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Mystic Realm/Levels/Aerial Garden Zone Act 2

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Single Player levels
MAPAK: Aerial Garden Zone Act 2








Emerald stages
Extra levels

MAPAK, Aerial Garden Zone Act 2, abbreviated as AGZ2, is the second act of Aerial Garden Zone, the seventh zone in Mystic Realm. It is very similar to the first act, but longer and with even harder platforming segments. This stage contains the seventh Mystic Shrine, which leads to Aerial Garden's emerald stage, Starlight Temple Zone.


You start the level with a large waterfall and a building entrance in front of you. Jump to the platform with the waterfall, walk around it and then jump to the building entrance. Continue through the long hallway to your left. You will end up at the first Star Post and a fork in the path.

First path split

Left path

After exiting the building, drop down in front of you. Cross the pit by bouncing across the blue springs on the small square platforms. On the other side, turn left and jump to a platform with a yellow spring leading to a higher ledge. To jump across the next two platforms to your left, you must stand on the outer rims of the platforms when jumping to gain some extra height. The second platform has another yellow spring. Use it to reach one of the square platforms floating above you, leading you to a pillar with a yellow diagonal spring. Take that spring to be propelled to a floating platform next to a high pillar. Jump to the pillar and walk across the beam leading right to reach the building entrance on the other side. In the building, drop down and, to your left, enter a room with several waterfalls and a Star Post. Walk downstairs to reach another path split.

Right path

After exiting the building, jump down to the right. Walk around the pool of water to reach a set of springs that take you upwards. Jump up the ledges in front of you and then turn around and continue along the series of floating platforms. You will reach a series of platforms that move up and down, crushing against a ceiling above them. Jump across these, but don't stay on any platform for too long to avoid being crushed. Once you've made it to the other side, enter the building to your left and drop down. Continue to your right and you should enter a room with several waterfalls and a Star Post. Walk downstairs to reach another path split.

Second path split

Left path

Continue along the hallway until you reach another outdoor room. Jump across the small platforms floating over the pit and continue forward until you pass under a small bridge. Turn right and jump across another platform to reach the bridge. Cross it and jump across several more platforms until you reach the entrance to the next building to your right, which contains a Star Post.

Run down the stairs and step outside again. In this room, you have to jump across a lot of narrow beams set over a death pit. This will require very accurate jumping, so be careful. You may also want to kill the Jetty-syns in this room beforehand to make things easier. You have to cross the room three times, each time taking a spring to reach a new height level. At the end of the room, you will reach another building. Enter it and walk downstairs to reach a Star Post. Here the paths merge.

Right path

Continue along the hallway until you reach another outdoor room. Turn right and jump across the pit, then turn left and take the row of yellow springs. Jump to the next platform for another set of springs. Now turn left and jump onto the structure with the four gargoyles. Step onto one of the pillars holding a gargoyle. From there, you can reach another platform to your right with a diagonal spring that takes you to another building with a Star Post.

Continue down the staircase to your left to reach another outside area. It consists of several square platforms over a pit that move up and down at different intervals. Make your way across the pit by jumping from platform to platform. After landing on a platform, look around for nearby platforms that pass below the one you're standing on, and jump to one of them. Once you get near the exit on the other side of the pit, look for a platform that goes all the way up to the top. After making it to the other side, exit the room to get to a Star Post. Here the paths merge.

Final section

Grab the Super Sneakers and continue down the corridor in front of you while avoiding the enemies. You will eventually reach a large pyramid-like building with the Level End Sign.

Points of interest

Extra lives

  • An extra life is located on top of the waterfall in the first room. Stand on one of the gargoyles in the corners of the platform containing the waterfall and spindash-jump to reach the first level of the waterfall. Then look around for a spring in the water, which will take you to the top.
  • Also in the waterfall room at the start of the level, you can see rows of bushes to both sides of the entrance. Behind them are small holes you can spindash through, leading you to a waterfall room. Use a spring in the water to get to a high ledge, leading to an extra life (the same for both holes).
  • The room with the Mystic Shrine contains an extra life on the far edge of the platform that holds the Mystic Shrine.
  • At the second path split, turn left. Make your way through the first outdoor room and look to the right of the exit to see a platform with a yellow spring. Use this spring to get on top of the narrow L-shaped beam floating next to the exit. From there, continue across several beams and a platform containing a square button until you reach a beam with a yellow spring. Use the spring to reach the beam floating above you and to your left. From there, you should see a beam in the center of the room that contains an extra life. Use the beams in front of you to reach it.
  • At the second path split, turn left. In the room with the narrow beams, go to the exit, but instead of exiting, turn around. Jump across the beams to reach a beam with two Super Ring Monitors and an extra life on the other side.
  • At the second path split, turn right. You will eventually reach a room with several rising and falling platforms over a bottomless pit. An extra life is located on the far right side of the room.
  • Sonic's emblem location also contains twelve ring monitors and five extra lives.
  • In the long corridor at the end of the level, you can jump outside through the windows on both sides. You should see very narrow pillars on the outside of this corridor. Approximately in the middle of the room, there is one pillar per side with an extra life.
  • In the final room, jump down to the grass at the bottom of the pyramid-like building and walk around it to find six ring monitors and an extra life.

Waterfall room

In the waterfall room between the first and second path split, look up to see four beams near the ceiling that surround the room. The beam above the entrance of the room contains an extra life and two ring monitors. As Tails or Knuckles, you can simply fly or climb up to it. As Sonic, you need to enter the room via one of the waterfalls. All of the waterfalls can be entered through a hidden passage, although the one to the right of the exit cannot be entered as Sonic:

  • At the first path split, take the left path and proceed normally until you reach the building entrance that leads to the waterfall room. Instead of entering it, jump to the platform to your right and continue until you reach a platform with a diagonal yellow spring, which leads into another diagonal spring. Press forward after bouncing off the second spring to reach a high platform next to the building entrance. On this platform, a row of rings points towards a hole in the wall. Spindash through the hole to reach a river that feeds one of the waterfalls in the waterfall room. Follow the current to the end and then jump off to land on the beam containing the extra life.
  • At the first path split, take the right path and proceed normally until reach the building entrance that leads to the waterfall room. Instead of entering it, jump on the platform to your right and continue across several more platforms until you get to one with a diagonal yellow spring. Take the spring to land on a floating platform. From there, jump across another floating platform to reach a high platform next to the building entrance. On this platform, a row of rings points towards a hole in the wall. Spindash through the hole to reach a river that feeds one of the waterfalls in the waterfall room. Follow the current to the end and then jump off to land on the beam containing the extra life.
  • At the second path split, take the left path and proceed through the outdoor room. At the end, look to your right to see a platform with a yellow spring. Use this spring to get on top of the narrow L-shaped beam floating next to the exit. From there, continue across several beams and a platform containing a square button until you reach a beam with a yellow spring. Use the spring to reach the beam floating above you and to your left. From there, jump across a few more beams to reach the top of a tower high above the entrance of the room. Besides holding an Elemental Shield, it also allows you to enter a tunnel which leads to a river that feeds one of the waterfalls in the waterfall room. Follow the current to the end and then jump off to land on the beam above the exit of the room. Walk around to the other side to reach the one with the extra life.
  • As Tails or Knuckles, take the right path at the second path split. After entering the outdoor room, fly or climb up the tower to your left. At the top you will find an Elemental Shield and the entrance to a tunnel. The tunnel leads to a river that feeds one of the waterfalls in the waterfall room. Follow the current to the end and then jump off to land on the beam above the exit of the room. Walk around to the other side to reach the one with the extra life.


  • At the first path split, take the left path. When you reach the small square platforms with the blue springs over the pit, look to your left to see an Elemental Shield next to a high pillar. To reach it, jump down to it from one of the platforms to the left.
  • At the first path split, take the right path. After jumping across the first set of floating platforms, instead of turning right, jump to the pillar in front of you to reach an Elemental Shield.
  • In the waterfall room between the first and second path split, jump down into the water. A Whirlwind Shield is in the center of the room.
  • At the second path split, there is an alcove in the wall in front of you containing an Attraction Shield and two ring monitors.
  • At the second path split, take the right path and continue until you reach a room with several rising and falling platforms. An Armageddon Shield is on a stationary platform approximately midway through the room on the right side.

Super Sneakers

  • A Super Sneakers monitor is located at the start of the long corridor in the beginning.
  • A Super Sneakers monitor is located at the start of the long corridor at the end, after the second path split rejoins.


  • At the second path split, turn left. In the room with the narrow beams, once you reach the second level of beams, you should see an invincibility monitor on the far end of a beam next to you.

Emblem locations


This map contains six large square buttons, four of which need to be pressed to open a gate to a room containing this emblem. The buttons are in the following locations:

  • A button is located on top of the waterfall in the first room. Stand on one of the gargoyles in the corners of the platform containing the waterfall and spindash-jump to reach the first level of the waterfall. Then look around for a spring in the water, which will take you to the top.
  • At the second path split, take the left path. You will eventually enter a room with many narrow beams floating in the air. After reaching the red spring leading to the exit of that room, look across the pit to your left to see a platform with a button. Jump across the beams to reach it.
  • At the same path split, take the right path. You will eventually enter a room with many small floating platforms moving up and down. Look across the pit to your left from the entrance to see a platform with a button. Jump across the floating platforms to reach it.
  • In the final room of the level, walk around the large building to find a red spring on the backside, which leads up to a ledge with a button.

After pressing all four buttons, a chime sound will play. Go back to the start of the corridor where the second path split merges. Behind the Star Post is a gate that has now opened. Walk through it to enter a room with the emblem, five extra lives and twelve ring monitors.

Note: If you happen to die at any point while hunting buttons, the buttons will still be pressed when you respawn.

See image


In the final room of the level, walk around the large building to find a red spring on the backside, which leads up to a ledge with a button. The emblem floats above that button, next to the wall. To reach it, fly up to one of the ledges protruding from the building on either side and then fly further up from here.

See image


In the waterfall room between the first and second path split, climb up one of the walls to the very top and then glide to the platform suspended from the ceiling in the center of the room. The emblem sits on that platform.

See image

Technical data