser (Long) |
364 | sfx_s3kc5s | S3&K: Unused sound (Short) |
365 | sfx_s3kc5l | S3&K: Unused sound (Long) |
366 | sfx_s3kc6s | S3&K: Rotating vertical mesh from Carnival Night Zone, Death Egg Zone's mini-boss's second form flying, Death Egg Zone's boss flying, Orbiting around magnetic ball in Glowing Spheres bonus stage (Short) |
367 | sfx_s3kc6l | S3&K: Rotating vertical mesh from Carnival Night Zone, Death Egg Zone's mini-boss's second form flying, Death Egg Zone's boss flying, Orbiting around magnetic ball in Glowing Spheres bonus stage (Long) |
368 | sfx_s3kc7 | S3&K: Carnival Night Zone cannon aiming |
369 | sfx_s3kc8s | S3&K: Sonic riding snowboard in Ice Cap Zone 1, Ice Cap Zone's Penguinator enemy sliding, Sandopolis Zone's sand chutes, Sand rising after cork is broken in Sandopolis Zone 2 (Short) |
370 | sfx_s3kc8l | S3&K: Sonic riding snowboard in Ice Cap Zone 1, Ice Cap Zone's Penguinator enemy sliding, Sandopolis Zone's sand chutes, Sand rising after cork is broken in Sandopolis Zone 2 (Long) |
371 | sfx_s3kc9s | S3&K: Marble Garden Zone's swinging spikeball, Door closing in Flying Battery Zone, Flying Battery Zone's boss swinging (Short) |
372 | sfx_s3kc9l | S3&K: Marble Garden Zone's swinging spikeball, Door closing in Flying Battery Zone, Flying Battery Zone's boss swinging (Long) |
373 | sfx_s3kcas | S3&K: Player going through light tunnel in Death Egg Zone (Short) SRB2Kart: Player respawning from falling off the track |
374 | sfx_s3kcal | S3&K: Player going through light tunnel in Death Egg Zone (Long) |
375 | sfx_s3kcbs | S3&K: Unused sound? (Short) |
376 | sfx_s3kcbl | S3&K: Unused sound? (Long) |
377 | sfx_s3kccs | S3&K: Marble Garden Zone's boss causing ground to collapse (Short) |
378 | sfx_s3kccl | S3&K: Marble Garden Zone's boss causing ground to collapse (Long) |
379 | sfx_s3kcds | S3&K: Death Egg rumbling sound from Launch Base Zone (Short) |
380 | sfx_s3kcdl | S3&K: Death Egg rumbling sound from Launch Base Zone (Long) |
381 | sfx_s3kces | S3&K: Mushroom Hill Zone wind tunnel (Short) |
382 | sfx_s3kcel | S3&K: Mushroom Hill Zone wind tunnel (Long) |
383 | sfx_s3kcfs | S3&K: Unused sound? (Short) |
384 | sfx_s3kcfl | S3&K: Unused sound? (Long) |
385 | sfx_s3kd0s | S3&K: Launch Base Zone's boss rising (Short) |
386 | sfx_s3kd0l | S3&K: Launch Base Zone's boss rising (Long) |
387 | sfx_s3kd1s | S3&K: Unused sound (Short) |
388 | sfx_s3kd1l | S3&K: Unused sound (Long) |
389 | sfx_s3kd2s | S3&K: Gumball Machine handle turn (Short) |
390 | sfx_s3kd2l | S3&K: Gumball Machine handle turn (Long) |
391 | sfx_s3kd3s | S3&K: Unused sound? (Short) |
392 | sfx_s3kd3l | S3&K: Unused sound? (Long) |
393 | sfx_s3kd4s | S3&K: Death Egg Zone 1's engine room sound (Short) |
394 | sfx_s3kd4l | S3&K: Death Egg Zone 1's engine room sound (Long) |
395 | sfx_s3kd5s | S3&K: Falling lava in Lava Reef Zone (Short) |
396 | sfx_s3kd5l | S3&K: Falling lava in Lava Reef Zone (Long) |
397 | sfx_s3kd6s | S3&K: Unused sound (Short) |
398 | sfx_s3kd6l | S3&K: Unused sound (Long) |
399 | sfx_s3kd7s | S3&K: Lava Reef Zone's spindash lift moving, Moving conveyor belt from Death Egg Zone (Short) |
400 | sfx_s3kd7l | S3&K: Lava Reef Zone's spindash lift moving, Moving conveyor belt from Death Egg Zone (Long) |
401 | sfx_s3kd8s | S3&K: Unused sound (Short) SRB2: Sharp turning red |
402 | sfx_s3kd8l | S3&K: Unused sound (Long) |
403 | sfx_s3kd9s | S3&K: Magnetic ball from Flying Battery Zone, Hover machine from Death Egg Zone (Short) |
404 | sfx_s3kd9l | S3&K: Magnetic ball from Flying Battery Zone, Hover machine from Death Egg Zone (Long) |
405 | sfx_s3kdas | S3&K: Knuckles turning on fan in Mushroom Hill Zone 2 (Short) |
406 | sfx_s3kdal | S3&K: Knuckles turning on fan in Mushroom Hill Zone 2 (Long) |
407 | sfx_s3kdbs | S3&K: Running on water in Hydrocity Zone (Short) |
408 | sfx_s3kdbl | S3&K: Running on water in Hydrocity Zone (Long) |
Freeslots | ||
409–2008 | n/a | n/a |