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Mystic Realm/Levels/Aerial Garden Zone Act 1

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Single Player levels
MAPAJ: Aerial Garden Zone Act 1








Emerald stages
Extra levels

MAPAJ, Aerial Garden Zone Act 1, abbreviated as AGZ1, is the first act of Aerial Garden Zone, the seventh zone in Mystic Realm. It takes place in a garden and temple suspended in the sky. Most of the level consists of very difficult platforming over death pits. Jetty-syns are used heavily throughout the stage, threatening to throw you into a pit and forcing you to keep moving.


Start by jumping to the platform in front of you and then turn right jump to another platform. Use the pillar to your left to climb up. Then jump down to your right and run along the path until you come to a diagonal yellow spring. Take it and land on the platform ahead of you, where you will find the first Star Post. Here the path splits.

Path split


Jump across the platforms in front of you and exit through a door to your left. Walk through the hallway until you reach another large outdoor room. Jump down to the floor in front of you to reach the second Star Post. Walk around the large platform with the waterfall in the center of the room until you find a yellow spring. Take it and turn right to see a pool of water with a pillar in the middle. Jump onto the gargoyle on top of it and to the platform in front of you. You might have to kill the nearby Jetty-syns beforehand. Continue to your left, jumping across several small platforms. You will eventually reach a pillar with a diagonal yellow spring sending you to the large platform with the waterfall in the center of the room. Here the paths merge.


Jump onto the pillar to your right to access the high platform. Jump up the platforms next to the yellow spring and continue forward until you reach an exit on the far side of the room. After walking through a small tunnel with the second Star Post, you will reach an outdoor room. Jump across the ledges in front of you until you reach a pit to your left with several square pillars with blue springs on them. Use the springs to bounce across the pillars and then climb up the platforms on the other side to reach a tunnel containing another Star Post. After exiting the tunnel, use the diagonal yellow spring to propelled to a large platform with a waterfall in the center of the room. Here the paths merge.

Final section

Climb on top of the platform with the diagonal yellow spring and use it to reach a ledge with a Star Post. Turn right and walk across the narrow beam in front of you. Take the yellow spring to the platform above and walk across the long floating platform in front of you to reach a series of platforms with diagonal yellow springs. Take the springs until you eventually reach the entrance to a tunnel to your left. Continue through the tunnel, avoiding the holes in the floor and the Jetty-syns flying towards you. At the end of the tunnel, you will reach the Level End Sign.

Points of interest

Extra lives

  • At the path split, take the right path until you get to a yellow diagonal spring. Take that spring to be taken to a red spring. That red spring is useful for getting two extra lives. The first one can be accessed by simply falling into the spring to let it propel you to a very high platform on the other side of the room. For the other one, avoid the spring and land on the platform. Then turn around and use the spring to land on a high ledge. From there, take the red spring on the next platform to get to an even higher platform, containing another extra life and two Super Ring Monitors.
  • Exit the first room via the forward path. Stop dead in the building entrance and look to your left. Spindash through the hole in the wall to reach a room containing six ring monitors and an extra life, as well as an Invincibility Monitor behind the pillar to the right of the entrance.
  • Take the right path in the first room. After entering the large room with the waterfalls in the center, jump across the platforms to your right to reach an extra life.
  • In Tails's emblem location.


  • Take the forward path in the first room. Instead of entering the building to your left, jump down the pillars to your right to reach a platform with a ring monitor and a Whirlwind Shield.
  • Take the right path in the first room. Before reaching the exit, you will come across a pillar with an Attraction Shield.
  • Take the right path in the first room. In the room after the first Star Post, jump down the platforms in front of you. Turn around where the path turns left to find an Elemental Shield next to the platform above you.
  • Take the forward path in the first room. In the second room, after reaching the area with the pool of water where you have to jump on the gargoyle, look around to find a large hole in the floor. Jump down to the outer rim of that hole to find an Elemental Shield.


  • Take the forward path in the first room. In the second room, you will reach a pool of water with a pillar that you have to jump on to continue. Jump into that pool to find an invincibility monitor.

Emblem locations


At the path split, take the right path until you get to a yellow diagonal spring. Take that spring to be taken to a platform with a red spring, but don't land directly on it. Instead, land next to it and then turn around and use the spring to land on a high ledge. From there, take the red spring on the next platform to get to an even higher platform, containing an extra life and two ring monitors. From there, jump to the highest platform next to it. The emblem is hidden between the bushes on that platform.

See image


The large waterfall in the center of the second room is open on one side. Jump into the water, find the right side and walk through the opening. Inside are two ring monitors, an extra life and Tails's emblem.

See image


Take the right path in the first room. In the following room, after bouncing across the blue springs, look behind the last of the central pillars with blue springs to find the emblem floating slightly above the pit.

See image

Technical data