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Mystic Realm/Levels/Verdant Forest Zone Act 2

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Single Player levels
MAPA8: Verdant Forest Zone Act 2








Emerald stages
Extra levels

MAPA8, Verdant Forest Zone Act 2, abbreviated as VFZ2, is the second act of Verdant Forest Zone, the third zone in Mystic Realm. It starts out similarly to the first act, containing deep ponds with small platforms and wooden logs that float on the water, but also includes sections that involve jumping across treetops in the second half. This stage contains the third Mystic Shrine, which leads to Verdant Forest's emerald stage, Labyrinth Woods Zone.


You start the level with a path split directly in front of you, which lasts until the end of the level. Both paths cross the same room shortly before the first Star Post, but the path to the left crosses it at a much higher altitude. Therefore, if you fall down from the upper path, you must either continue on the lower path or go back to the beginning. However, if you're playing as Tails or Knuckles, you can reach the upper path from the lower path by climbing/flying up to a ledge to the right just before the first Star Post.

Upper path

Climb up the stairs to your left and follow the corridor ahead of you until you come to a larger room with a low ceiling consisting of leaves and a deep pond containing several platforms and floating logs. To your right, you can see two SDURFs and a grassy platform between them. Jump onto that platform and then to the ledge behind the second SDURF. After a short corridor, you will reach a second pond area from a high entrance. In front of you is a series of small platforms that lead to the exit on the other side of the room. Jump across them, but beware of the Crawlas on some of the platforms. Should you fall down, a yellow spring is located in the pond in the near left corner from your entrance. If you spindash into it from the right angle, you can go back on the upper path. Otherwise, you must take the lower path. If you made it through the room without falling down, follow the corridor in front of you and jump across the lower path below you to reach the first Star Post.

Now enter the hollow tree in front of you and use the red spring to launch yourself to an opening above you. You have now entered the first treetop area. Here you must jump across several leafy platforms attached to the trees to reach the highest platform in the middle of the room. You can approach from both ends of the room, although if you start from the side from which you entered, you must clear one gap with a spindash-jump. In either case, stand on the wooden roots of the big trees on the ends of the room to reach the first leafy platform. Once you have reached the highest platform, go into the hollow tree that supports it and take the red spring. You will enter a short tunnel with the second Star Post inside it.

Drop down the hollow tree on the other side of the tunnel to enter another treetop area. Turn right and you will see a light brown block floating in the air. This is a bouncy block. Use it to be bounced to the leafy platform in front of you. On this platform, you will find a yellow spring right next to the tree trunk. Jump on it and don't move. You will be bounced into a diagonal red spring, another bouncy block and up to an opening in a big tree at one end of the room. Should you fall down at any point in this room, you must climb back up to the tree that you entered it from like in the last room and try again.

Once you've made it to the big hollow tree, walk through it and onto a branch that extends from it. Below you is a death pit and in front of you is another hollow tree with a similar branch that extends from it. Jump over the gap between the branches and enter the other tree. Drop down through the hole in front of you and exit the tree on ground level. In front of you is a group of rings that forms an arrow. Follow it and you'll find the Level End Sign inside another hollow tree.

Lower path

Jump up the ledge to the right and proceed through the corridor in front of you. You will enter a large room with a pond with small platforms and floating logs in it. To your right, you should see an SDURF and a ledge behind it on the far side of the room. Jump across the floating logs and grassy platforms to reach it. Should you fall into the pond, there's a spring next to the area that you entered the room from. Once you've crossed the pond, follow the short corridor in front of you to reach the first Star Post.

Now enter the hollow tree in front of you. Inside is a red spring that propels you to a wooden ledge higher up in the tree. From there, you can see an opening that leads outside to the first treetop area. Here you must jump across several leafy platforms attached to the trees to reach a similar hollow tree at the other side of the room. Take the spring in front of you to get to the first platform. From there, jump to the platform in front of you and turn around to see another yellow spring at the edge of the platform. Use it to reach another platform high above you. From there, you can reach the other side of the room with a series of jumps. The tree that you now enter is set up similarly to the one before. There are two sets of ledges attached to the trunk at different heights and an empty floor at ground level. Jump to the ledge below you (if you fall down to the floor, use the red spring to get back up) to reach the second Star Post.

Go outside and into the second treetop area. It is similar to the first one, except that there are light brown blocks floating in the air. These are bouncy blocks. Use them to be bounced across gaps that you couldn't normally cross. One of them has a spring on it. Touch the spring to reach a high platform above you. From there, turn around, jump to the platform behind you and from there to the one containing the big hollow tree. Go through the tree and onto a branch that extends from it. Below you is a death pit and in front of you is another hollow tree with a similar branch that extends from it. Jump over the gap between the branches and enter the other tree. Drop down through the hole in front of you and exit the tree on ground level. Now simply follow the path until you reach the Level End Sign inside another hollow tree.

Points of interest

Extra lives

  • When entering the second treetop area of the upper path, there is a tree in front of you. Jump down to the floor and walk around its trunk. An extra life is right next to it on the far side.
  • In the big hollow tree after the second treetop area of the upper path, there are four Super Ring Monitors and an extra life in the corner.
  • In the very last room, instead of activating the Level End Sign, go to the left corner of the room. An extra life is hidden behind a bush.


  • In the first pond room of the upper path, there is a Whirlwind Shield on a high ledge in the far corner of the room. Jump across the floating logs and grassy platforms to get to it.
  • When entering the first treetop area of the upper path, go to your right and turn around. In the corner of the room, next to the tree you entered from, is an Elemental Shield.
  • In the first treetop area of the upper path, an Armageddon Shield is located on the third tree from the entrance. Spindash-jump to it from the second tree to get it.
  • In the first treetop area of the lower path, go to the leafy platform on which the second spring is located. Instead of taking the spring, walk around the trunk to find an Elemental Shield.


  • An invincibility monitor is located on a small ledge in the big pond room that both paths cross. A trail of floating logs branches off to the left from the lower path and leads to it. From the upper path, jump down to your left once you're on the second grassy platform.
  • When entering the second treetop area of the lower path, go to your right and turn around. In the corner of the room, next to the tree you entered from, is an invincibility monitor.

Emblem locations

Blue ( 一 )

Accessible by: All

Follow the left path until you come to the first Star Post. Inside the tree trunk, go around to the other side of the bouncy platform in the center and look up: You should see the Blue emblem floating high up on the wall above the entrance (it should be close to the top of your screen in Third-Person view; if you don't see it yet then keep backing up). Use the bouncy platform in front of you to gain enough height to collect it.

See image

Red ( 二 )

Accessible by: All

On the right path, after the second treetop area, you'll come to a relatively small room with jagged tree platforms over a pit. The Red emblem is in plain sight, hovering over the narrowest jagged edge of the platform on the other side.

See image

Green ( 三 )

Accessible by: All

On the left path, past the second checkpoint, when you come down & out of the tree trunk, turn to your right and start running to the other side of this treetop section. Stand on top of the tree-root-looking platform branching out from the largest tree trunk structure, and turn facing opposite of it. From here, look left, and the Green emblem should be sitting nestled on top of the lowest treetop platform. Jump up there and collect it.

See image

Technical data